Fake Boyfriend

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Not my story. I am a sucker for fake boyfriend stories! I may write one of my own later!
"Will you be my boyfriend for a week?!"
Bellamy took a step backwards. Here it was one in the morning and Clarke Griffen was standing at his door.
"Fake boyfriend. Sorry I didn't clarify that, but I have like a thousand thoughts running through my head and you see I'm going back to my parents for a week and some of my old friends will be coming over and they are all getting married and my parents won't stop pestering me and I thought maybe you and Octavia could use a vacation and I'll pay for the flight and everything and if you want some extra money you know what I'm sorry, this is a terrible idea, I'm just going to go-"
Bellamy caught her arm as she turned away.
"How about you come in and rest for a second and we can talk about this?"
Clarke took a deep breath and nodded, following through the door.
Clarke hadn't expected him to agree. She had been thinking about it her entire shift at the hospital how much she was dreading going to back home this year. Of course she loved seeing her best friend, Wells, and she would also be seeing all of her other friends that she had grown up with. They had all rented rooms at her parent's lodge for the week, along with their significant others. It was that detail that Clarke was not looking forward to. Wells had just gotten engaged to his girlfriend Harper, and Monty and Milller were going to get married in March. Raven had been dating Wick for going on five years. Jasper and Maya had only been dating for a year. Lincoln was the only one of her friends who wasn't dating anyone.
Her parent's pestering would be endless. So at eleven-thirty on a Thursday night shift that seemed never ending she had come up with the crazy idea for her neighbor to pretend to be her boyfriend.
And he had said yes.
She had fallen asleep on his couch while they were planning out how they were going to pull this off. She woke up in her own bed, Bellamy must of carried her over.
Her heart fluttered a little at the thought of her in his arms. She liked him. A lot. And secretly she was hoping this fake relationship would turn real. But she wasn't going to get her hopes up.
Bellamy asked Octavia on Friday morning if she would want to go to Clarke's parents for a vacation. Octavia had accepted in an instant. When Bellamy told her that he was going to pretend to be Clarke's boyfriend she burst out laughing.
"Ok, I'll play along."
Clarke had called her mother that afternoon. She told her that she was bringing along her boyfriend and his little sister who she was also friends with.
Abby was a little upset that Clarke had not told her that she had a boyfriend, but was happy that she was willing to bring him home.
On Saturday Clarke and Bellamy went to pick up so new snow stuff for him. The Los Angeles weather was a lot different than the weather in the mountains.
"We can also practice," Bellamy said, as he pulled into a parking spot.
Clarke up at him from her phone. "Practice what?"
"Being affectionate. The story will be the easy part right? We've decided what we are going to say, now it's just the little stuff."
Clarke swallowed the lump in her throat. "Yeah, we can practice. If we can convince strangers that we are together we can convince my friends and family right?"
So as they walked to into the mall, Bellamy grabbed her hand nonchalantly, like it was something they did all the time without thinking. She took deep breaths trying to keep her heart from beating too fast. He was right, they needed to look authentic when at her parents.
They had to split up momentarily while Bellamy went to pick up boots at Scheals and Clarke went to grab a new book for her to read on the flight there. About a half an hour later he called her.
"Just finished, I'll meet you by the fountain?"
"Yeah, see you there...love you bye," she added quickly, trying to sound like she was on the phone with her boyfriend. She wandered over to the fountain, daydreaming about the fact that she had just told Bellamy she loved him, and wishing that he knew that she meant it.
When Bellamy arrived at the fountain, he felt a twist in the pit of his stomach when he saw some guy trying to hit on Clarke. She was leaning away from him, obviously uncomfortable but not wanting to be rude.
He clenched his fist, and then walked up to them.
"Hey Princess," he said, inserting himself in between the two of them. He gave her a quick peck on the lips, leaving her beaming at him. "Ready to go?"
He put his arm around her waist, giving the guy a dirty look as they walked away. He didn't let go of her until they were out of his sight, and then he grabbed her hand.
"I think we did pretty well," Clarke said, getting into the passenger side, her heart still beating fast from the quick kiss Bellamy had given her.
Bellamy agreed. "Your parents will never know."
One week later they were in the rental car they had gotten at the airport, driving up the windy road in the mountains.
"We shouldn't get too bored," Clarke said, talking nervously. "Obviously it's a ski resort so there's skiing but I prefer snowboarding. We have a pool in my cabin. And there's an outdoor hot tub with a killer view of the mountains."
"You have a pool in the cabin? How big is this cabin?" Octavia asked from the backseat.
"Decent sized..." Clarke trailed off.
Bellamy sensed that she was getting nervous again. "Should we go over the story once again?"
Octavia groaned, but Clarke nodded so he continued.
"So we obviously met when you moved in. The first part is true. You didn't take kindly to me at first, you didn't like how you could sometimes hear my music and I didn't like your weird hours that you were coming back from and the racket you were making."
"But then one day I met Octavia and we became friends so that led us to spend more time with each other."
That part was true as well. Octavia was her only friend she had in LA.
"Right, so I slowly started falling for you, but I thought you didn't like me like that. Until one day I finally got the courage to ask you out on a date when we were getting our mail at the same time. And we've been dating ever since."
Clarke nodded again. They could pull this off. Five days. Then they would wait a couple months before telling everyone they broke up. It would work out.
"Oh. My. God," Octavia piped up from the backseat.
Bellamy gave a low whistle.
"For some reason when you said you parents owned a ski lodge, I pictured something cozy. This is huge!" Octavia squealed.
It was huge. The giant lodge loomed by the mountain, the slopes not far away. Clarke point Bellamy down a long driveway that led to a gigantic cabin.
"We're here," Clarke said quietly.
Clarke mom and dad were outside on the front porch in an instant, waving at them. Clarke gave them a small wave back, and then glanced back to the people in the car.
"Ready to do this?"
Bellamy stayed silent and Octavia said "Fuck yeah!" And jumped out of the car.
Clarke stepped out gingerly as Bellamy went to the trunk to get the bags.
"Clarke!" her mother came up and hugged her, "It's been so long! I'm glad you could make it! And you must be Octavia!" she said turning and hugging her as well.
"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Griffen. "
Finally her mother turned to Bellamy, who was approaching carrying both Clarke's and his suitcases. "And you must be Bellamy. "
Bellamy set down the bags and accepted her hug hello. Clarke's father came down and gave Clarke a big hug and then shook everyone's hands.
"Welcome to our home!"
Clarke gave a nervous look at Bellamy who gave her a reassuring smile. She took one last breath before heading inside.
Clarke showed Octavia the guest suite before leading Bellamy to her old childhood bedroom. It was exactly how she had it in high school: a big queen size bed with dark purple covers and a giant blanket on top. Sketches and painting lined the walls along with photos of her and friends, and on one end sat a stone fireplace, a fire crackling inside.
"I didn't know you were a champion snowboarder?" Bellamy said, dropping his bag and looking at the trophies that lined her dresser.
"I'm decent..." she replied.
"Decent like how this house is decent sized?"
Clarke rolled her eyes. "I didn't want you to think I'm some spoiled rich girl."
Octavia came bouncing into the room. "Clarke! This place is so amazing! Where are you friends staying?"
Clarke smiled at her, "They will be staying in rooms at the lodge. I think they are coming later tonight! Come on, I'll show you the rest of the house."
At the end of the tour they walked into a large living room with a roaring fireplace, Clarke's parents seated on the comfy couches in front of it.
"Your cabin is beautiful Mr. and Mrs. Griffen," Bellamy said politely, settling next to Clarke on the sofa.
"Please, call us Jake and Abby," Clarke's father said, "So where do you work Bellamy?"
"Currently I am an intern at a publishing company, and with Octavia in college, I have to work at the boardwalk on the weekends. Hopefully soon I will get a permanent jobs, and it will be easier to pay off the loans."
"And what about your parents? Can they help out?" her mother asked. Clarke shot her dagger eyes. She had told her that they were a touchy subject, but her mother was rarely one to listen.
Bellamy just smiled, "I'm afraid they are both out of the picture. It's been just me and O for awhile now."
Jake nodded and turned to Octavia, "So what are you going to college for?"
Clarke sighed in relief how easy both Blake siblings were with talking with her parents. Twenty minutes they were all laughing at the Jake's story of one of the employees running the snowmobile straight into the resort's sign.
Her phone dinged and she looked down to see she got a text from Monty saying that they were just pulling into the lodge. Clarke quickly texted back that she would meet them there.
"Some of my friends are down at the lodge, do you guys want to walk down with me so that way I can show you around a little bit?"
Bellamy and Octavia both agreed and got up to put on their snow gear.
The walk to the lodge was icy at times, and Clarke had to shoot out her hand to keep balanced whenever she hit a slick spot. They were almost there when Bellamy had to grab her waist to keep her from falling.
"Thanks," she said, her cheeks turning a shade of pink.
Bellamy had to quickly remove his arm from her waist so he didn't get trampled by the boy who had run up to her, wrapping his arms around her and picking her up, swinging her around.
"Jasper! Oh my gosh your hair is gone!"
Jasper pulled back and laughed, "Yeah, that happens when you join the military."
A girl with short brown hair came and hugged her next. Two more boys appeared in the doorway, one with shaggy black hair, and a tall muscular one with a buzz cut. They both came and gave her a hug before turning to Bellamy.
"Uhm guys this is my boyfriend, Bellamy and his sister Octavia. Guys these are my friends from school Jasper, Monty, and Nathan but you can call him Miller, we all do, and this is Maya, Jasper's girlfriend."
Bellamy smiled and stuck out his hand. "It's great to finally meet you, I've heard a lot of stories."
"Wish I could say the same," Monty said, "We actually didn't know that Clarke even had a boyfriend until last week. Wells is not happy."
Clarke shrugged, "He'll get over it."
"Who will get over what?" a voice said from behind them.
"Wells!" Clarke shouted, running towards the guy in front of them. She threw her arms around him and he lifted her up in the air.
"I've missed you Clarke!" he said, putting her back on the ground.
"I've missed you too, Wells," she turned her attention to the girl standing behind him. "Nice to see you again Harper, congratulations on your engagement," she said walking up to the girl and giving her a hug. Bellamy noticed a bit of an edge to her voice, and immediately his thoughts started racing. Was Clarke in love with Wells and didn't want him to get married? Maybe she brought him here to make Wells jealous. He didn't have much time to dwell on this because Wells walked over an introduced himself.
"So you are the Bellamy that I know nothing about?"
Bellamy nodded, "And you're the Wells that seems to be in every one of Clarke's stories."
Wells laughed, "Yep that's me. It's good to meet yeah man, I'm glad Clarke finally found someone that can keep up with her"
"It's tough at times, but I can usually manage it," he said, giving her a wink. She hit him playfully on the arm.
As they were standing there talking , a snowball hit Clarke in the back of her head.
"Hey-Raven!" she said running over to the perpetrator. A girl with brown hair laughed as she hugged her hello. Behind her stood a muscular guy with arm tattoos and another smaller guy. "Bellamy, Octavia! This is Raven and her boyfriend Wick. And this is Lincoln."
Octavia was over there in an instant, sticking her hand out to Lincoln.
"Now that we are all here, I think we should go swimming!" Jasper said excitedly. Raven shook her head.
"Jas we just got here, can't you wait until we all get settled into our rooms?"
Jasper grumbled but finally agreed. As they walked up the rooms, Raven settled in walking beside Clarke.
"He's hot," she said, nodding to Bellamy walking and talking with Wells as they made their way up the steps, "Like smokin hot. I'm a little jealous."
Clarke grinned. "He is pretty sexy isn't he?"
She wished she could tell Raven that she wasn't actually dating him. That the way he looked at her was pretend. But she just kept silent and was genuinely happy when he came up beside her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
"CANNONBALL!" Jasper took a running leap into the pool, leaving a giant splash. Maya and Harper who had their feet dangling on the edge shrieked.
"Jas! I didn't want to get wet!" Maya yelled.
"Well good thing that's not the point of swimming," he said sarcastically, before swimming over and pulling her in.
Wick turned towards Raven. "I bet I can make the bigger splash."
"No way!" she shouted before taking a running start and jumping in, Wick after her.
"Are you going to get in Princess?" Bellamy asked, turning towards Clarke.
"I don't know..."
She yelped as he in one swift movement picked her up bridal style and jumped into the pool. He let her go when they went under and when she broke the surface she splashed him.
"Let's play chicken!" Jasper shouted.
There was whoops of agreement from everyone except Harper.
"Count me out," she said. She hadn't even gotten in the pool yet.
"Then I guess count me out too," Wells said, swimming over beside her. Clarke gave a sour look, but didn't say anything.
When Harper refused to play Marco Polo as well, after Clarke had finally taken down Octavia who was on Lincoln's shoulders, Clarke had finally convinced Wells to play anyways. Everyone splashed around the pool as Monty blindly chased after them. After a couple of turns to Bellamy was it.
He listened for Clarke's voice specifically, following it around the pool. When he finally had her corned she reached out, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
"Polo," she said, whispering in his ear. He reached around and picked her up so her legs were wrapped around his waist. He opened his eyes so he could see her beaming at him. He tilted his head so he could kiss her, and when their lips touched Clarke eagerly pushed him to see if he would do more. He backed her up so she was against the pool wall, kissing her harder as she ran her fingers through his hair. She had always wanted to do that, always wondered how it would feel.
Finally someone shouted "Get a room!" and they pulled apart. He beamed at her, and she smiled back until she remembered that his was fake. That he was doing this all for show. He gave her a confused look at he saw a flash of sadness in her eyes, but didn't have time to pursue it because they were called back to her friends.
That night as she climbed into the bed with Bellamy, something they had decided it was for the best in case someone was to wake them up the morning, she tried to squash the sadness that was inside.
"Your friends are awesome," he said, not looking up from the book he was reading, "Even Lincoln, though I know his intentions with my sister and I'm not for sure if I'm ok with them."
"I've really missed them. We used to have so much fun up here, snowboarding all winter long. Wells and I would spend all day out there, so much that my mom would be afraid that we were going to get hyperthermia."
"I take it you are not fond of his fiancée?"
Clarke wrinkled her nose. "Is it that obvious?"
Bellamy chuckled. "I can just tell you are a little colder with her than you are with the others. At first I thought it was just because she wasn't a part of your original group. But then I saw they you seem to be ok with Maya and Wick, so it must just be a Harper thing."
"I'm fine with Harper," Clarke said, "I just don't know if she is right for Wells. She never wants to do anything, and Wells is a thrill seeker. Last summer we went hiking, and had to stop halfway up trail because she got tired. It's annoying."
Bellamy nodded. "She's taking away your and Well's fun. I get it."
Clarke curled up in her pillow, facing the wall. Bellamy reached over and switched off the light.
"Goodnight Bell," Clarke said, "Oh and by the way I'm sorry if I move a lot in my sleep."
Clarke woke up on the opposite side she fell asleep on. She looked over to see Bellamy laying facedown into the pillow. She smiled and quietly got out bed, creeping across the floor to the door. When she got to the kitchen her mother was already there making pancakes.
"Good morning sweetie. Your father is down at the lodge at a meeting, but he should be back soon. "
Clarke sat down on the bar stool. "What kind are you making?"
"Blueberry for you of course, and do you know what type of pancakes Bellamy likes?"
"He likes chocolate chip with a ton of whip cream. It's pretty ridiculous," said Clarke, not even realizing how it was a little odd she knew this fact about him.
"You guys seem like a good fit for each other," Abby said, setting the pancakes in front of Clarke.
Clarke looked up surprised, "You think so? I wasn't sure if you would like him or not, since he grew up a lot different than us..."
"Well he seems to be a very nice boy and his sister is lovely too. And he can easily match that attitude you have, which is something that your old boyfriends couldn't do. And he definitely loves you, there is no question about that."
Clarke choked on the piece of pancake she was trying to eat. "What?"
Abby didn't even turnaround from the stove, "Oh you know the way he looks at you like your his entire universe."
"That's weirdly poetic mom."
Abby turned around and smiled, "I've been reading a lot of romance novels."
The front door banged open, and Wells and Harper came in.
"Morning Griffens! Mmmm Abby you know your pancakes are my favorite, I hope you are making me some..."
"Of course Wells. Have you guys got anything planned for today?"
"I thought we would go skiing," Clarke said, "Octavia and Bellamy have never been, so I thought maybe I could teach them-" Her voice faded as Bellamy entered the kitchen. He had just woken up but damn he looked great. His white t-shirt hugged his skin, showing just the outlines of his abs and he was running his hand through his tousled hair.
"Mornin' everyone," he said before coming up to Clarke and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Good morning Bellamy," Clarke's mother said, putting a plate in front of him, "I made you some pancakes. Clarke said you liked chocolate chip. Did you sleep well?"
"Thanks these look delicious," Bellamy said, grabbing the whip cream and starting to make a large pile on his pancakes. "I slept great, except for the fact that Clarke rolled over me as she tends to do."
Clarke gave him a sheepish grin. He was just guessing she did that a lot, and he was spot on.
"Tell me about it, sleepovers were the worst," Wells said, "You are just going to have to hold her a little tighter aren't you?"
Clarke gave Wells dagger eyes, but Bellamy just laughed. "Yeah I will have to put her in a choke hold from now on."
It was a long day on the slopes, and Bellamy finally thought he had the hang of it. He was growing increasingly mad as his sister caught on a lot faster than him. He teased Clarke that it must be because Lincoln was a better teacher than she was. Bellamy was a little bitter about his sister's getting ever closer relationship with him.
Clarke had to hit him once and remind him that Lincoln was her friend and actually him and Octavia go pretty well together since she is over the top and he was so quiet. When it got dark they headed back for a hot dinner. Bellamy really didn't want to go back into the cold, but Clarke and Wells had been dying all day to go on the half pipe. So while the rest of their friends stayed in the cabin around the cozy fire or back to the lodge to spend some quality time with their significant other, Bellamy and Harper were dragged back out in the cold.
They watched from the bleachers as Wells and Clarke strapped on their snowboards and then took turns performing various tricks.
Clarke was good. Way better than decent like she had told him.
Harper and Bellamy sat in awkward silence until she piped up, "You guys are cute together."
"Thanks," he replied, " so are you and Wells."
Harper shook her head. "Not like you two. Yesterday when were swimming, you guys never let go of each other. Wells didn't even pay attention to me."
Bellamy felt half extremely uncomfortable and the other half sorry for her. "Well Clarke and I...we haven't been dating for that long so we probably are a little more affectionate than most couples."
Harper sighed. "Yeah, but I don't think that should ever end, you know? We are engaged now, we shouldn't be already losing that affectionate side."
Bellamy stayed silent, not really for sure how to respond to this
"Does Clarke like me?" Harper asked, her eyes trained on Clarke's movements as she went down the half pipe. She went up for a back 9, landing perfectly. Wells cheered her on, before following after her.
"Of course she likes you."
"You don't have to lie to me."
"She just...she wants to make sure that Wells is completely happy," he said, choosing his words carefully. "She'll warm up to you. It took her awhile to warm up to me as well. She hated me the first couple of weeks."
Harper laughed. "That seems hard to believe, considering the way she looks at you now. You'd think you were the only guy she sees."
"HEY BELL WATCH THIS!" Clarke shouted from the far end. Bellamy watched as she rode down the side, pulling off a flawless grab before heading into a perfect forward flipping backside 540. She skidded to a stop in front of the bleachers.
"That was pretty hot," Bellamy said, getting up and approaching her. He pulled off her goggles and down her face mask before kissing her on the lips. She smiled into his kiss, wrapping her hands around his neck.
When they pulled apart Harper was staring at the wistfully, as Wells sat down and pulled off his snowboard.
"I'm freezing," Bellamy said, Clarke still attached to his neck, "Can we go inside now?"
Clarke brushed the freshly fallen snow off his hat. "Well I was thinking if you wanted to stay outside for a little bit longer we could maybe use the hot tub..."
Bellamy set her on the ground. "I'm down for that, Harper? Wells? Care to join us?"
In the end Harper and Wells came out, along with Octavia and to Bellamy's dismay Lincoln. But he couldn't focus on that too much because Clarke was climbing in next to him wearing that yellow suit that made her look great. Not that she didn't always look great. Clarke could be wearing a lobster costume and Bellamy would still think she looked good.
Bellamy immediately pulled her onto his lap, kissing her neck softly. She responded by curling up into him farther.
"So Clarke, I heard that you hated Bellamy when you first met him?" Harper said, watching them a little sadly.
Clarke looked over at her surprised. "Yeah, I did. I thought he was pretty cute, but annoying as hell."
Bellamy intertwined their fingers under the water. A gesture that made Clarke's heart flutter, not even realizing that no one else could see it.
"In all fairness I thought she was annoying as well, I always heard her cooking at the weirdest times, like at four in the morning."
Clarke shrugged, "I work weird hours."
"And when O and her became friends and she started hanging around a lot more, we would argue about everything," Bellamy chuckled.
"Books, movies, what to eat," Clarke agreed, "Anything really."
"So when did you realize you loved each other?" Harper asked. Octavia raised their eyebrows at them since they hadn't practiced this, but neither of them saw her.
Bellamy turned to look at Clarke, looking at her in the eyes. "One day we were watching a scary movie. And every time Clarke jumped or covered her eyes I just wanted to pull her into me, to make her feel better. I didn't want to see her afraid. That's when I realized that I loved her, and I always had."
Clarke smiled at him, remembering that moment. She hadn't realized he had been watching her.
"For me it was one day when I came over. It was raining outside, and you were curled up in the corner of your couch," Clarke said to him, a glint in her eye. "You were reading a book. It must of been a very good one, because the way you seemed totally absorbed into, like you were taking in each and every word. I fell in love with the way you were in love with that book. I realized in that moment that you were the boy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with."
Bellamy bent down and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Octavia started to laugh.
"Sorry," she said, "I just thought about how clueless you guys are. I mean were."
Bellamy shot her dagger eyes, but Clarke just hummed in agreement, shutting her eyes as she enjoyed being pressed up against Bellamy's chest. She was so relaxed in his arms. She never had felt like this with her past relationships. She felt at home, and she tried to banish the thoughts of how that night he wouldn't be holding her this way.
She was wrong.
After around an hour in the hot tub, relaxing as they told stories, Bellamy occasionally stealing sweet kisses or Clarke pressing her face into his side, everyone decided to go to bed. Wells and Harper making the cold trek back to the lodge, Octavia not even subtly convincing Lincoln to stay the night, and Bellamy and Clarke going to her room.
When Clarke finished getting ready, Bellamy was already lying in the bed. Clarke slipped in next to him, facing the wall like she had done the night before. She lie there for a while, trying to calm the thoughts racing through her head. Finally her eyes were about to flutter shut when she felt strong arms going around her middle, pulling her closer.
She stiffened, not sure what to do but eventually deciding to relax into it.
"Don't want you rolling over me," Bellamy mumbled, only partially awake.
Clarke smiled to herself, before closing her eyes to welcome sleep.
She woke up in almost the same position she fell asleep in, something that was uncommon for her usual restless sleeping. She was tucked into his side, his arm slung across her waist holding her tight. The thought crossed her mind that they fit together perfectly, like puzzle pieces. She drifted off back into a peaceful sleep.
The second time she woke up was to Octavia barging in the room. She full on burst out laughing when she saw the position they were sleeping in.
Bellamy groaned, loosening his grip on Clarke. Clarke sat up, rubbing her eyes.
"Wake up sleeping beauties, Abby has breakfast downstairs and half the gang has already arrived."
Clarke through her legs over the side of the bed and headed into the bathroom to try to fix her hair a little bit before going downstairs. As soon as she was out of earshot, Octavia went over and smacked Bellamy's head.
"ERgh what was that for?" he asked, sleepily sitting up.
"Are you guys a thing now without telling me? You need to tell me, so I'm not out of the loop."
Bellamy shook his head. "No. Still pretending. At least she is."
"Are you sure? Because the way that you guys were kissing last night..."
"Pretend, O. We were in front of her friends and that's what people in relationships do. And apparently what people not in relationships do, seeing how you and Lincoln-"
"This is not about me!" she shouted, "This is about you and Clarke. And the position I just walked in on was not something normal people do. And I don't see any of her friends in here to pretend in front of."
Bellamy sighed, putting his face in his hands.
"I couldn't help it, ok? I was half asleep, and I think so was she otherwise neither of us would of ever done it."
Octavia nudged him, "Why don't you ask her out? For real?"
"But what if this is all still fake to her? I haven't been acting, but she thinks I am! Then what do we do for the next three days if she rejects me?"
Octavia laughed, "She won't reject you. Trust me, that girl is as far gone with you as you are with her."
This gave Bellamy a little hope. He considered Octavia's advice about asking her out for real today. He just needed the perfect time to do.
Clarke had decided that everyone was going to go ice skating, even Harper who was protesting. Clarke had loved ice skating as a child, and she probably could of been a figure skater if she had put in the effort.
They had a room full of skates at the lodge that the guests could rent and go out to the rink they had not too far from the lodge. But Clarke and her friends went to the other rink, the smaller and private one a short walk away from Clarke's cabin.
Octavia gave her crap the whole walk there.
"I mean how did you never tell me that you had a private ice skating rink? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at this point."
Most of Clarke's friends could skate fairly well, because they had basically grown up here as well. The only one who wasn't very good was Miller, he had always hated when they ice skated. Monty grabbed his shaky hands and led him across the ice. Wick refused to admit that he wasn't very good on the ice, slipping and falling many times before accepted Raven's hand. Harper clung to Wells for dear life.
"So I take it that you can skate ice princess?" Bellamy said, as he stepped out on the ice and skated backwards with ease.
"Yeah I can skate," she replied, "You look like this isn't your first time either?"
Bellamy grinned, "O and I played hockey for six years."
"Well you learn something new every day." Clarke stepped out onto the ice, skating with grace circles around him before stopping right in front of him.
She took his hand and skated backwards leading him forward.
As they skated a light snow started to fall on them. Their fingers intertwined, skating side by side.
"I know I've said it a thousand times," Clarke said quietly, though everyone else was out of earshot, "But thank you for coming here with me. I've been having a really fun time with you."
Bellamy took a deep breath before pulling her to the side, stopping her so she was facing him.
"Clarke, I have to tell you something."
Her eyes filled with worry, and he immediately wanted to ease her mind. But he wasn't for sure how she was going to take what he needed to say.
"Clarke, I haven't been pretending. I never was."
He waited for her reaction. She stared at him, registering what he had just said. And then she threw her arms around him, kissing him with every ounce of her being. Making sure that this was real, he was real and he was saying this for real.
When they pulled apart Clarke was smiling up at him.
"Thank god, because I wasn't pretending either. I never was."
Octavia knew that they were finally together. She could tell by the way they weren't holding back anymore. His eyes never left her. She was always holding on to him. It was obvious they were in deep.
As they continued skating, Bellamy suggested to Clarke that she talk to Harper. He told Clarke what Harper had said to him. Clarke finally agreed.
Harper was sitting out at the picnic table. Her ankles were sore from falling. She watched as her fiancée raced Raven around the rink.
She was surprised when Clarke came up to her.
"Hey Harper. I want to apologize," Clarke said, "I feel like I've been cold to you, and I know I shouldn't do that. I just want to see Wells happy, and you make him happy even though you are nothing like him. But that's ok, he doesn't need someone exactly like him."
Harper sat shocked for a moment, before recovering. "It's ok. I know I'm not who you pictured for him. "
"It doesn't matter. He loves you and that is all that matters."
Harper looked wistfully at Wells.
"Harper," Clarke said, making her turn to face her again. "He loves you. Trust me, you are all he ever talks about. That's part of the reason I was so annoyed."
Harper smiled at Clarke, thinking that maybe they could become friends someday too. "Thanks Clarke. And I want you to be one of bridesmaid."
Clarke looked at her shocked. "Really?"
"Of course, Wells wouldn't have it any other way. Of course Bellamy and Octavia will be invited as well. You guys are really good together."
Clarke looked at Bellamy, laughing with his sister as they skated around the rink.
"Yeah. We are."
-8 years later-
Clarke stepped out on the ice, taking a quick warm up lap around the rink. She stopped when she got to the entrance, her husband smirking at her.
"You are such a show-off," he chuckled. She swatted him on the arm, before crouching down to be face to face with the small golden haired girl in front of her. She was only three years old, but was already looking like her mother.
"Are you ready Everett?" Clarke said, grabbing the little girls hand. Bellamy grabbed the other and they stepped gingerly onto the ice.
Her friends were all there too, just like they were every year for one week in January. Monty and Miller's six year old girl was gripping tightly to her father Monty's hand, Miller gripping tightly to Monty's other. Raven was still trying to keep Wick from falling, but this time she had two little twin boys to keep from falling as well. Harper sat and watched as Wells tried to get their little girl to balance. Maya watched from the sidelines with Harper, she was pregnant with their first child.
Octavia and Lincoln skated hand in hand, their little baby boy fast asleep in the cabin under the careful watch of Abby.
Some tears spilled out of Clarke's eyes as she thought about how special this place was to her. It was the place she grew up. The place where Bellamy proposed, on the ice where they had kissed two years before. The place where they had gotten married in the summer. The place where all of her friends and family came together every year.
And the place where she had fallen in love with Bellamy. And Bellamy in love with her.
May we meet again.

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