Home is where the heart is

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Here you go!!!
Clarke's beat up Camry was full to the brim with her belonging as she drove down the highway, trying to avoid the rear-view mirror. Dropping out of medical school was never in the plan, but she hadn't counted on everything else in her life falling to pieces in the matter of a week, either. Her dad's memory was everywhere. She couldn't stay in Maryland anymore, not with her mom, not with him, not after everything.

She had been driving for almost 10 hours, with no plan. She crossed state line after state line, until she finally crossed into Georgia and her car started making strange noises.

No, no, no. Not now.

On top of that, it had started raining. Not just drizzling, but full on, tropical storm rain.

The clunking got louder and louder. Clunk. Clunk. Clunk.

"Come on, baby. Just a little bit farther." Clarke could see lights up ahead, maybe a diner or a gas station? She had no idea. Practically in the middle of nowhere, she heard the engine turn over and stall out. Shit. She sat there for a minute, forehead resting on the steering wheel. She was exhausted and, of course, she was pretty sure her umbrella was packed in a box that was under all the other boxes. Of course.

She snatched up her purse, pulled the hood of her sweatshirt up and began the trek toward the tiny town up ahead. Clarke passed a sign on the side of the road that road Ark, Georgia, Population: 2,658. Oh god. She was in the middle of nowhere. The lights in the local diner were still on and the bell jingled as she stepped inside, soaking wet and creating a small puddle where she stood in the doorway.

There were only a few people inside and there was a sleepy looking young woman behind the bar, hair braided in an ornate manner. "You alright, miss?"

Clarke tried to run her hands through the messy of tangled blonde curls, but it was no use. "Yeah, um, no, I mean, not really. My car broke down just outside the town line and I don't have my AAA card or anything." She managed to sputter out. "Also, I clearly forgot where I packed my umbrella."

"Yeah, that Georgia rain will get you. The name's Monroe, can I get you a cup of coffee while I call a friend of mine to help you out?"

"Hot coffee would be a dream, thank you." Clarke slid into a stool at the bar, wrapping her hands around the warm mug Monroe had placed in from of it. She sipped on it slowly, the liquid warming her, as Monroe tended to the other patrons. Hearing the bells on the door jingle, she turned to see a tall, dark-haired (handsome) man with an insane amount of freckles standing in the entrance, slightly damp from the storm.

"Hey, Blake, this is the gal here." Monroe nodded to Clarke. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?"

"It's Clarke," she said, taking one last swallow of coffee and hopping off the stool.

"Bellamy," the man offered. "Why don't we go see what we can do about your car?"

Clarke nodded and followed Bellamy out the door. He opened up a large umbrella and she tried to hover as closely as possible to him to avoid the rain. Bellamy didn't say much on their journey to the car. Upon arrival, he just handed her the umbrella and popped open the hood. Standing there with his eyes narrowed, he focused on the inner workings of her hunk of junk 1997 Toyota Camry.

"It looks like there might be something wrong with the engine, but I can't pinpoint it here in the dark. With all this rain, there's no way I'll be able to figure it out tonight, it'll have to wait until morning."

Bellamy caught a glimpse of the boxes and bags piled high in the back of the car. Where could she possibly be going?

Clarke sighed, trying to hold herself together. She was beyond exhausted and it was starting to show. She never cries (well, not never.) But, her heart was just not having it today.

A series of bellarke oneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora