That something is a someone

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Takes place after season 2 ending. Pretend Gina looks like how I describe her.
     Bellamy's POV
It's been six months since Clarke left. She promised she would come back but I am not sure if she still is. I am beginning to lose hope but there is just a sliver of hope still in me hoping she will come back soon.
A lot has changed. We moved camp over to the ocean area. Lincoln took us here to the clan. They weren't like the trikru grounders, no. They welcomed us with open arms. They all had deep tans and wavy or extremely curly hair with bright colorful eyes. There lifestyle is different as well, I mean they live on a beach. They have these huts and they eat food such as seal meat. They have a ritual that at the end of the night they all come together around the fire pit and have like some sort of show some perform a spiritual dance while others sing in Trigedasleng. It's really a bonding experience. They are so nice and friendly. I even have a girlfriend. Her name is Gina and she is beautiful. She has a lighter tan than most with light brown curls that go to her waist. She has green eyes and a slim but built figure. Don't get me wrong she is incredibly nice but I honestly don't love her there is just something holding me back. Something that left me six months ago. But that's besides the point. It's really nice here we get along great with the grounders. They gave us new clothes that are similar to theirs. And every morning I get up to watch the sun rise as well as for the sunset. It's gorgeous. I have a pretty small hut so I don't need to share space. Since Clarke left I have been really depressed and I don't think anyone has noticed because I have learned through the months on how to fake a grin even though I want to scream.
It's dinner time and people are starting to close their gates because it's getting dark.
I sit on a log and state into the fire as if it's going to talk. Gina then sits next to me.
"Hey baby! So I was think-" she starts but I cut her off.
"Hey Gina could you wait until later I am not really in the mood." I say rubbing my two fingers against my temples.
"Well your never are in the mood and I feel like I can't be dating-"
That's all I really hear because I zone out into a space a world to be specific a world where Clarke is here with me watching the sunset while occasionally splashing each other with water when the tide comes in. A world where she never left. Sometimes I miss her so much I could tear the world apart and sometimes I am so mad at her for leaving me that I feel like my fave is as ripe as a tomato and steam is coming out of my ears. That's when I get out of my little fantasy. To see Gina waving her hand in front of my face.
"Bellamy! Bellamy! Hello?! Are you even listening to me?" She asks.
"Um- I mean yah." I stutter.
"Oh yah then tell me." She challenges crossing her arms over her chest.
"The beach- tide- sunset- Clarke?" I say before I even realize it comes out of my mouth.
"You know what Bellamy when you told be Clarke was your best friend I believed you." She says.
"She is." I point out.
"Yah but you love her." She starts. "It's over." And walks away.
I didn't even start to argue with that because She and I both now that's no use. After the meal I decide to turn in for the night.
Early that morning I go into the med bay. Their med bay is smaller than ours. It is just another hut with both Abby, Jackson, Sam, and Mary are at. I usually go in just to check up on things.
"Hey abby. Jackson. How is it going to here? Everything alright?" I ask while coming in through the curtains of brown beads. Jackson just nods as a hello.
"Hey Bellamy. Everything is fine." Abby says and waves me off so I don't spend another day in there.
That week when by pretty quick and pretty soon it has turned into seven months. Seven months since Clarke left. That's when it happens.
When I come back from watching the sunset I see blonde hair. And a brunette close to it. That's when I really focus on on the picture and realize it's Clarke hugging her mom. Her hair is longer. That's the first thing I notice. It's wavy and about five inches from her shoulder. She is wearing a white v neck sundress that has a waist band synching her waist that brings out her curves. She has brown sandals on with a purple flower tucking into her ear. She is a bit skinnier than she used to be but I mean that's what you get for being alone for now seven months. A part of me wants to go run up to her and wrap my arms around her waist and hug her like there is no tomorrow. But since I am Bellamy Blake I go with the easier decision. Being mad. I see her make eye contact with me and I turn away stalking of to my hut. I have every right to be mad right? Yah. Once I make it to my hug I close the doors and fall into the floor. I haven't cried. Not yet. I didn't get my time dealing with Clarke being gone. Because I was trying to comfort everyone else while trying right then and there to break down. But I can't hold it in any longer. I let loose. I feel like so much weight has been lifted when I start to sob. I never got to see her not in seven months. She was my best friend. My best friend that I was hopelessly in love with. Who I just want to kiss senseless. I cry because I never got to. I never cried for any other things that I have done and I just need to let it all out.
Clarke's POV
When I finally let go of nylon I venture of to see Bellamy. I am so happy I finally get to see him after all this time. I walk quietly because some are sleeping. I reach the hut that he disappeared into and I open the doors.
"I told you I'd be back!" I say with the biggest smile I have ever had smacked onto my face.
I see him look up from his knees and his eyes are flat out blood shed red. I have never seen his cry. And now that I have I never want to again. I hate to see him like this. I hate to walk in and see this. I hate that I can't stop it.
I crouch down and move my hand to his shoulder but before j can he gets up and leaves. He's mad. And he has every right to be. I left him for seven months. I decide to follow him or a oh not the best idea but I need to explain myself.
When I finally reach him he breaks.
"Clarke! What do you want! You left for seven months with no trace or a thought to come back! Do you know how hard that is for me?! I was dealing with the pain too. Remember we did it together and it's just ten times worse when it come from your best friend! The only person you trust with not just your life but with your feelings. You give them your heart and the can do whatever the choose to do with it but you! You decide to shatter it to a million pieces!  And when I came to find you. Remember that? Yeah you said you didn't want to come back that it wasn't your home anymore! Well you know what Clarke life goes on and you couldn't seem to realize that I needed you to back home with ME!" He yells starts to crack at the end. I feel horrible. Not just because of all the pain I put him through but because he is my best friend to and I know what it feels like to give them that trust and then they just break it. But it's causing a scene.
"Bell, please calm down." I say bringing my hands to his shoulders. And he backs away. What did I except for him to just come running into my arms after what I put him through. God Clarke why are you so stupid!
"I am not just about to fucking calm down, Clarke!" He says and my name coming form his mouth sounds line poison. I wince slightly. I can see the tears falling from his cheeks and what I wouldn't do to wipe them away.
"I understand." I whisper tears forming in my eyes.
"But I need to explain myself." I say and wave the crowd forming around us to go away and back into their tents.
He nods.
"I left because I couldn't forgive myself and I was alone and I had a leadership role and was lonely-" I start but he cuts me off.
"Excuse me?! You have no right what so ever to say that! We where co-leaders we were in it together." He says.
"I know! I know you had that pain as well but I was being selfish. I was so I to thinking just about me and trying not to let my heart shatter but I didn't realize I was shattering yours. And for that I am so so sorry. There is nothing I could regret more in my life! You have to forgive me Bellamy your my best friend! I trust you with everything and I couldn't imagine losing you!" I plead.
"Clarke you were forgiving before I even knew what I was supposed to forgive you about." He states wiping a stray tear for his face.
"Thank you so mu-" I start to come closer but then he puts a hand up stoping me and cutting me off.
"That's not it. Yes you are forgiving and that's fucking easy when you are in love with your best friend but it's the trust that's broken that's not something that can be forgotten. It doesn't repair that easily." He says and I can feel a tear stroll down me cheek.
"You love me?" I ask.
"Fuck Clarke! Of course I love you but I don't know if I can trust you with my heart anymore." He states.
"Bellamy you can and I love you too!" I say and besides his movements I jump onto him hugging him. He hugs me back.
"Why?" He ask. I let go and back away.
"Because you are the most amazing person I know." I say.
"I don't know about the MOST amazing hut I am pretty amazing." He pints out. There's the Bellamy we all know and love.
"Damn straight. Bellamy will you pretty please be my boyfriend?" I ask intertwining out fingers. He sighs.
I give out a nervous laugh and kiss him. He kisses back with just as much passion. He pulls away.
"I can't promise that everything will go back to normal you are going to have to earn my trust back." He warns.
"That's something that I am more than willing to do." I say and kiss him again.
7 months later.. (Third person POV)
Bellamy wakes up early that morning and sits across the sand watching the sunrise while Clarke come up next to him. And while the tide comes in grabs a hand full of water and splashes it on his face. As Bellamy does to her. Clarke leans in for a kiss and pulls back and says,
I am really proud of this one I am finally getting the thrill I used to get while writing these so expect more frequent updates! Suggest ideas below please!
Love you all!!!
May we meet again.

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