Agent Blake

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Not my story.
Bellamy Blake was the best there was. He could be in and out of a place before the enemy was even aware that he was there. He could hit a target accurately from over two hundred feet away. When he was interrogating someone, he got what he wanted, when he wanted it, which was why he was so annoyed with the girl sitting opposite him who was absolutely refusing to tell him anything.

She was an agent herself, from his agency's rival group, which was probably half the problem - although he had interrogated their agents successfully before. From what he could tell, she was stubborn, and headstrong, and determined to frustrate him. She also thought that she was good at what she did, which make him laugh, because if she was good she wouldn't have gotten caught in the first place. She was arrogant, and cocky, and she was making his head spin, dammit, by talking in circles. And yes. She was attractive, looking more like a princess than an agent, with her curly blonde hair and wide blue eyes.

But he goes through the motions anyway, ignoring her sarcastic remarks, and the fact that she probably knows what he's doing, until he can't stand it anymore, and leaves the room. He makes it as far as command before he is spotted.

"Yo Blake, aren't you supposed to be interrogating that chick?" It's Murphy.

"She isn't co-operating, so I was gonna give it a rest for a while." Bellamy answers him.

"So in other words, you're giving up," Murphy actually has the nerve to smirk, and Bellamy curses the day that he decided to join his agency. "Thought I'd never see the day,"

"No, I'm not giving up," he rolls his eyes.

"Doesn't look like it from here," Murphy shoots back.

"You know what? I was actually just about to head back now," Bellamy snaps, then turns and stalks back to the interrogation room.

Stupid Murphy, and his stupid face. Bellamy couldn't even look at it without wanting to break his nose (again). He slams the door behind him when he enters the room, hoping to make the girl feel intimidated.

"Woah, someone's tetchy. What's the matter, did your boyfriend break up with you?"

Apparently not. He can practically hear the smirk in her voice, and he longs to put her in her place. He wonders for a moment how good she is at fighting, then dismisses the thought. She wasn't a threat. And besides, they hadn't even cuffed her to the chair.

He turns around to see that she had taken off her jacket while he was gone. He stares for a moment at the tantalizing amount of skin shown, and how her top seems to cling to her body like a second skin.

"Eyes up here, dork," she says.

He glances at her eyes, and sighs. He hates interrogations.

"What's your name?" he asks, not expecting to get a response.

"Clarke," she surprises him. Maybe this won't be so bad.

"Your full name?" he prompts.

"Dude, I'm not stupid," she snorts. Never mind. This is worse.

"Alright, Clarke," he says, raising an eyebrow dubiously. "What were you doing at the gala?"

"Super secret spy stuff," she smirks.

"Why am I not surprised," he mutters.

"Hey would you happen to have the time?" she asks, smiling innocently and batting her eyes.

"Uhh... Yeah," he glances at his watch. "It's eleven thirty four. Why?"

"Oh, I wouldn't want to miss my call in time,"

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