The saga of bellamy blake

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Not mine

The first time Clarke decided she was in love with Bellamy Blake was the year she was in third grade and he was in fifth. She'd known him since her kindergarten year, of course, ever since she became friends with Octavia after school on the playground and the two of them formed their super-secret-best-friend-and-superheroes club. He'd always been in the background, reminding Octavia when it was time to go home and making sure they waited with Clarke until her dad came and got her before they walked away down the block.

For Valentine's Day that year she spent over an hour drawing hearts and flowers on a piece of paper around a message she wrote in her best cursive. "Dearest Bellamy, You are the coolest boy in school and I really really like you. Love, your Secret Admirer."

She bribed Octavia with a box of Milk Duds to sneak the note into Bellamy's Valentine Card box. Octavia gave her a thumbs up the next day from across the classroom in the morning to signal he'd gotten the card. Clarke waited with bated breath for the rest of the day, vaguely disappointed when her dad picked her up from school and Bellamy hadn't mentioned any notes from secret admirers.

Octavia shrugged when Clarke asked more about it. "I know he read it, but it's not like he talks to me about this stuff. But I hope you guys get married. I want you to actually be my sister, not just my best friend."

"Me too," Clarke replied, idly flipping the pages of her math workbook. "Hey, do you remember what we're supposed to be working on?"

"Who cares?" Octavia asked, doodling in the margins of her own book. "Want to come over for a sleepover this weekend? We can sneak into Bell's room and try to see if he kept the note."

The second time Clarke decided she was in love with Bellamy she was in fourth grade and he was in sixth. February was about to turn into March, snow covered the playground and an icy wind bit at her cheeks. She saw her dad pull up into the school parking lot just as she marched up to where Bellamy sat crouched over a book and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up at her, eyes not fully focused behind his glasses.

"I like you," she blurted out, cheeks warming with her embarrassment. "Bye!"

That night she got a phone call from Octavia. "Did you really walk up to my brother and tell him you like him?"

Clarke felt her cheeks turn red again. "Yes?"

Octavia laughed for a long time on the other end of the call. "Are you just going to tell him you like him every year until you guys actually date?"

"Probably," Clarke admitted.

"I know something you don't," Octavia grinned as she leaned against the locker next to Clarke's between classes. As fifth graders they had moved into the middle school next to their old elementary school and actually had to go to their lockers between classes. They'd also been put into different classes for the first time since meeting.

"Science was that good?" Clarke asked, switching out her history and math books.

"What?" Octavia asked, a frown line crinkling her forehead. "No, not about that. I know something about Bellamy that you don't know."

"He's your brother, you know a lot about him that I don't," Clarke argued, ignoring the butterfly feeling in her stomach. "But what do you know?"

Her grin widened. "He has a crush."

Clarke's stomach dropped. "Oh? Who is she?" She mentally ran through the list of seventh grade girls she knew, trying to figure out which would be the one Bellamy liked.

Octavia used Clarke's open locker door to imitate a drumroll. "You!"

Clarke stopped breathing, the butterflies in her stomach lurching back to life. "What?"

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