Famous Bellamy and Highschool

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Not my story. One of my favs! (Imma stop saying that because let's be for reals, I would put it if it weren't my fav)
AU where Bellamy Blake is a famous actor and attends his senior year at Clarke's high school. If you've ever read "Perfect Chemistry" by Simone Eckles, that is my inspiration for the chemistry partners. Hope you enjoy!

Clarke pushed through the hordes of reporters in front of her school. She was being pushed and shoved and stepped on, and it didn't help that she was short so she couldn't see where she was going. Finally she broke through to the edge of where the police were ushering the press back behind a barrier.

"Excuse me!" Clarke shouted to an officer, "I go to this school!"

The officer immediately went and grabbed her arm, and helped her up to the front of the building. "You came the wrong way to school today Miss, I suggest taking a different route until the chaos dies down."

Clarke thanked the officers and made her way to her locker. Her best friend Raven was waiting for her.

"Oh good you didn't die in the sea of reporters!" Raven smiled as Clarke approached.

"I about did, a police officer had to pull me out! Why are all those people so interested in the Blake siblings going to school? It's really not that big of deal!" Clarke put her things in her locker, and grabbed her stuff for first period, Math.

"Because it's Bellamy Blake 'Teen Heartthrob and Super-mega movie star', who wouldn't want a picture of him?"

Both of the friends rolled their eyes. Ever since it was announced that Bellamy Blake was going to attend his senior year at Arc High, all the girls had been going crazy. He had recently starred in a popular romance-thriller called "Last November". Clarke and Raven had went and seen it, just to see what the fuss was about. Actually, it was a pretty good movie, but none of the hype was actually about the movie itself. It was all about the sexy star of it, who had decided his sister and himself needed to attend regular school for once.

Clarke had to constantly hear about everywhere. In class, at lunch, even in art she heard whispers of girl's plans to get Bellamy to like them.

A sudden scream of people was heard outside, and Raven and Clarke both turned their heads to the front door. The Principal, followed by several bodyguards and officers, streamed in the front doors, with must have been the Blake siblings. Clarke couldn't see so well because of the hordes of students making their way to the front of the building.

Clarke turned to Raven, "Let's get to class before I get stepped on again."

After Calc in the morning, Clarke had Spanish, P.E, Lunch, Science, and finally her free art class. It was supposed to be more of a study hall, but Clarke spent it in the art room working on whatever she felt like.

Octavia Blake was in her P.E. class. The girl was extremely pretty, dark brown hair and a face that resembled her brother. She seemed nervous to be there; everyone was trying to talk to her, trying to get Bellamy Blake's sister to be in their friend group. She was polite enough, but still seemed very uncomfortable.

Octavia turned out to be very athletic. By the end of the class, everyone wanted her on their team for volleyball the next day.

At lunch, Clarke sat with her friend group: Raven, Lincoln, Jasper, Maya, and Monty. Octavia walked in with two girls named Harper and Echo and Bellamy walked in with a guy named Miller. Everyone wanted him at their table, expect Clarke's, they couldn't care less.

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