Chapter 29: A Past I Was Dieing To Keep Hidden

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"Just finish the deal, I'll be in the car."

"No." I said in a panic. I couldn't let Isaiah get arrested. I coughed masking the sound of my recorder breaking.

"Rose, Rose are you there? Can you hear me." I heard Ren frantically call, from my ear piece.

I probably had 5 minutes before he stormed this place. I had to get Isaiah away before then. He was a piece of my past that I didn't want to become known. I wanted him to go back home.

And never return.

My life was here now. I didn't need Isaiah meddling and ruining it. If Isaiah was caught. Then...then...Josh would be soon to follow. I couldn' wouldn't see him again.

"I only do business with the boss." I said confidently.

Isaiah looked taken aback for a moment before he sighed and grabbed the duffle bag walking up to me.

"That's close enough." I said making my voice gruff. Now I wasn't stupid. I knew I couldn't take all of Isaiah's guys at once, but if I could knock Isaiah out and hide him, I could send him back home with a clear message.

Don't come back.

"I'm not the boss but I'm as close as your gonna get." I threw him the package as he checked the contents. I could see a light in the left corner of the the dock flashing once then twice. I knew by the fifth time it flashed Ren would be here. Well it was now or never.

"One more thing." I said as I walked up to him. Isaiah looked up as he caught a glimpse of my hair. I sucked in a breath covering my face with my hat.

As fast as I could I kicked Isaiah in the knee cap hearing his bone crack as I punched him In the back of the head.

Isaiah was out like a light. Suddenly his as body started to fall, due to his unconscious state, I quickly grabbed him and held him up to make it look like he was still standing.

"Boss we done." I heard a voice say.

Suddenly flashlights illuminated the dark alley and I knew Ren was here. In a frenzy Isaiah's men started to run. I took this as my cue to leave as I hauled Isaiah's heavy body on to my back and ran out of the alleyway. I searched for a hiding spot until I finally threw Isaiah's body behind a shipping container. I hit his chest one more time to ensure he would stay knocked out.

I quickly ran back into the alley slipping past Isaiah's newly arrested men, behind Ren.

"Ren!" I screamed pretending to breath heavily.

"Rose what happen? Why did your recorder stopped transmitting?" I wheezed as I stood up straighter facing him.

"The leader ripped it off and crushed it, but not before punching me in the gut and running off. I tried to find him." I said as Ren inspected me for Injury's.

"I'm fine." I said as the officers hauled the men away from the alley.

"We need to find him. Which way did he go?" Ren asked. I hesitated before pointing left, opposite to the container he was laying behind. Ren and the rest of them headed in the direction I pointed.

"I'll look aswell." I said as Ren nodded and we went out separate ways. It was times like these when I wish I had a car. I sighed as I jogged back to the container and dragged his body to the end of the dock and into the woods. I carried him deep into the forest and then strung him up on a tree with some rope I had found to make sure that he wouldn't be found.

When I was done I looked up at Isaiah. He really changed. He had huge bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in months. He had 4 weeks of stubble on his face. His fingers were rough and dirty as if he was rolling in mud and his clothes were heavy sweats. It was only then that I noticed he had a gun in his waistband.

Alarmed that it might fall I quickly grabbed it and jogged out of the forest. I ran to the other side of the dock and whipped it into the ocean watching it drown.

"Rose." I heard Ren call from the centre of the dock. I ran to the nearest shipment container and appeared on his left side.

"No luck Ren." He turned to look at me angry.

"Shit! How could he get away? God damn." Ren yelled as he punched the container.

"I don't know Ren, I don't know." I said as I grabbed his arm in comfort.

"Come on, we need to get you checked for Injury's." Ren said.

"I'm fine." I snapped. Ren looked at me confused before he dropped It. We walked in silence towards the rest of the officers.

I sighed.

"I'm sorry I'm just...just really pissed that he got away." Ren smiled a little.

"I know. It's fine. Just next time we'll have to get you a more subtle recorder yea?" I faked a smile.

"Yea." If I didn't feel like shit for lying to Ren before, I sure as hell did now.

"Oh and one more thing Rose."

"Good job today." My heart sank as I stared at the genuine smile on his face.

"Thanks." I called back as he disappeared into the sea of officers.

An hour later when the team was satisfied that they searched everywhere imaginable, even the forest (I was holding my breathe throughout the entire search), we were finally heading home.

"You want a ride Rose?" Ren asked. I shook my head.

"My bike is parked right over there." I pointed to my motorcycle. He looked skeptical.

"Call me when you reach home ok?" I sighed as I nodded and delegated from the group. Most of the cops were gone by now as I went around the corner and hopped on my bike.

It wasn't until I leaned back ready to start the engine that I realized a blade was pressed into my back.

"You move, you die. You scream you die. You do anything and you die." I heard Isaiah growl. I froze as he slowly turned me around. I closed my eyes as I internally cussed, the blade was now moved to my stomach.

"...What the fuck....A-Aura?" Isaiah whispered. I pushed him away from me as he stood frozen in his spot the knife discarded on the floor.

"It's Rose. I don't know who Aura is."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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