Trivia, it changes us

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Bellamy Blake was a dirty, lying cheater and she wasn't going to let him get away with it.


"This isn't a courtroom, Clarke."

She ignored him, turning to Rick, the moderator, with her best innocent, be on my side eyes. "He's consulting with an audience member about the question and that's definitely against the rules –"

Bellamy scoffed loudly, turning away from the girl he had been talking to and facing Clarke. "I wasn't asking her for the answer! I don't need to ask someone for an answer I already know, which is Iago, by the way. I know my Shakespeare."

"Oh, and we're just supposed to believe that? I seem to recall you got that question about The Tempest wrong last week so forgive me if I'm skeptical on how accurate that statement is."

"That question was poorly worded and you know it!" Bellamy yelled at her indignantly. Clarke shrugged, crossing her arms.

"I had no trouble understanding it and neither did any other team."

"Ever heard of hindsight? Seems like you're benefiting from it right now."

"Stop distracting us from your crime here!"

"The only crime here is your baseless accusations!" He threw back at her and she went to grab for something to actually throw at him, her hand actually around the buzzer and ready to go when Raven kicked her.

"Can't you pick a fight with him later? We're so close to getting out of here."

"You didn't have to come –"

"Free beer, though," Monty interjected, leaning back in his chair. He was making eyes at Miller, who's on Bellamy's team and therefore, technically, the enemy, but Clarke had a soft spot for Monty so she didn't say anything. (But, seriously, the enemy.)

"Am I off the hook now, judge?" Bellamy's sarcastic voice rang out, clearly directed at her, although he was looking at Rick, who looked both exasperated and bored at the same time. She felt a little bad for him since this was hardly the first time that they've interrupted a game like this but look, Bellamy's already won the last two games and she couldn't fall behind now. The scoreboard hung up behind the counter was embarrassing enough.

"Let's not do this again, Blake," he said, and Clarke felt a wave of triumph. He cut his eyes at her next, "And Griffin. I'm calling it a game, congratulations to Bellamy Blake Must Die." She was going to fight the decision, since it wasn't that fair and she supported fair games, but then she caught Bellamy's scowl and she cheered instead, exchanging high fives with Monty and forcing Raven to throw her hands up too. (Honestly, her teammates were so unsupportive, minus the times Monty sometimes was. Raven never liked being dragged to trivia night at the Dropship and Wick clearly only came for Raven. But at least they all had some sort of competitive streak and knew enough to win the games.)

Said teammates abandoned her as soon as Rick declared the game in favor of Clarke's team, but she sat back and watched him change the scoreboard to BLAKE 15 GRIFFIN 14. She would prefer it if she had the 15, but there was next week to tie, and the week after to gain the advantage again.

Bellamy appeared by her side a second later, nudging her shoulder and staring down at her petulantly. "She was trying to get my number, not advising me on the answer."

"You don't have to keep up the lie, Bellamy, I've already won," she said sweetly, returning a scowl back to his face.

"This week."

"And the next and the next –"

"And you call me cocky."

"If the shoe fits."

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