Take care of me

742 30 1

Not mine

prompt: "Could you write a one shot where Clarke is on her period and Bellamy is super sweet with her. Buying her candies and rubbing her back etc..."

She is barely through the door before her heels are being kicked clear across the living room and her keys are being tossed into the lopsided bowl on the counter near the door, a product of the one and only pottery class Bellamy took two years earlier. No sooner does the metal clink in the bowl does the shrill ringing of her phone sound from her purse.

"Hey," Clarke sighs when she answers, padding across the living room to pick up her shoes and heading to the bedroom.

"Hey, how did the presentation go?" Bellamy asks. There is muffled noise behind him, most likely the hubbub of the subway as he makes his way home.

Clarke groans. She tucks her shoes into the closet and collapses onto the bed. "The presentation itself went great. I think Lincoln's testimony really helped sell it."

"I sense a but coming up."

"But I got my period this morning, and by the time I had to give the presentation it felt like uterus was going to fall out of my ass," Clarke grumbled, never one to mince words.

Bellamy chuckles at her choice of phrase, but turns concerned nonetheless. "How are you feeling now? Do you need me to get anything for you?"

"No," Clarke says, smiling softly, "my arsenal is still fully stocked from last month. I may never need to buy tampons again."

A few weeks prior, she had the flu and her period at the same time, and it was arguably the worst five days of her life. It was made even worse when she discovered that somehow she was down to her last tampon, with not even a maxi pad to spare. Bellamy had already been an anxious mother hen after watching her throw up nonstop for two days, and when she asked him to run out and get some for her, he had returned with thirteen boxes altogether of every feminine product known to humankind.

"Never going to let me live that down," Bellamy murmurs. "But really, Clarke. Do you have ibuprofen?"

Clarke drags herself off the bed to get her heating pad as she assures Bellamy that yes, she has ibuprofen and yes, she ate today and no, she doesn't want to use his weird foot massager even if hers are killing her.

As she sets herself up with the heating pad on the couch, queuing up the episode of Masters of None she had fallen asleep during the night before, she tells him about her presentation.

Clarke is an art therapist who works out of Mount Weather Teaching Hospital. She's been pushing for an expansion for one of her treatment programs, the one that focuses on addiction drug-related violence, and the hospital board had finally agreed to hear her pitch. Her argument was solid, and she believes that she would have won them over by herself, but it was the added testimony of her friend and colleague, Dr. Lincoln Janti, that really won them over.

Back when he was still dating Octavia, six months after Clarke started at the hospital, Lincoln confessed to being addicted to a variant of heroin, a street drug called The Red. With Clarke's help, he overcame the addiction and now splits his work between the pediatric unit and helping her with her treatments.

So, altogether it looks promising. But I'll tell you more when you get home." Clarke frowns, glancing at the clock in the cable box. "When are you getting home? I thought you were on your way like twenty minutes ago."

"I'm in the lobby now," Bellamy tells her. "I'll be up in a minute."

"Make it forty-five seconds," Clarke teases.

Sure enough, less than a minute later the front door of their apartment swings open. Clarke peeks over the edge of the couch to see Bellamy toe off his shoes next to the door, a plastic bag in each hand.

"I need kisses," Clarke mumbles from her cocoon of blankets. Pouting comically when he looks at her, Bellamy comes to sit at her side and presses a tender kiss to her lips.

"Tell me what hurts, baby."

"It's my back and my stomach bu- oooh!"

Her words cut off when Bellamy unveils what was in the bags: two full size bags of Kit Kats, a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and a can of Arizona ice tea- her favorites.

"Oh my God," she moans, throwing one arm around his neck and using her free hand to snatch the bag of Kit Kats. "I could cry. You are my favorite person ever."

Bellamy chuckles and starts to peel away her blankets. Clarke devours four Kit Kats and gulps about half of the iced tea before he stops her.

"Roll onto your stomach," he tells her, adjusting her heating pad so when she lays down it is pressed directly over her midsection. He lifts her legs so that they're spread across his lap and bunches her shirt up around her shoulder blades, exposing her bare lower back to him.

"Yes," she moans as he starts to massage the tender skin. "That feels perfect, Bell. Thank you."

He drops one hand to start the episode, and Aziz Ansari's voice fills the room. "You gonna stay awake this time? This episode is a good one," he teases. But Clarke is already fading fast. By the time the opening credits start, she is almost totally limp.

"I love you so much," she murmurs into the pillow, on the verge of sleep.

Bellamy dips his head down to press a kiss to her back. "I love you, too, Clarke."

She starts snoring just a few seconds later.

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