Cant you see

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Prompt: Clarke loves Bellamy but thinks he will never feel the same so gets with Finn. High school AU (ending was inspired off of another one shot but is different) sorry this is  short.
Clarke's POV
Tonight Finn and I are going on a double date with O and Lincoln. So right now I am with O getting ready.
"Hey O what are you gonna wear?" I ask.
"We are going to a-" she says but I cut her off.
"I don't think I can do this anymore." I say. And I fall into the bed.
"What do you mean?" Octavia asks.
"I mean, I don't think I can date Finn anymore." I say my words getting mumbled because I am face down on my bed.
"Why not I thought you were happy?" she says and rubs my back.
"I wasn't. Never was." I say and slowly get up.
"Why not?" She asks.
"I never loved him." I say crying now.
"And I feel like a horrible person because I was just using him to keep my mind off of someone else and he fell in love and I didn't feel the same way and no matter what I do I can't keep my mind off him!" I blurt out.
"Oh... That is bad." She says.
"No shit Sherlock. What am I supposed to do now." I say.
"Break up with him, I cancel the date, and chill for a but and then confront the person you love." She says like its the most simple thing in the world.
"Ok." I say and pull out my phone. I dial Finns number.
"Hello-" he says but I cut him off.
"This isn't working out." I say and flinch as is I am waiting to be slapped. Then I quickly realize it's a phone and stand straight.
"Why not?" He says.
"It's- it's- it's just not working okay!" I scream because I am a mess and I am tired. I hang up.
"Wow. You took that like a champ." O says sarcastically.
"Shut up." I say.
" well I am going to leave cause I got to cancel reservations." She says getting up.
"Ok bye love you." I say.
"Love you too." She says and leaves.
Not five minutes later I hear someone knock at the door.
"Come in." I say. And non other than Bellamy Blake shows up. Bellamy and I have been friends for a while.
"Hey princess." He says. And notices my red stained cheeks and puffy eyes. He doesn't even ask and engulfs me in a hug. I break down in his arms and he places me on the couch and wraps a arm around me.
"I broke up with him." I cry.
"I'm sorry. I know you loved him." He says. I look up at him.
"And that's why I am sorry for this." He says and takes his two fingers and puts them on my chin and tilts my head up and gently kisses me. By the reaction I have him, I was shocked so I just froze and he was about to pull away but then I Brad the back of his neck and kiss him back. It's not like any other girls I've seen him kiss. This one was different. It was full of al emotion and just perfect. He was so gentle like I was the last thing on earth. I slowly pull away scared that everything will just disappear."I'm sorry I know you just broke up by I have loved you ever since I knew what love is and I couldn't help but do it." He mumbles and starts to get up.
"Wait!" I say. He turns around and looks at me. I walk up to him and kiss him quickly.
"I have loved you for the past 4 years." I say.
He spinners me and dips me down and kisses me.
"God, why didn't you act sooner." I smile into the kiss. I can hear his laugh. I love more than I ever expected too. Bellamy loves me and only me.
I hope you liked this! I just want to left you know I love you guys so much and your comments make my day and inspire me and keep me going. I used to be scared what people thought about my writing but now that I know that I have people like you that enjoy my work makes me feel like I can conquer anything. I love you! (also you can DM me pictures to write stories about)
May we meet again.

A series of bellarke oneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora