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I'm back bitches.
Clarke's POV
I run my hand over the slightly visible bump on my stomach. I have to tell him soon, I think to myself.
I am about four weeks pregnant and the father has still yet to know. I am not scared that he will be mad or sad because I mean just look at him and his niece.
"Hey bell?" I ask getting up and walking over to him.
"Yes princess?" He asks.
"Nothing your just cute with Em over here." I say kissing his nose.
"Yeah we are having fun aren't we Emily." He says giving her a raspberry.
"Emily Vanderwaal Blake get your little butt over here right now!"
"That must be O." I say. Next thing you know Em is running on her short stubby legs towards her mother.
"I wonder what she did this time." Bell says bringing his arm around me.
"Probably stole a cookie or something." I joke.
"Yeah." He laughs.
"Lets go in." He says walking is into the house.
"Emily! I have a surprise!!!!" Octavia says while Emily just makes it to her.
"What's the surprise O?" I ask.
"I'm pregnant!" She says picking up Em.
"Another one!" Bellamy says.
"Yep! 5 weeks!!!" She says.
"That's great O congrats!" She comes up and hugs me.
"Thanks." She says pulling away.
"Looks our children will be very close." I say rubbing my stomach.
I look around and Bellamy and Octavia's mouths are wide open.
"Your your your-- pregnant." Bell stutters.
"Yeah I forgot to tell you, silly me." I say. His mouth closes and he comes and hugs me.
"We are having a baby." He whispers.
"Yeah. We are having a baby." I whisper back.
"Hey I am still here." O waves. I look over at her and she comes to hug me.
"Congrats babe." She says.
Sorry this sucks I know. But thank you so much for 7k!!!!
I love you guys so much
May we meet again.

A series of bellarke oneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora