Bellamy is Injured

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Not my story. One of my favs as well!
Bellamy and Clarke never had admitted their feelings aloud. Their relationship was one of those that had just happened.
Neither had said how much they cared for the other. They expressed that in other ways.
Clarke knew Bellamy cared from the way he stood up for her. From the way when someone got near her he didn't trust, he was on guard, ready to defend her. From the way he said her name. From the way he looked at her whenever he needed strength.
Bellamy knew that Clarke cared by the way she looked, the relief flooding onto her face, when he returned to her. The way that she held onto him when she hugged him that made him feel she was never going to let go. The way she would meet his gaze when something bad was happening.
But aloud, neither mentioned a word.
Until Bellamy came back unconscious.
Clarke was in the make shift infirmary checking on the patients when she heard the shouting.
"Someone help! We need help!"
Clarke ran out of the tent in an instance. Her heart dropped when she saw him.
In between Monroe and Miller's arms were Bellamy. They were struggling, probably had been carrying him for miles. There was a giant gash on the side of his head, and another on his leg. A shrapnel of rock was sticking out of his leg. Blood was caked everywhere, and it looked like more was coming.
"Bring him in!" shouted Clarke.
They dragged him in and set him on a table. Clarke parted his hair, and looked at the gash, while her mother ran over and looked at his leg.
Clarke grabbed a wet cloth and started wiping up the blood to get a better look. The bleeding had slowed, but not fully stopped. She grabbed a damp cloth and applied pressure to the wound. She looked up at her mom who was cleaning around his leg.
Abby looked up and said to an assistant, "Get me some moonshine. We need to sterilize it before we attempt to remove it."
The assistant ran off to get some, while Miller explained how Bellamy had fallen down the edge of the cliff where the bridge had been blown up all that time ago. He had hit his head hard, and a rock had pierced his leg.
The assistant came back and poured the moonshine on his leg, before handing it to Clarke. Abby then grabbed the rock, and slowly pulled it out.
Clarke grabbed a razor blade, and carefully removed the hair around the cut. She grabbed the needle and thread from the supplies cabinet and started to sew his head up.
It was only after they were done that Clarke felt herself breathe.
Bellamy didn't wake up that night, and Clarke didn't want to leave his side.
She knew that she had too. She had to stay strong, keep things going. Keep herself going.
But he didn't wake up the next day either.
And Clarke found herself sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at his sleeping eyes. His leg was wrapped up, along with his head.
He looked so peaceful, and she hoped that he couldn't feel the pain.
Abby walked in and saw her daughter sitting beside Bellamy.
"He'll wake up soon. He hit head pretty hard, it's just going to take a few days..." Abby reassured her daughter. "Why don't you go get some sleep. If he wakes up I'll come get you."
Clarke shook her head. "No. I'll stay here with him."
Abby could see there was no persuading her daughter, so she let her be.
The next day Bellamy didn't wake up. And Clarke was going mad. She tried to keep herself busy, keep herself from thinking about Bellamy. But it was getting hard.
She didn't like being around her friends. They would try to joke with her, cheer her up. But nothing could make her feel better.
So she went to his bed, and sat, waiting for him to wake up.
That night she changed his bandages. When she saw the bald spot on his head, with the stitches she felt a tear slip down her cheek.
"Bellamy..." she whispered. "Bellamy please don't leave me. I can't lose you Bellamy, come back to me. I love you."
She pressed her lips to his forehead, tears falling onto him.
She curled up in a chair next to his bed, and closed her eyes.
His eyes fluttered open around midnight that night. A headache rushed to him, and a shot of pain shot through him from his leg. He groaned at the pain.
He was awake. Her Bellamy had finally woke up.
He turned his head, trying to process where he was. The he smiled when saw Clarke's sleeping figure next to his bed.
"Hey princess."
Clarke's eyes shot open. When she saw Bellamy smiling, relief flooded through her. " Bellamy. How are you feeling? You lost a lot of blood."
Bellamy struggled to prop himself up. "I've survived spears being thrown at me, countless attacks, getting shot at and I almost get taken out by a damn rock. I feel pretty bad."
Clarke smiled, and tears started rolling down her cheeks again.
"Hey, hey now. Don't cry Princess, I'm alright."
"I thought I had lost you," she said almost inaudibly.
Bellamy scooted over in his bed. Clarke climbed next to him, careful to not hit his leg. He put his arms around her shoulders, pulling her close. She leaned into him, resting her head on his chest.
"I'm not going anywhere, Clarke."
Clarke stayed silent for a moment, before saying, "I love you Bellamy."
Bellamy tilted her chin, making her face him. He gazed at the girl who had spent the last two nights by his side, the one who seemed to always be at his side.
"I love you too Princess." Bellamy bent down and Clarke closed her eyes as his lips met hers.
  May we meet again.

A series of bellarke oneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora