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Wow! Omg. This is actually one I wrote!!! I am really not in the mood to write right now because my life has been so stressful but I promised myself I would write a lot this weekend so here you go! Btw it may take a while for the next chapter of my other books to go up because I am writing really long chapters there right now!
     Clarke's POV
Bell and I have been dating for what seems like 2 years now and after a long awaited trip, he is finally meeting my parents.
"Bellamy Blake are you finally ready?!" I yell at him even though he is right in front of me.
"Ye-No. What if they don't like me? They probably won't!" He says. Oh dear, he is panicking right now.
"They will love you!" I say rubbing his shoulder.
"Say that to Raven, Monty, Miller, Jasper, Harper, Octavia, And Lincoln." He says. When all of our friends met my parents they said it was horrible but they warmed up to them.
"Well she has kinda already met you." I point out.
"That was five seconds at 7-eleven." He says. I laugh.
"It'll be fine." I reassure.
When we are in the car I see him shake.
"You really are worried aren't you?" I ask rubbing his arm.
"Of course I am." He says.
"Yah but what the real reason your nervous?" I say.
"I want to make a good impression and I want them to like me because I love you and don't plan on letting you go." He says. You know my Bellamy is so sweet and heartfelt. You just have to get there to see it.
"I promise they will like you." I say.
"Plus I love you too so they have no say in what I do." I say half joking.
"Whatever." He says.
At my parents house...
"Hi you must be Bellamy Blake." My dad says to Bellamy extending his hand to him.
"Yes sir great to finally meet you." Bell says. I laugh at how awkward he is.
"Please call me Jake."
"Ok." He says. My dad leaves to get my mom.
"See that wasn't that bad." I say.
"Yah but what about your mom?" He asks.
"Shit." I say.
"Oh fuck. This isn't gonna end well is it?" He asks.
"Only time will tell." I say as I lead him to the dining room where everyone is sitting. He pulls out my chair for me.
"Thanks." I whisper.
"Anytime princess." He whispers back.
After we all have food on our plates we start to talk. I grab Bellamy's hand under the table and intertwine my leg with his.
"So... Bellamy Blake huh?" My mom asks.
"Yes." Bell replies.
"What's your job?" She asks.
"Oh well I, right now I am a TA for a history class." He says.
"That's nice. Pays a lot I assume." Abby says.
I kick her leg from under the table. She gives me a glare.
"Yeah I guess it's a decent amount." Bell says.
"Stop scaring the kid abby." Jake says.
"Ok just one more question." She says. I mentally face palm myself.
"How your family, like your mother father maybe siblings?" She asks.
Oh. No. She. Didn't. I specifically told her not to bring that up because it was a touchy subject on Bellamy. I squeeze the hand I am holding and rubbing circles on the palm of it.
"You don't have to answer it if you don't want to." I whisper so only he could hear. He shakes his head.
"Well my sister she is in college." He says.
"Ahhhh. So what about your parents, what's going on with them?" Abby asks.
She is really pushing it isn't she. I give Bellamy the you don't need to answer it look.
"Well umm, my mom she died from a car accident. She got hit by a drunk driver not looking where he was going and my dad, well he is out of the question." He says.
"Oh, well when did she die." She asks.
"I think I am going to use the bathroom." Bellamy says excusing himself from the table.
"Mom! How could you do that?! I told you it was a touchy subject! Yesterday, one year ago is when she died!!!! I can't believe you did that!!!!" I yell at her. I go after Bellamy because I think we all know he didn't need to use the bathroom.
I see him in our quest room looking at the stars outside with a tear on his cheek.
I walk up to him and sit myself on his lap. I hug him. He hugs me like I am the last thing he will ever touch.
"I am so sorry. I told her not to bring up family." I say.
"It's fine." He says. I know it's not fine.
"If it helps I screamed at her." I say trying to make him smile. I knew I shouldn't have brought him here.
"we can go back home if you want to." I say stroking his face.
"No. I told you we would come and stay so that's what we are doing. But I could I just not come back to dinner?" He asks. My love. He would do anything for me.
"Of course. I am not that hungry anyway." I reply.
That night we both fell asleep in each others arms and no matter what happened we were always were there for each other.
Hope you liked it!
In peace, may you leave this shore.
In love, may you find the next.
Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground.
May we meet again.

A series of bellarke oneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora