Roller Coaster

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Not my story. And also one of my favs!
Bellamy was being dragged around the amusement park by his sister and her boyfriend. It was his fault he was miserable; he didn't have to come. But a new rollercoaster had been opened at Adventure Park, and he had been curious so he decided to tag along. But so far the day had consisted of sitting alone on or with a stranger on the rides, while Octavia and Lincoln rode together.
But it was finally time to ride Mt. Weather, the rollercoaster he had been waiting half of the day for. The line was extremely long which was frustrating and his sister and her boyfriend being all over each other was not helping.
It was all worth it, though, when Bellamy climbed into the first seat. His sister was afraid to be so close to the front, so they were towards the back.
The operator called out to the people waiting, "Any single riders?"
'Please be none...' thought Bellamy, 'Please be none, please be none."
A blond girl pushed her way through the crowds to the front of the line. The operator directed her to the seat by Bellamy. She was very pretty girl, with long wavy hair and sparkling eyes. The operator came and made sure everyone was buckled in. The coaster car lurched forwards, going around a curve and then making its way up a steep hill.
"Oh god," said the girl next to Bellamy. He looked over at her, and saw that she was getting paler.
"You alright?"
She shook her head. "Yeah I didn't realize how high this was."
Bellamy chuckled. "I don't think this is the right ride for you. Why would you come on here alone anyways?"
"I'm here on a date. He wouldn't go on it with me, so I went alone. He's more of a teacups kind of guy. You know, rides that stay on the ground."
Bellamy snorted, "Wow. He's a real winner."
They were almost to the top now, and the girl shut her eyes tight, and death gripped the bar in front of them.
"You have to open your eyes princess, that's part of the fun!"
She slowly opened her eyes just as they were at the peak of the hill. The rollercoaster car tinkered at the edge for a moment. Bellamy grabbed the girl's hand and put it up in the air.
"What are you doinINGGGGGGG?"
The two plummeted down the hill at top speed. The girl grabbed turned her head close to Bellamy and held on to him. Once they reached the bottom and started going up another hill, the girl opened her eyes. Bellmany started to laugh, and held on to her.
The ride zoomed through hill after hill, making both of their stomachs drop. the girl continued to hold on to him, as if she was to let go she would go flying off.
When the rollercoaster came to a stop, Bellamy almost didn't want to let go. He couldn't help but notice that she smelled really good for being at an amusement park all day. Like lavenders or something.
The girl let go of him and caught her breathe. "That was AWESOME!" she smiled
"Not too scary huh?"
" Oh it was still scary. But awesome. Sorry I uhm you know held on to you for dear life."
"No problem," Bellamy smirked, "It was my pleasure to hold onto such a pretty girl."
The girls cheeks started to turn pink and started to smooth out her wind blown hair. "I'm Clarke, by the way."
"Bellamy. You know if you want to ditch that loser of a date, you can come ride real rides with me."
Clarke looked at him bewildered. "I don't even know you!"
"Yeah but I bet I've already held you closer than that schmuck of a date of yours."
The two started heading to where the souvenir photos were at. Octavia and Lincoln, who Bellamy forgot he was with, came up from behind.
"Hey Bells, whose this?" Octavia smiled.
"I'm Clarke," she said reaching out her hand.
"Hi Clarke! I'm Bellamy's sister Octavia and this is my boyfriend Lincol-OMG BABE LOOK AT OUR PICTURES!"
As Octavia paid for her picture of Lincoln and her, Bellamy sauntered over to look of the one of him in Clarke. In the picture Clarke was tightly clinging to him with her eyes glued shut, and Bellamy was laughing while holding onto her. Bellamy paid for two small pictures of them.
"Let me see your pic Bell!" Octavia said snatching it out of her hand. "Aww that's so cute! Clarke are you going to come with us for the rest of the rides? We could use a fourth person so my poor brother doesn't have to go alone."
Clarke looked around, "Well I actually should get back to my date..."
Then Clarke stood dead in her tracks staring at a bench. A tall brown haired guy was sitting there with his arm around some red-haired chick. She was twirling her hair and giggling. It was obvious what was happening.
Bellamy was surprised to see Clarke march straight up to him. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME YOU ARE FLIRTING WITH SOMEONE ELSE ON OUR DATE?"
The guy looked shocked to see her there and started stuttering something about how he wasn't flirting.
"Please, I could ask anyone and they would tell me that your were flirting." Clarke's face was red with anger as she gave a death stare to the guy.
The red-haired girl got up from the bench, and mumbled, "I'm sorry, I didn't know he had a girlfriend..."
"Oh trust me, he does not have a girlfriend. This was our first and our last date." The red-haired girl slipped away. Clarke's date held up a small teddy bear meekly.
"But Clarke, I won this for you..."
Clarke snatched the bear and then threw it at him. "Yeah I don't think something you won form the duck game is going to win me over. Goodbye."
She marched away from the bench and headed straight towards Bellamy. Bellamy had his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows raised as she walked up.
"Well it looks like I'm free now, where should we go next?"
Bellamy smirked. "That was pretty impressive. Remind me not to get on your bad side."
Clarke smiled, and the four set off walking in the opposite direction of Clarke's date.
Bellamy took her arm. "I'll win you a teddy bear three-times that size. But for now we should go to The Arc. It's a rollercoaster that goes upside down and backwards."
"Ok," said Clarke, "But you're probably going to have to hold me again..."
They dropped Clarke off at a bus station that night so she could get home. Before she left, she gave Bellamy a hug.
"Thank you for turning this disaster of a day into a good one. Though I'm not sure how I'm going to get this teddy bear on the bus, it might need its own seat..." Bellamy had won her a giant purple teddy bear, that was almost as tall as Clarke.
Bellamy reached into his pocket and pulled out the picture of them on the rollercoaster and handed it to Clarke.
"I put my number on the back," said Bellamy. Clarke raised her eyebrows way up.
"That way," he explained, "I know when to pick you up next Friday for our second date."
Clarke smiled, "Second date?"
"Fine," Bellamy chuckled, " One and half date."
Clarke laughed too. As she boarded the best she gave him a wave from the window, her teddy bear sitting beside her.
He received a text not even 20 minutes later.
May we meet again.

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