Barista Girl

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Sorry for not making a part 2 I just didn't know what to write for it. I wish you could see all my ideas I have and make sure to check out my other books. I also have a Twitter so check it out it is @lover_the100 #ShamelessSelfPromotion
I know some won't like this plot but I like Bellamy and Lexa being friends. And JUST friends.
Bellamy's POV
Lexa is my best friend. Since 2nd grade, it all started when some older girl named Anya stole her cookie and I got it back for her. Anya was actually her sister but you know it's the thought that counts. Lexa is currently in a relationship with her girlfriend Costia. I honestly don't know why my love life effects her life, but somehow it does. And with that... Means she sets me up with literally any girl out there. Her new saying for me is 'she is single so perfect for you'. But today was different... Lexa and I are roommates. She is throwing a pool party and is inviting all her friends and coworkers, and she has sent me out at 7:39 am to buy everything she needs even if the party doesn't start until 4 pm. Since it is freaking 7 in the morning I head out to get coffee first. I go to the Grounders café and order just a plain black. I can't help but notice the cute barista behind the granite counter making the steamy drink.
"black coffee for Bellamy?!" I hear a sweet voice call. "That would be me, princess." I say. "Thanks." I say grabbing the cup from her soft and delicate hands.
Clarke's POV
I notice our fingers brush slightly as he grabs his cup from me. I can feel I shiver go down my spine. I look up and that's when I realize he has these mesmerizing doe eyes.
"Yo, Clarke we need you back here!" Raven yells from the back. I smile at him and he tips his head down. I watch him leave and head back.
Bellamy's POV
I tip my head down and head out. I do the rest of the grocery shopping and head home. I walk through the door and before I can take another breath, Lexa says "how about her? I mean she is single so-"
I cut her off and finish for her. "Perfect for you." I groan.
"Exactly." She says and waves it in front of me again.
"Lex, I am good." I say handing her the bags. The reason I said no is because I am tired of going on dates with girls I have no interest in and turning them down... And I can't get barista girl out of my mind. 'Jeez Bellamy she has literally only said four words to you! And it was just repeating your order?!' I think to myself. But damn she was hot. 'Damn it Bellamy! She is freaking gorgeous; she probably has a boyfriend'
"Hellooooo...... Hey! Earth to Bellamy. Snap out of it!" Lexa waves her phone in front of my face.
"Right sorry. What were you saying?" I ask still not 100% focused on her.
"Can you help set up?" She asks.
"Sure." I say flatly.
Clarke's POV
I have been making coffees all day. I need a break. Just 5 more minutes until my break.
I see my ex boyfriend Finn come threw the door.
"Rae-" I say.
"Yeah? Oh." She says.
"Go I got your shift." She says. I thanks her and head out the back so he won't see me. And yes our break up was THAT bad. I decide to go to the library. When I get there I head in and go to my usual spot. I decide to study for my finals  for college. I quickly realize that the person across me is the guy I gave coffee to. He has his nose in a book. I don't know what it is but it is something to do with Greek gods and mythology. He is really really really cute. I decide to be bold and talk about o him.
"Hey." I whisper.
"Hi." He smiles. God that smile.
"So what's up?" He asks. 'Shit didn't think this one through did you!' I think to myself.
"Nothing just wanted to talk." I say.
"Ok." He says. And shuts his book. We have a really long conversation and exchange numbers.
"Shit. I gotta go my friend Lexa will kill my if I am late to her party." He said.
"Fuck. I need to go too." I say.
I walk home and get ready.
At home...
I decide since it's a pool party I am going to so I wear my blue bikini.
     Bellamy's POV
The party is starting and everyone is almost here. Then I see her. Clarke... What is she doing here. I wave her over. She sees me and smiles.
"Hey what are you doing here?" She asks.
"I am Lexa's best friend." I say.
"Oh well I am her friend from her job." She says.
"Tell me about yourself." She says.
"Like what?" I ask.
"Ok. Well my mom and dad died in a car accident, I have a sister named Octavia and that's all that is interesting about me." I says.
"Your turn." I respond.
"I was born and raised in Arkadia, my dad died when i was 4, my mom is a world renowned surgeon so she is never here and that's all about me." She says.
"You wanna go for a dip?" I ask.
"Sounds great." She says. Before she can take her clothes off i grab her and run to the pool and jump in. I let go and rise up. When I reach the top of the pool I see a blonde figure come up and scream.
"What?" I ask like I didn't do anything.
"Ughh. You owe me." She says.
     Clarke's POV
"What's that?" He asks and gives me a smirk. I back him up into the corner of the pool and smack my lips to his. The kiss is fiery, passionate, but yet so delicate. I break the kiss and say.
End. I hope you enjoyed and leave suggestions below and sorry for being so MIA.
May we meet again.

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