Online Boyfriend

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Not my story. One of my absolute favs!
"Raven. I'm really nervous. I think I'm going to throw up."
Raven just rolled her eyes. Clarke had been stating how nervous she was for the last half an hour. The two girls were sitting in the uncomfortable plastic seats at the New York airport, waiting.
"Clarke, you'll be fine. His plane doesn't come in for another 10 minutes anyways."
Clarke started to subconsciously chew on her thumbnail. "But what if I'm not was he expected? What if I'm not as pretty as he thought!"
Raven sighed. "Clarke, you guys have been talking for more than a year now! I'm pretty sure he knows more about you than I do, and we've been best friends for 4 years. And you look gorgeous, so you needn't worry about that."
Clarke still was unsure. It seemed unreal that she was finally going to get to see Bellamy in person.
The two of them had met online when Clarke joined a tutoring site to help her in Calculus . That online tutor happened to be Bellamy Blake.
They would at first Skype just when she needed help with her homework. They would work through the problems together, him making everything seem so much simpler than her professor taught.
But soon they started to become friends. After her homework was completed, they would spend hours talking about their favorite things. They regularly got into fights about books and movies, and Clarke loved debating with him. When one day she was fighting why fairytales are actually good literature, Bellamy said:
"If you want to believe that you go ahead, Princess."
Clarke raised her eyebrows, but the name stuck.
She learned a lot about Bellamy; he lived in Seattle in an apartment with his sister. He was a bartender at a local bar, but during the day he was an online tutor so he could make a little extra cash. Bellamy even gave Clarke his cell phone number, so they could text throughout the day.
When the semester was over, Clarke Skyped Bellamy.
As soon as his smiling face appeared on the screen, Clarke shouted, "I got an A- on my final!"
Bellamy clapped. "Good job, Princess! I knew you could do it."
"It's all thanks to you Bells, I couldn't of done it without you."
Bellamy looked down at his hands. "So this may sound stupid...but I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?"
Clarke looked at him confused. "Bellamy, we are thousands of miles apart. How are we going to have a date?"
"Well I was thinking we could have a movie date over Skype. We could pick a movie on Netflix, and then start it at the same time..."
Clarke smiled. "Alright. Friday at 8:30?"
Bellamy lit up. "It's a date!"
That was the first of many movies dates. Sometimes the two would Skype into the early hours of the morning, and Clarke would fall asleep talking to him. The two talked all summer, and into the next year.
Clarke got in the habit of calling him her boyfriend. Raven, who was her roommate, thought she was crazy. Raven and her had been through a lot together. When they were in high school, Clarke had met a guy Finn at a party. She went out on a couple dates with him, and thought she was in love. It wasn't until after she slept with him that she learned he had a girlfriend. Clarke confessed to his girlfriend what had happened, Raven, and the two of them confronted him together. Instead of taking to Finn to the movie they were going to see, Raven took Clarke and they became best friends.
"Clarke you've never even met the guy!"
The two girls were sitting in their apartment's kitchen. Raven was making some pancakes for dinner.
"I know, but I feel like I have. I mean I've told him everything! I've even met his sister, and she's really nice."
Raven flipped over the pancake in the pan. "But don't you wish you could date someone you could actually physically go out with?"
Clarke sighed. She wished that all the time. Whenever she would go to the movies with Raven and her boyfriend Wick and he would hold Raven, she wished that Bellamy was there to hold her that way.
She often daydreamed of the two of them together. Sitting under a tree in central park, ice skating during Christmastime, falling asleep in his arms.
"I do Raven. But I can't imagine being with anyone besides him," Clarke lowered her voice almost into a whisper. "Raven...I think I love him."
Raven stopped making the pancakes, and looked at Clarke.
"So this is real huh? This isn't just some online fling."
Clarke shook her head. "I'm in love with him and only him."
Later that night Clarke was on the phone with Bellamy.
"What I wouldn't give to be beside you right now, " Bellamy said.
Clarke smiled into the phone. "Bell...I wouldn't want anyone else beside. I love you."
Her heart stopped while the line was silent. Then tears came to her eyes when Bellamy said, "I love you too Clarke. I love you too."
Towards the end of May that next year, Bellamy called Clarke on a Tuesday night as usual. But this time he said the words she thought he'd never say.
"Clarke, what do think of me and O coming to New York for the summer?"
Clarke's breath hitched. "What?"
"Well Octavia got an internship in the city, and I've been looking at apartments and I thought I'd just come with her. Find a summer job there, continue online tutoring. What do you think?"
Clarke almost couldn't get the words out fast enough. "That would be amazing! I mean I could help you get a job and find an apartment and-"
"-and I could finally take you out on a real date."
Clarke had never felt more excited than she did in that moment. As soon as she hung up with Bellamy she shouted to Raven the good news.
That's what led Clarke into an almost nervous breakdown at the airport, waiting for Bellamy and Octavia to arrive.
When she saw people starting to come down the escalator, Clarke stood up . Raven crossed her arms and stood up too, and they both stared at the people, searching for his familiar face.
And then she saw him.
For the first time she saw her Bellamy's face in person. He was even more handsome in real life. He saw her instantly, and his face broke into a huge smile.
"Breath Clarke," Raven laughed as she watched her best friend.
Octavia waved from the escalator. They came closer and closer to the bottom.
As soon as he stepped off, Raven gave Clarke a little shove.
Clarke broke out into a run and jumped into Bellamy's open arms. His arms wrapped around her waist, embracing really tight, but Clarke didn't mind. He picked her up off her feet and swung her around. She buried her face into his neck, inhaling in his scent that until the moment she could only guess what it was. He smelled even better than she imagined. He held her for what seemed like an eternity.
Finally he set her down, and she leaned out so she could look at his face.
"Hi Princess."
Clarke bit her lip. "Hi Bells."
Bellamy bent down and kissed her, and Clarke felt like there were fireworks exploding in her head.
When Raven finally said, "Alright guys, I know that this is the first time meeting in all, but you have all summer" the two finally pulled away.
"I've been waiting a long time to do that," said Bellamy. Clarke smiled and wrapped her arms around him once more.
May We meet again.

A series of bellarke oneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora