Chapter 28: Peru

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2 Years Later

I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I took my stance waiting for my opponent to strike. His muscles bulged as he rotated his hands back and forth as we circled each other. I surveyed his body as I caught his left leg shake a bit. I smiled. That was his weak point. I focused my attention on to his facial features and muscle spasms. His body language told me he would try an uppercut punch. I stared at the 200 pound beast Infront of me. He started to move forward his left hand coming towards me at an unimaginable speed, I smirked, I was right.

I quickly ducked as he threw his body at me causing me to loose my stance a little. I quickly crouched down and punched his left leg right in the knee cap, I heard a satisfying crunch as he stilled and then crumbled onto the floor.

I'd broken his leg.

This particular move took me quite a while to master. Breaking someone's leg with one blow was not an easy thing to do, nor was it pleasant.

I bounced back up readying myself for a counter attack when I heard a voice from outside the ring.

"Rose you've really improved, I've got to say your a quick learner." I relaxed as I unwrapped the gloves and shook them off my hands. I looked down at my opponent, he clearly wasn't getting up anytime soon. I tightened my ponytail as I jumped out of the ring landing on my bare feet.

"You know me Ren, I'm just dying for a fight." He gave me a crass look as I put my hands up in surrender and he laughed.

"Could your work out clothes get any shorter?" I looked down at my sports bra and yoga shorts.

What? They were comfortable.

"Could your eyes go any lower?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Touché. I just came to tell you that we've got a job at shower, you smell like crap."

"You've smelt worse. Do I dare bring up your gym locker? I swear to god Ren you haven't cleaned that thing out since I got here."

"Very funny." I laughed as he shifted on his feet.

"Just shut up and get ready." I smiled. Ren patted me on the back and left the gym sparing Grant a look. He grimaced.

"For what it's worth Grant, your leg will heal in less than a month." I said grabbing my bottle and towel off the gym floor.

"Yea no shit Rose, but it was still healing from the last time you bruised it."

"Next time you'll just have to break my leg, that way we're even." He scoffed.

"You wait until that day." I chuckled as I pushed the exit door and headed into the shower rooms.

It felt like I'd been here much longer than a year and a half. I sighed as I stripped down and stepped into the shower. I let the cold water hit my body, as I slowly felt my body cool down.

After I escaped from The Rouges and Harvey, I ran as far away from Brazil as I could and I ended up in Venezuela. I was there for 2 months until Harvey found me and then I had to leave. Colombia seemed like a good choice so I crashed there for a while until he showed up again. I finally managed to loose them off the coast of Ecuador and then I came down to Peru. I found Ren and Grant a year and a half ago and I've been helping them with thier work ever since.

I sighed as I turned the water off and wrapped myself in a towel. I grabbed my loose black t shirt and black leather jeans. I shook my ear length hair to dry it and then grabbed my keys.

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