Mail to the army

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Clarke's POV
*beep* *beep* *beep*
"Urghhh.." I groan as I turn myself over and slap my alarm off.
10 minutes later the alarm goes off again...
"Why do you HATE me!!!" I yell into my pillow. I turn off my alarm and decide I should probably get up. It's Sunday. I don't really have any plans but Sunday means mail! Bellamy is my mailman he is also one of my good friends. We have become really close over the time he has given me my mail. Pathetic right? Well not to me. I think I may have feelings for him and that is scary. I haven't been in a relationship since.... Well, Finn. And we all know how that turned out. I get up and off my bed and head to the kitchen.
I decide that I want some pancakes for breakfast and I begin to make the batter.
I attempt to flip it but when it hits the pan some batter flys onto me. I'll clean it later.
I finish up the pancakes and put them on a plate.
When I finish with the pancakes I go back to my closet to change. I am really not in the mood for dress to impress. I throw on sweatpant material shorts and a black spaghetti strap tank top and throw my hair in a messy bun. To let all of you know... Messy buns is a skill. They are very complex and takes about 5-25 minutes to do. I wanted to go on a run so I tie up my sneakers and head out. I jog down the block to my friend Harper's house. We have been best friends since we were four. When I reach the door I go over to her potted plant and dig out the spare key.
I unlock the door and walk into her kitchen and set the key on the countertop and make myself a peanut butter sandwich.
"Clarke?" Michael says.
"Hey mike!" I say taking a bite from my sandwich. Michael is Harper's younger brother.  He lives with her because Harper and him got into this huge fight with their mom so they moved out on their own. They have a great bond.
"What are you doing here and how did you get in?" He asks.
"Here to take Harper on our girl date, and spare key in the potted plant." I explain. He nods his head.
"Is she still sleeping?" I ask taking another bite out of my sandwich.
"Not everybody wakes up at 7 am on a weekend." He says pouring a bowl of cereal.
"I'm going to go wake her up." I say.
"Knock yourself out." He sighs.
I run into her bedroom and jump on her bed.
"HARPER!" I yell. She jolts up.
"Clarke you scared me to death!" She groans.
"We have all day planned remember?" I say questioning her.
"Oh shoot. I have a date with Mathew today I am so sorry I totally forgot how about we do this next week?" She says. My face drops. I was so excited for today.
"Oh um well have fun, and remember to text me the details later ok?" I whisper.
"Ok." She says.
I head out the door and jog back to my place.
I catch Bellamy dropping of a package. I don't think I ordered anything.
"Hey are you sure that's mine?" I tease. He turns to look at me.
"Oh it's a goodbye gift from me." He says. That's when I realize he isn't in his uniform.
"You wanna come inside, Bell?" I ask.
"You joined the army!" I jolt causing the tea in my hand to spill on my leg.
"Ah!" I whisper yell.
"Oh! Are you ok?" He asks giving me napkins.
"Yeah I'm fine." I say taking them from his hands.
"Just a surprise that's all." I sigh. This just changes everything.
"Bellamy there is something I need to tell you." I say setting down the cup.
"Oh god." He groans and rolls his head.
"It's just that I really really really like you and-"  I start.
"Wait you like me?" He chuckles.
"Yeah- Hey why are you laughing at me?!" I say.
"It's just that I like you too but it's not like it's going to go anywhere because I'm going over seas." He says getting up.
"Wait." I say stepping around the chair.
"We can work this out." I say. He takes my hands.
"I'm leaving in two days." He says.
"We can work long distance." I say swinging our hands.
"Well then, if you're up to the challenge... Clarke princess Griffin will you be my girlfriend?" He asks and my heart flutters I didn't realize u wanted this so much until he said it just seconds ago.
"Of course!" I say jumping onto him giving him a smack in the lips.
"Stay over." I say placing myself back into the ground and press my forehead against his.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." He says giving me a nice gently kiss on the lips.
That turns into a full blown make out and then takes place in the bedroom.
The next morning...
"Today's your last day." I say tracing patterns on his chest.
"Hey, this is hard for me too." He says kissing my forehead.
"Do-do you think we are moving to fast?" I say teary eyed.
"I think we're perfect." He says.
"Now I am taking you on out first real date." He says.
This is crappy. I'm sorry. But I need your help with ideas. And get excited for my new bellarke book think of me! I know I am!! Comes out in a few days.

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