Their Strength

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Not my story.
Clarke cried herself awake. She was sweating and shaking in her bed as she tried to calm herself down. She was in her tent, not in the forest. She was alone, there was nobody currently trying to kill her that she knew of. Her friends were in their own tents not far away safe and sound. Slowly her quick breaths became slower.
Clarke was afraid. She was afraid to fall back asleep because she knew that if she did, the nightmares would return. But she also knew that if she didn't sleep then she would not be at her best. And Clarke needed to be at her best. Though it was getting harder and harder each day, as the nightmares created tireless nights. And it was taking longer and longer to calm herself down after one occured.
The second time Clarke woke up that night, she was crying so hard she could not calm herself. The tears came rolling down her face as she exited her tent, hoping the fresh air would calm her down. She wasn't for sure where she was walking to until she was in front of his tent.
Bellamy sat up in bed. As soon as he saw Clarke peeking her head in the flap, he launched himself up and went to her.
"Clarke? Is everything ok? Did something happen?"
Clarke tried to compose herself. "No, I-I don't know why I came here. I just-had a nightmare and-"
Bellamy's concerned face softened. "It's ok. I get them too."
Clarke sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of woke you."
"No,no. It's fine I promise. How many have you had tonight?"
Clarke closed her eyes. "That was the second one. But it is the worst one I've had in awhile." She shuttered. "There was so many bodies. Everyone I care about was being-they were-."
Bellamy took her shivering arm. "Hey, hey it's alright. Everyone is alright, it was just a dream. Why don't you stay here for the night."
Clarke couldn't help but glance down at him standing in nothing but his shorts.
"I think you'll feel better if you're not alone," said Bellamy.
Clarke followed him over to the bed and crawled in the other side. Each of them laid looking towards to tent wall. She was surprised at how fast sleep came.
When Clarke woke up, her and Bellamy's limbs were tangled. She coudln't remember if she had had anymore nightmares the rest of the night. When she got up from the bed, Bellamy woke up as well. Neither said a word as she exited the tent, and they didn't mention it for the rest of the day.
But after that Clarke slept in Bellamy's tent almost every night. It started out with whenever she woke up from the first nightmare, she would shakily make her way over to him. He would already be laying on one side of the bed, leaving room for her. Sometimes he would wake up, and didn't say a word. Other times he was asleep when she came, but he was never surprised to wake up and see her laying beside him. On the 8th day of this arrangement, when Clarke slipped under the blanket Bellamy said groggily, "You might as well just start out sleeping in here."
And so she did.
Every night they would go to sleep on opposite ends of the bed. And every morning they would wake up a tangle of limbs.
The nightmares started to decrease, just her knowing that he was there laying beside her. And when she did wake up shaking and crying, she would move a little closer to him. Sometimes he woke up too from nightmares, and he would move just a bit closer to Clarke.
One time Clarke woke up screaming. Bellamy woke up with start.
"Clarke. Clarke, wake up."
Clarke's eyes shot open and looked around the tent scared. Tears started to well up in her eyes.
"You-you were laying on the ground with a spear in you. And Octavia and Jasper and Raven they were all-were all-"
Bellamy reached out and pulled her close to him. He held her in his arms, stroking her hair whispering over and over, "It's ok. I'm here. You're alright, I'm here." Until she fell asleep in his arms.
The next day, Clarke was overwhelmed with the number of people who needed to be taken care of. Knife wounds, broken bones, and five people laying sick in a bed, unknown what was wrong with them and even if they were contagious. Clarke tried her best to stay strong, but at one point she was about to break. That is when Bellamy came to her. He said nothing, but took her hand and interlocked their fingers. A couple seconds later he let go, and that was all it took to give her the strength to go on.
And soon that became a regular occurrence as well. Whenever one of the two were in a tough situation, the other would slip their hand into theirs. It was a simple gesture to let them know that they would be there for them.
One night, Clarke saw a girl flirting with the Bellamy by the fire. She recognized her as one of the girls she used to see exit his tent in the morning. The girl leaned in close to Bellamy, until she was basically on top of him and whisper, "Why don't I stop by tonight, we haven't had fun in awhile..."
Clarke didn't stay to listen to the rest. She got up from her spot and left for her tent.
She was sharpening some knives when she heard someone open the flap of the tent. It was getting late, and she was putting off going to bed because she knew the nightmares would be worse without him sleeping beside her. She looked up and was surprised to see Bellamy standing there with his arms crossed.
"You coming?"
Clarke looked back down and focused on the knife she sharpening. "Aren't you having a slumber party with someone else tonight?"
Bellamy smiled, amused. "I told her no. I already have someone staying with me."
Clarke didn't say anything.
"Well if you feel like coming over, you know where to find me," and he left.
Clarke had every intention of not going over there, but she found that she was not going to be able to sleep without his comforting presence.
Bellamy was not surprised at all when she crawled next him. He rolled so he could face her.
"I'm not going to bring another girl here. The only one allowed to sleep here is you."
Clarke nodded and closed her eyes. Bellamy watched her sleep for a bit longer before closing his own eyes.
One day Bellamy had to leave the camp for a hunting trip. They were going to be gone until the next morning. Clarke walked with him to the edge of the camp.
"It's one night," he said, his voice full of concern, "Will you be ok?"
"Yeah. Of course."
Bellamy grabbed her hand. "Take care of the camp. We'll be back before lunch tomorrow."
Clarke gave him one last squeeze and watched him as he walked off.
That night she went to his tent and lay down on her side of the bed. She curled up into a ball, missing Bellamy's familiar rugged breathing. It took her a long time to fall asleep. And when she woke up in the middle of the night, she couldn't help but let a few tears fall on the pillow without him there to comfort her.
The next morning they did not return. And by afternoon Clarke was getting scared. They would not send out a search team until the next morning. She kept busy by doing her usual running the camp duties, but she was constantly glancing toward the gate waiting for Bellamy to come through. That evening she sat at the fire when she saw the group walking up towards them. They were all tired and bleeding from the rough experience they went through. Relief flooded through Clarke as she walked up to Bellamy. He opened his arms and she fell into them. She held him tightly not wanting to let go.
That night when Clarke crawled under the blanked, she curled up next to him.
"I missed you."
Bellamy wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.
"I missed you too."
They fell asleep in each other's arms, because each one of them was the other's strength.
And that night neither of them had nightmares.
May we meet again.

A series of bellarke oneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora