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Not my story.
Week One
Clarke didn't want to do this experiment. But she needed to money, so she was going to do it. It was six weeks of living with someone you didn't know. Or it could be someone you sort of knew, but not very well, the designers of the experiment paired you with who they thought would be best.
It wasn't even two months. That is what Clarke kept telling herself. Not even two months, and she would have enough money to pay for next semester's classes. Six weeks. 42 days. It was worth the money.
At least she thought that until she got her partner. She was going to have to live in Bellamy Blake's apartment for the next six weeks. The same Bellamy Blake who happened to be in her Ancient History class last year. The same Bellamy Blake that was a total asshole, and would constantly argue with her over everything. The same Bellamy Blake that her stomach involuntarily flipped all over when she saw him around campus. She didn't have a crush on him...but there was something.
Bellamy was not fond of the idea of living with her either. He was hoping he would get a sexy girl he could get drunk with on the weekends and maybe sleep together every once in a while. Instead he got Clarke Griffen, who yeah he admitted was gorgeous, but had a fiery temper, hated him, and from what he could tell, was a stuck up rich girl who was used to getting what she wanted. That's not the type Bellamy liked.
They got in their first argument that first night over where each of them were going to sleep. Bellamy had a nice Queen size bed, but his couch was small and not very comfortable (but hey, it was free). Finally they decided to both sleep in the bed, as long as they stayed on their respected sides.
But when Bellamy woke up for work that next morning, he was lying in the middle with Clarke's back pressed up against him. A peaceful bliss went over him, having the warmth of Clarke against him, sleeping soundly. He almost didn't want to get out of bed. But he had to get to the coffee shop soon, so he careful got up, trying not to stir Clarke, and left.
At work he couldn't get that blonde haired princess out of his mind. He needed to think of something else. So after work he did that in the only way he thought possible.
When Clarke opened the door to his apartment that night after her shift at the gallery, her body froze up. Bellamy was on the couch, looking very intimate with a girl she had never seen before. They didn't even pull away as Clarke bustled past them into the bathroom to take a shower. She tried to ignore the aching in her stomach when she thought of what she saw.
After the girl had left, Clarke confronted Bellamy in the kitchen.
"I think we need some rules."
Bellamy looked up from where he was pouring himself some cereal.
"What kind of rules?"
Clarke snatched the box away from him. "Well for starters, I paid for this cereal so you can't just eat all of it."
Bellamy snorted, but said, "Fair enough, what else?"
Clarke took a deep breath before saying, "I think that you should not be allowed to have *ahem* others in the apartment while I'm living here."
"That's not fair at all."
"Oh ok. Fair warning, I'm going to bring a guy I met at the bar here tomorrow. So stay out of the house."
Bellamy's face turned red. "I don't think so Princess, you aren't getting laid in my place."
"If I can't have him over, you aren't allowed to bring girls over," Clarke challenged.
Bellamy finally grumbled in agreement.
The rest of the week went by smoothly. They rarely talked to each other, stayed to themselves. They followed the rules they had agreed upon.
But on Saturday, that changed.
Clarke had been out with friends all day. She had stopped by apartment she shared with Raven to grab a few odds and ends and then went made her way back to Bellamy's.
When she approached the door, she stopped in shock. She tried to convince herself that it couldn't be. They had an agreement.
But when she entered the apartment and saw through the open bedroom door, she was suddenly filled with both hurt and rage.
Bellamy and a half-naked girl both turned around abruptly when they heard her slam the door.
"We had a rule Bellamy. You broke our rule."
Bellamy angrily got up from his position on the bed and strode to in front of Clarke.
"Yeah, well it was a stupid rule anyways."
"You can't do that Bellamy! We are doing this together, and you can't break the rules we made!"
"Last time I checked I can do whatever the hell I want in my apartment!"
Clarke tried her best to conceal how much she was hurting from seeing him with another girl. "This experiment is built on respect and trust, and you just broke both of those!"
"Why don't you leave my business to me!"
Clarke bit back the urge to start crying. "This experiment was a mistake."
"Yeah, why don't you go call your mom and cry to her about how you didn't get your happily ever after."
In that moment Clarke just wanted to get out of there. She needed to get out of there. She was not going to give Bellamy the satisfaction of seeing her cry.
"I'm going back to my apartment."
"You are quitting the damn experiment?! Then neither of us get the money Princess! And unlike you I actually need it to pay for my sister's education! We don't all get handouts from daddy, some of us actually have to work for our money!"
Bellamy saw a tear slip down her cheek, and he instantly wanted to take back every word he said. But before he could do that, she turned around and left.
He told Rebecca she had to go. Then he called Clarke five, ten times.
"I'm sorry Princess, I shouldn't of broke the rules."
"Princess, I shouldn't of said any of that, come back so we can talk."
"Princess, I'm sorry."
"Clarke. Please come home."
But she didn't respond to any of his messages. He didn't hear from her at all until Sunday night, when he entered his apartment. He had expected to find all of her stuff gone. Instead he found the window open, and Clarke sitting on the fire escape.
He set down his stuff and crawled out to sit beside her. It was chilly outside, the cold wind making them shiver in silence.
It was Clarke who spoke first.
"I don't get handouts from "Daddy". "Daddy" had been dead since I was 16. And I don't get money from my mother either. She cut me off when I moved to New York."
Bellamy had ever felt more horrible than he did right then. "Clarke. I'm sorry, for everything. For what I said, for breaking the rules, for being a dickhead to live with."
Clarke gave him a weak smile. "If we are going to continue this, something is going to have to change."
Bellamy agreed. "How about we start by going inside and having dinner. Not to brag, but I'm pretty awesome cook."
After Clarke took one bite of his pasta, she had to agree.
Weeks Two-Three
Bellamy and Clarke learned more about each other in the next two weeks than they had the year they had known of each other.
Bellamy knew what Clarke liked and disliked. He knew that she couldn't cook to save her life, and Clarke knew Bellamy loved to cook and try out new recipes.
They spent most nights on the couch studying or watching TV together. Sundays were Walking Dead nights, Wednesdays were Arrow.
Clarke went to bed later than Bellamy. She was usually up studying and Bellamy had to wake up early, so she would slip into bed, trying not to wake him.
Sometimes Clarke would wake up pressed into Bellamy. She would smile, hoping he wouldn't wake up and push her away. She slept better in his arms.
Bellamy would always wake up with Clarke curled up into him. He would lay there for a moments before quietly getting up, trying to not disturb her. It was both the worst and his favorite part of the day. He loved the feeling of Clarke in his arms. He hated leaving her. He was hoping that she wouldn't wake up sometime and get freaked out by him holding her so close.
It was on the Friday of the third week that Clarke went out shopping with her best friend Raven.
"Oh, we have to stop at the Supermarket. We're out of milk, and you know I have to have milk in my cereal."
Raven raised her eyebrows. "We're out of milk?"
Clarke paid no attention to her, and instead looked through the nearby rack. "Yeah, milk. Also you should text to remind me when I get home to yell at Bellamy for not doing the dishes the morning."
Raven laughed out loud. "Oh my gosh you guys are so married."
Clarke jerked up from where she was looking at some coats, and started choking on her gum.
Raven rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean. You guys act like your married."
"We do not," Clarke scoffed, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Please," Raven crossed her arms, "When does he get off work tonight?"
"5, but that has-"
"Favorite type of dessert?"
"French silk pie, but that's because-"
"Sister's birthday?"
"August 17 but I only-"
Clarke huffed. "That is so unfair."
Raven threw her hands up in the air. "Clarke! Why don't you get together with the guy already? You know everything about him, I've been dating Wick for a year and a half and I don't know when his brother's birthday is!"
Clarke sighed. "Yeah I know. But it's going so well, and I don't think he feels the same way as me. I don't want to ruin it."
"Please, he is so into you. He knows everything about you too!"
Clarke shook her head. "I don't think so, thanks anyways Raven."
Raven was not one to give up. "Fine, let's go stop by his shop and get some coffee."
Clarke didn't know what Raven thought she was going to prove by going to his work, but she did want coffee so they went.
When Clarke walked in, Bellamy's face lit up from behind the counter. Clarke didn't notice this of course, but Raven did.
Bellamy immediately started making a her drink before she even got to the register to order. When she finally did make it to the counter, he handed her the coffee.
"One vanilla latte with extra whip cream on the house."
Clarke smiled, "Aww thanks!" Raven gave her a pointed look, but Clarke just brushed her off and instead turned to Bellamy.
"If you thinks this makes up for not doing the dishes, you're wrong."
Bellamy sighed, "Come on, I was running late this morning!"
Clarke shook her head, "Whatever, I did them for you."
Bellamy smiled and Clarke's heart did a little flip. It seemed to be doing that a lot lately.
"You're the best princess. Raven did you want anything?"
"Strawberry banana smoothie."
Bellamy turned around and started making her drink.
"We are stopping by the supermarket after this, do you want anything?" Clarke said.
"Oh yeah, I saw we are out of milk. Can you get me those granola bar things that I like?" Bellamy said over his shoulder.
"Of course," Clarke said ignoring Raven mouthing the word married beside her.
Later that night Clarke and Bellamy settled in on the couch to watch a movie. It was Clarke's turn to choose, and she picked to watch The Princess Bride because who doesn't love The Princess Bride.
They sat together in their pajamas on the tiny uncomfortable couch and watched the movie together. Clarke eventually fell asleep on the arm rest.
When the movie got over Bellamy went and picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. He laid her down on her side, pulled the blanket over her, before climbing into his own side. Clarke subconsciously rolled so she was inches away from Bellamy.
After a few minutes of debating with himself, he finally reached and laid his arm across her, causing her to come even closer. He fell asleep Clarke in his arms and woke up with Clarke in his arms.
Clarke woke up to Bellamy absent mindedly running his fingers through her hair. Her head was pressed up against his chest, her leg wedged in between his.
Clarke sighed in content. "Can we just stay like this all morning?" she said softly.
Bellamy pulled his hand away in surprise, thinking she had been sleeping. He put it back, though, when he realized that she was content with being there next to him.
"If that's what you want Princess."
They did stay like that until Clarke drifted back to sleep. As much as Bellamy would of loved to stay there and watch her, he knew he should go make her breakfast.
Clarke woke up to the smell of pancakes being made.
"Smells delicious," she said, walking into the kitchen. Her hair was tousled, and she was wearing an oversized shirt and pajama shorts. Bellamy thought she looked beautiful.
"Made your favorite, blueberry."
"Yesssss," Clarke said sitting at one of the counter stools, "You know me so well."
Bellamy smiled. He did know her very well.
After breakfast, they grabbed their coffee mugs and went and sat out on the fire escape and watched the cars below.
That night when Clarke crawled into bed, she moved right up against Bellamy, curling into his side. They both slept perfectly that night.
Week Four
It was a Wednesday night and Clarke and Bellamy had just gotten back to the apartment building after being at an art show at the gallery Clarke worked at. They stepped into the elevator, the cool metal doors sliding shut after them.
"Thanks for coming again," Clarke said turning towards Bellamy, "You really didn't have to."
"Of course I did," he responded, "I know how much it meant to you."
Clarke swallowed. He was looking directly into her eyes. There was nothing more than she wanted in that moment than to kiss him.
He was waiting for a reaction from her. A sign saying she wanted this too.
Her eyes flickered to his lips for a millisecond. That's all he needed.
They met within seconds. Fireworks exploding in Clarke's head when his lips touched hers. Her arms wrapped around his neck, his arms on her hips guiding her closer. Her hand intertwined in his curls, his cupping around her lifting her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist.
The elevator door slid open and he carried her down the hall, hands fumbling for the keys in his pocket with one hand as he held her up with other.
Finally opening the door and then falling on top of the bed.
As his mouth roamed her skin, she couldn't help but let out a breathy "Finally."
Week Five
Raven told her "I told you so" a thousand times.
"I knew that you guys were going to get together. I bet the experiment guys knew it too. That's probably what it actually was, some kind of dating service."
Clarke had actually wondered that too. If that was true, than they had done a pretty good job matching her and Bellamy up.
They still fought, that would never change. But now their fighting would just lead to a passionate make out session.
It was even harder for Bellamy to get out of bed in the morning.
Week Six
The final week of the experiment had finally came. A lot had changed since they had first started.
Bellamy and Clarke laid on the couch on the Wednesday night, watching Arrow as usual. Bellamy was flipping through one of his textbooks as Clarke laid outstretched, her feet in his lap, staring at the commercial on the screen.
"Yeah?" he said, not taking his eyes of the page.
"I think we should talk about what's going to happen after the experiment."
Bellamy stopped reading and looked up at her. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," Clarke said, sitting up and drawing her knees to her chest, "What are we going to do? Are we still going to have this...arrangement?"
Bellamy closed his book and set it beside him on the table before turning to face Clarke. "I guess I just figured you'd continue living here. I know we haven't been officially dating for long, and if you aren't comfortable with it than you can move back in with Raven and we can just have date nights or-"
Clarke launched herself across the couch, grabbing his face and crashing her lips on his. He got over the initial shock quickly, and they moved together until Clarke finally pulled away.
"What was that for?" Bellamy asked, catching his breath.
"I want to live with you."
Bellamy's face broke out in a grin and came forward to meet her once more.
The End
They walked hand in hand into the building on the last day. The researchers were delighted to see this. Turns out the experiment was a success.
May we meet again.

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