Online Dating

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Inspired by scarlettttt_14_
Clarke's POV
"Raven!! I don't want to!" I yell as Raven drags me over to the computer.
"Well, you are gonna!" She says. She plops me down on the chair in front of it.
"Please!" I say dragging out the word.
"No. You have been single for the past 3 years. You need to get laid." She says.
"Fine. But if I die you aren't invited to my funeral." I say. To me online dating websites are sketchy. She types up a website and signs me up.
"Your name?" She asks.
"Raven you know this... Clarke Griffin." I respond.
"Age?" She asks.
"Why are you asking me if you know all of this?" I ask.
"It's more fun like that! Don't ruin my vibe!" She says.
"October 24, 1989" I say.
"Ok what do you what your username to be?" She asks.
"You pick." I say.
"princess_clarke" she says.
"O- wait what?!" I yell almost falling of my chair.
"Deal with it." She says. "And besides I typed Clarke but that was taken soooo.... Yah." She says. I sigh.
"So can I take a look?" I say pushing her aside.
"No! No! No! I am looking first." Raven says pushing me back. 'My best friend is crazy.' I think.
"Ooo! Look at this hottie with a body!" She says and points to the screen.
"His name is Finn and he is 28 years old. And single, soooo perfect for you!" She claps.
"I don't think he is that cute or hot." I say flatly.
"Uhh. To late you guys have a date planned tonight at your favorite Italian restaurant."
"Raven!" I yell. She just shrugs.
Later that evening...
"Ok so what do you think." Raven says spinning me towards the mirror. Raven was planning my outfit and doing my hair.
"Damn" I whisper.
"I know you love it! Girl you look hot!" Raven says giving herself a pat on the back. She put me in a really tight black dress that is super low cut and she put my hair in tight curly with my makeup as smokey eye and to top it all off 6 inch black stilettos.
"Raven I don't think this is the look for a family restaurant." I say pulling down the dress.
"But Clarkey..." She whines like a five year old.
"I need to get out of this. Don't get me wrong  I look damn good! But not for a family event." I explain. She nods and instead keeps everything except my dress. She exchanges in for a long flowy red one.
"Better?" She asks.
"Much." I say.
When I get to the restaurant I see him and he sees me. I feel kinda self contious because he is looking at my chest. I clear my throat.
"Oh-uh- Hi." He says and hold out his hand. And slightly shake it.
Back at home...
That date was an epic fail. I don't like the guy at all. I call Raven.
"Sooooooooo!!!!! How was the date?!" She squeals.
"Terrible." I say and strip of my clothes and change into a oversized T-shirt which is light blue and says, 'shoot for the moon and even if you don't make it, you'll land amount the Stars'
"How come?" She asks.
"Don't get me wrong he is a complete gentleman but he always managed to bring up his ex girlfriend named Mary." I complain.
"Oh. That's a red flag." She says.
"Tell me about it. All I remember him saying is Mary always did this for me, Mary always did this to make me feel better when I'm feeling sad." I say mimicking him in an unrealistic voice. She chuckles.
"Yah well there are plenty more fish in the sea." Raven continues.
"But none of them are for me." I sigh.
"no, hon. One is out there waiting for someone like you to show up in their life." She says.
"Hold that thought I am getting a call." I say.
I end the call and pick up the other one.
"Hey it's Finn."
"Oh... Hey." I say.
"Yah well I was wondering if you would want to come to a party with me?" He says.
"Oh-uh hold that thought." I say. I hold the phone call and go back to Raven.
"He asked me to go to a party with him. What do I say if I don't want to go?" I say.
"Just go, you don't need to stick with him. He will probably make out with Mary while you go mingle." She says.
"What would I do without you." I state.
"Umm. Probably die. Because let's face it... I am pretty amazing." She boasts.
"Okay okay bye." I say ending the call and go back to Finns.
"Sure." I say. 
"Great. I will pick you up tomorrow at 5." He says.
"Okay bye." I say and end the call.
Why is my life so complicated. Today was so tiring. I walk through my tiny apartment and head to my bedroom. I fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow.
'Beep! Beep! Beep!'
I groan and slap my phone. I groan once again and slowly get up. I go into my bathroom and wash my face. I put my hair up into a bun. I walk to my kitchen and make myself a vegemite sandwich. My favorite breakfast.
Right when I am about to put the sand which in my mouth I hear a knock on the door.
"You have got to be kidding me." I whisper. I put the sand which back onto its plate and walk to the door.
"What are you doing this early in the morning knocking on people's door?!" I semi yell.
"Oh, sorry to bother you but have you seen a puppy running around. You see my dog ran away because my sister was over and accidentally broke something and then he kinda just barged out." He explains. I take a better look at him and realize that he is really hot. He is wearing grey sweatpants that hang low on his hips and a white T-shirt that hugs his torso so you can see fine muscle definition. He has these mesmerizing brown eyes that you could get lost in. He has a mop of brown curly hair that makes you want to run your fingers through. And to top it all off he has freckles splattered across his nose and face.
"I am gonna take that as a no." He says and turns around to leave.
"Sorry to bother you." He says in a sad tone of voice.
"Hey, wait!" I say stepping out of the doorframe.
"I can help you look. I mean to make up how I was acting this morning." I compromise. I debating in my mind whether I want to make it up to him or if I just want to spend time with him.
"That would be great." He says.
"Do you want to change." He asks.
"Why is there something wrong with the way I look?" I ask.
"No-no- god no! It's just that most girls wouldn't want to go out like that. I mean most girls wouldn't choose to go out like that- shit. I'm just making this worse as I go." He says all flustered.
"Yah. But I was just kidding. I am fine like this." I say. We walk along the streets for a couple of bourse.
"Well looks like he is gone. Sorry to bother you." He says rubbing his temples.
"It wasn't a bother. I had a nice time with you and don't worry. He will turn up." I rub his forearm.
"Thanks. I'll walk you back if you don't mind." He says.
"That would be nice." I say. 'I think I am starting to like this guy'
When we get back to my door. I say thank you and he leaves.
I soon then only realized I haven't eaten at all and the party starts at in 1 hours. I see my vegemite sandwich on the counter. I run to it and shove it in my mouth. Then I hear scratching at my door. I walk over and see a dog. I bend down and look at the tag.
'If found please contact Bellamy Blake' and there is his phone number below. This must be that guys dog. I save the phone number into my phone. I pick up the dog and walk over to his apartment.
"Hey what's up- it that my dog?" He asks.
"Are you Bellamy Blake?" I ask sarcastically.
I hand the dog over to him and they have a sweet reunion. He then puts the dog down and hugs me. It surprises me but I still hug back.
"Thank you so much." He says.
"Your welcome. And by the way it's only fair if you know my name. Clarke, Clarke Griffin." I say.
"Anyway I should get going." I say.
"Wait" he says and lightly grabs my shoulder.
"Would you maybe- I was wondering if you-" he stutters.
"Bellamy Blake are you trying to ask me out?" I smirk.
"Yes." He says and awkwardly rubs his neck.
"Then it would be an honor." I say. I kiss his cheek and go back to my apartment. I end up canceling the party and calm Raven that the last few days weren't a total fail.
So what did you think? I am actually pretty proud of this one. Tell me if you want there to be like a part 2 for this one or not and leave suggestions below on what you want to see.
May we meet again.

A series of bellarke oneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora