Mamma's little matchmaker

886 57 12

//not mine\\
"Okay ma'am you drive safe now."

Bellamy waved the old woman through, smiling kindly despite the fact that she had been speeding in a school zone. There were children milling around everywhere and not all of them had parents with them to remind them to look before they crossed the road.

He had written her a ticket, and given her a warning but he really would have preferred to take her licence. Adjusting his uniform Bellamy walked back to the pedestrian crossing where he helped the eight year old crossing guards learn about road safety each Friday after school.

A flash of red caught his eye and he watched one of the kids cross the road, his red backpack almost bigger then he was.

"Hey hold on a second."
He motioned for the teacher behind him to carry on with the kids as he jogged to catch the little kid with the red backpack. He wasn't wearing any shoes and his poor feet were already bright pink from the cold as he stepped over the sharp gravel on the ground.

He stopped the kid on the other side of the road, racing ahead so he could crouch down in front of him.

"Hey, buddy, where are your shoes?"

The kid stared at him, his huge blue eyes peeking out from beneath his mop of blonde hair.

Bellamy tried again, knowing how scary a policeman could look to a five year old.

He smiled and took his hat off.
"You aren't in any trouble bud, I'm just worrying about your poor feet, there's a lot of glass and gravel around and you could catch a cold in this rain. What's your name?"

The kid sniffed and wiped his red nose with the sleeve of his blue raincoat.


"Nice to meet you Sam. I'm Officer Blake but you can call me Bellamy if you'd like."

Sam sniffed again and nodded.

"Now what happened to your shoes?"

"Michael took them."

"Why did Michael take your shoes?"

"Cause he didn't have any. His mummy works at the supermarket and couldn't get him any new ones."

Bellamy nodded, remembering having to walk to school without shoes because he'd given his to Octavia.

"It's still not okay to take other people's shoes though."

The kid shook his head a little and shrugged.

"I don't mind, I have two other ones at home and mummy said that kindness is free so we should give away as much as we can."

Bellamy raised his eyebrows, thoroughly impressed.

"Well your mummy sounds very smart."

The kid beamed, his pink cheeks round with dimples.

"She is! She's a doctor and I'm s'posed to meet her at the hobspital after school."

Bellamy couldn't help but smile at the little kid trying to pronounce the big words.

"Well you probably shouldn't be walking there with no shoes on. Do you know your mummy's phone number so that I can call her and tell her to come pick you up?"

Sam shook his head.
"She's working and I have to walk there and then wait at the desk with Uncle Monty and Uncle Jasper till mummy's finished."

Bellamy nodded again.

"What about another parent? Do you have a dad or another mum?"

Sam shook his head and his hood dropped back down to his shoulders. "Nope, mummy and Aunty Raven said that my daddy was a dirty, cheating, liar and then Aunty Raven called him some bad words that I'm not allowed to say."

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