Are we in the clear yet (good)

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Not mine

She shrugs a little, looking out the window. "I always drive when I can."

"How long?"

"Four days."

He whistles again. "Seriously. That's--something."

"I've had a lot of suggestions," she says, with a smile. "Insane from my mother. Needlessly stubborn from my best friend. You're driving me to an early grave from my assistant."

He laughs. "Put me down for all of the above." He turns into the auto shop and brings the car inside. There's a girl in an oil-stained jumpsuit waiting for them, a really gorgeous girl, she can't help noticing. She wouldn't look out of place on any of Clarke's movie sets, once she washed her face. "Brought you a present, Reyes."

"Holy fuck, that is a Frankencar," Reyes says, checking out the car as Wick lets it down. She glances at Clarke and does a double-take. "This is what you drive?"

"My dad built it from spare parts when he was twenty. He was so proud of it." She shuts her mouth, not wanting to keep going. She's been fighting with her mom about this car for ten years, but these two don't need to know that. "It still runs, anyway," she says, with an awkward jerk of her shoulders. "Wick said you could fix it."

"Making promises I can't keep?" Reyes asks Wick with a raise of her eyebrows.

"Sorry, I was under the impression you were good at this." He crosses his arms. "I checked under the hood; it's not pretty, but all its parts are in decent shape."

"I take care of it," Clarke offers, a little shy.

Reyes sizes her up and offers her hand. "I'm Raven," she says. "Don't worry, I've got this. But it's quitting time and, no offense, but you look like you could use a drink."

She lets out a surprised laugh. "I do?"

"Probably a whole bottle," says Wick. "Octavia's working tonight, right?" he asks Raven.

"Yup. Our apartment's over a bar. Grab a bag, you can take a shower at our place, get changed, have a few, and we'll get you to your hotel after."

It sounds like the best idea she's ever heard. But she has to ask, "You know what hotel I'm staying at?"

"There's only one nice hotel in town," says Raven, with a shrug. "Not exactly rocket science."

"Although, for the record, she can also do some rocket science," says Wick, draping his arm over Raven's shoulders. "You in?"

Clarke can't help it; she likes them. "Yeah, I'm in."


"Stop glaring."

Bellamy takes a break from glaring at his sister's boyfriend, playing darts with Jasper and Monty, to glare at his sister instead. "I'm not glaring. I'm watching."

She rolls her eyes. "He's nice. He's a good guy. He--"

"He's older than I am," says Bellamy. "He's thirty."

"You're an asshole. I like this guy, Bell. Put in some effort, okay?"

He sighs. "I'm not going over there and interrogating him, am I? Give me some credit."

"Congratulations for not being as much of an asshole as you could be." But she cracks a smile, and he cracks one back.

"That wasn't so hard."

"Yeah, y--" she cuts herself off, eyes widening in the direction of the door. "Holy shit."


A series of bellarke oneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora