Octavia's breakup

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Not my story.
Clarke burst into the Blake house without even knocking. She took the stairs two at a time and ran down the hall to Octavia's door where Bellamy was standing outside of it.
"How's she doing?" Clarke asked when she approached him.
Bellamy shook his head. "She's locked herself in there and won't come out. She won't speak to me either, just screams go away and then more sobbing."
Clarke nodded. "Did she tell you what happened?
"No. She just came home crying and screaming a stream of curse words followed by 'Jason' and ran to her room. That's why I called you." Bellamy sighed. It had been an hour and a half and Octavia hadn't come out. Usually he was the one she came to with her problems, but he had a feeling he wasn't going to be able to help with this one. So he had called his girlfriend, Clarke, to try and help out. He had only been dating her for a month, but he could already tell that she had a way with people.
Clarke approached the door and softly knocked. "Octavia? It's Clarke can I come in?"
There was a soft pattering of feet walking against the carpet and then a click of the door being unlocked. Clarke opened the door slightly, gave one last smile to Bellamy, and slipped inside.
Octavia was sitting on her bed, curled up softly crying. Clarke slipped her backpack off and quietly sat on the edge of her bed.
Octavia looked up at her when she sat down, her eyes red and puffy from crying. "I don't want to talk about it."
Clarke nodded sympathetically. "That's alright, I thought we might just watch some movies? I brought some with me, do you have a VCR?"
Octavia looked at her confused. "Yeah, I think Bell has one in his room."
"Oh good! We can hook it up to your TV, I find that my old tapes are really comforting. " Clarke unzipped her backpack and pulled out a couple VHS tapes. "I brought The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, and The Rescuers. Which one do you want to watch?"
A slight smile came to Octavia's face. "The Little Mermaid, it's my favorite Disney movie."
Clarke beamed. "I love it too! I also brought these." Clarke reached in and pulled out two Barbies and a tiny hairbrush.
Clarke shrugged. "Whenever I'm upset I get out my favorite childhood toys. You'll be surprised at how calming it is to do Barbie's hair. My friend Lincoln and I do it all the time whenever we are overwhelmed by school or something."
Octavia laughed. "Lincoln? That guy that's on the football team?"
Clarke couldn't help but laugh too. "Yeah, hard to imagine isn't it? We've been best friends since we were little. And even though he plays college football now, he still is always at there to comb Barbie's hair when I need him."
Octavia picked up one of the Barbies and started to absentmindedly running her fingers through her hair. "I actually think I still have a box of dolls up in the attic..."
Clarke brightened. "You do? I'll go get them, the more the better right? I'll grab the VCR and some popcorn too. I'll be right back!"
Clarke got up and slipped out the door to see Bellamy still standing in the hallway.
"Can you point me to the attic? Also I'm borrowing your VCR."
Bellamy raised his eyebrows, "There's a hatch at the end of the hallway to get to the attic."
"Thanks! Now go make yourself useful and make us some popcorn."
Bellamy watched his girlfriend as her blonde hair made her way to the end of the hallway and reached up to pull down the attic hatch. Soon she had disappeared up the hole in the ceiling.
Bellamy shook his head and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. His girlfriend was something else. She was the kind of girl who looked cheery but looked like she would also kick your ass. And probably could.
Bellamy Blake wasn't known as the type of guy to settle down with one girl for too long. Honestly it was because he was always busy trying to take his classes at the local college, but also taking care of his sister too, who was a freshman in college . Ever since his mom jumped ship, Bellamy did his best trying to keep up the house and hi schoolwork.
Instead of having relationships, Bellamy Blake had flings with various girls. But Clarke Griffin had came into his life one day at the library, and all that had changed.
After the popcorn was made, Bellamy got two glasses of water for them and made his way up the stairs. He knocked on Octavia's door and Clarke popped her head out.
"Thanks Bell!" she said grabbing the food and drinks, "Now go somewhere else, we're having bonding time."
Bellamy shook his head as he walked away from the door. His girlfriend was definitely something else.
About an hour later, Bellamy got a text from Clarke asking if he could bring up some more popcorn. He carried to bowl up, and opened the door slightly.
"Can I come in?"
There was some muffled whispers before Clarke said, "Yeah just for a second."
Bellamy opened the door and stopped dead in his tracks. Clarke and Octavia where laying under a blanket fort, surrounded by dolls. Octavia was ranting, but seemed a lot calmer.
"So then he was like 'O I don't understand why you are freaking out so much? It was a onetime deal."
"What a twat, of course you would upset-oh popcorn!"
He set it down beside them, and crossed his arms, taking in his surroundings.
"Can we help you?" Octavia asked, and edge of snarkyness in her voice.
Bellamy just shook his head. "I do not understand you two."
Clarke gave him a sweet smile, while tugging a ponytail into her Barbie's hair. "Thanks for the popcorn babe, but you can leave now."
"Can't I play?"
Octavia threw a pillow at him. "Get out!"
He reluctantly left, shutting the door behind him.
By dinner, Octavia emerged, laughing with Clarke.
"So what was his plan exactly?"
Clarke shrugged. "I never said he was the smartest guy. So anyways Raven and I went to the movie together, and then afterwards we went to the mall and returned the gifts we got him for Christmas and then used that money to treat ourselves to a pedicure. And we've been great friends ever since."
"That is so cool! I wish it worked that way with the girl Jason cheated on me with. But unfortunately Maddie is a bitch who had always hated me. I hate her."
"Wait he cheated on you?!" Bellamy's knuckles turning white, as he gripped the plate he was holding tighter.
"Calm it Bell, no need to break a plate over that loser," Octavia said, "I'm over him, there's no reason for me to cry over a guy who never even loved me."
Clarke beamed at her. Bellamy watched his girlfriend in awe. In a few short hours she had gotten Octavia to stop crying over her ex and move on. He continued to watch her at dinner. The way her and Octavia interacted, it was so comfortable like they had known each other all their lives not just a couple of weeks. He loved it when Clarke laughed, and when she smiled it filled the room with warmth.
Afterwards, the three of them settled in the fort to continue the Disney movie marathon. Octavia fell asleep early, exhausted from the eventful day. Clarke quietly got up and exited the room, Bellamy behind her.
"I better go," Clarke whispered as she shut her door. Bellamy shook his head, catching her wrist.
"Please stay," he said, pulling her to him, "We can watch something on the couch."
Clarke smiled and allowed herself to be led to the living room where Bellamy drew her onto his lap on the couch. She tucked her head under his chin, and her eyes straining to stay open.
"Thank you for helping her. You are amazing."
Clarke gave a sigh of content. "Of course."
Bellamy let his fingers run through her golden strands of hair. He would of been happy staying like this forever.
"I love you Clarke."
Clarke turned her head slightly so she could look up at him.
"I love you too Bellamy."
Bellamy bent down to press a sweet kiss to her lips they settled back in their positions.
Clarke's eyes fluttered shut, her breath soon evening out.
Bellamy pressed one last kiss to her forehead before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
May we meet again.

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