Chapter 5: Guns and Gangs

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I'd never given much thought to how I'd die. I groaned, you know somethings seriously wrong when I start quoting twilight.

It wasn't even like the 711 I was at was in the middle of nowhere, deserted on the outskirts of town. It was the first thing you saw as you were heading into downtown.

All I wanted was some chocolate and coffee and now I was stuck in between a gun and a very pitiful 711 employee; Dave.

"Gimme the money, now or I shoot". I turned to look at the gunman and I saw his hand trembling. Clearly this was his first time wielding a weapon and it didn't look like he had any co-robbers coming anytime soon. He looked more afraid that I was.

I surveyed the robber. He looked about 5'8. He had tiny shoulders and long legs. His hair and face were covered with a ski mask to which only his eyes were visible.

They were blue.

"You won't shoot anyone", I confidently said. Although there was a slight tremor in my voice. No matter how inexperienced the gunman was he was still a psycho with a gun, and someone could get seriously hurt.

"What", he said as his gun lowered a little. He looked just as baffled as everyone else in the store. The poor employee looked like he was about to shit his pants. Even though I didn't look scared the realization that I could die started to settle in.

You know when you were a kid and you would watch a horror movie because you think your all that, and you say you can go to sleep just fine because your not scared anymore. But then you lay down and try to sleep but you feel like theirs demons in your closet and under your bed. That's how I felt right now, that they're were demons here. Only this time I couldn't call my dad to come check for monsters, and this time the monsters were real and no one was coming to save me.

I learned along time ago if you don't save yourself you'll drown, because no one has the power to fix you except yourself. I take pride in saving myself, and at this point the employee looked like he was about to faint.

So much for a knight in shining armor.

"What did you say, I have a gun, ILL SHOOT I SWEAR, MONEY NOW" he yelled with a shaky breath.

"I'm sure you would but, there's a baby in here and a 8 year old, so unless you want to go down for 1st degree murder of an infant and child, I suggest you let them leave. Mr 711 here looks like he's about to give birth-or constipate so I suggest letting him go as well. It'll lessen your collateral if your caught." I said watching his reaction.

I could see him internally debating what to do but he started to raise his gun and I knew I was losing him.

"I would still be left", I said in a haste. "I can get the money and you can be on your merry way with a wad of cash. If you don't get all the money you want, you can shoot me. You still have one hostage".

What the fuck? I wanted to live! God why did I open my mouth. He may be inexperienced but who knows, he could be a wackjob who likes to rape women. Oh god, I'm gonna die.

"Fine", he said before I could change my mind. "You guys OUT NOW, and if you call the police I swear I'll shoot you in the back". He said as his eyes followed every move of the children, the parent and Dave.

As they all made their way out, I realized that I was probably the only one who knew that his threats were empty. I also suspected he wasn't really here for money. A 711? Really? Drive 15 more minutes and there was a 5 star restaurant that would have way more cash then here.

He pushed me against the counter and knocked my coffee down.


"Get me the money". He said handing me a duffel bag. He kept looking outside, it seemed as if he was looking for someone.

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