Chapter 7: Liars and Earthquackes

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As the bell rang signaling the end of 2nd period, everyone bustled out of the classroom for lunch. Ever since Josh exploded two days ago, I hadn't seen him since. Not in the hallways or by the lockers. It was already Friday. And he didn't show up at all. This was a good thing. He was out of my hair.

I shrugged as I walked to my locker looking for Milo and Lola. My phone buzzed in my pocket as I grabbed my lunch.

I pulled it out and saw it was from Lola.

"Sorry I went home for the rest of the day, I'll explain everything to you later please dont tell Milo anything, thanks".

I snorted she was really going this far. She had a calculus test third period and she was missing it to avoid Milo. No I wasn't going to lie to Milo I was going to tell him exactly why she wasn't here. Milo grabbed my shoulder to turn me around. Speak of the devil.

"Hey Aura ready for lunch?" Milo asked. I feigned a sad look.

"Milo! I just got off the phone with Lola, she's having a panic attack at home. I have to re-write my English test and you know how Mrs Chen is. She won't let me off the hook if I miss it. Can you go check on her for me?"

Milos face changed from one of happiness to worry as he dashed out of the school faster than you could say "liar". I smiled he so liked her.

I sighed, well I would have to spend my lunch alone, I didn't really have a English test to write, I finished it last week. I texted Lola that I would be coming and for her to unlock the door. She sent me a smiley face and I locked my phone walking outside.

I sat down on a bench near the football field and bathed in the sun. It felt nice, to have something so warm shine on you. My happiness was cut short though when suddenly the sun was blocked by something. I huffed and opened my eyes.

"Hey Laura". I smiled.

"Harvey hey". He looked at me as he sat down on the bench.

"How are your classes? I was going to say hi to you in history but it looks like you were a little pre-occupied with Andy". I groaned.

"Don't remind me I have to deal with him in 2 of my classes this semester." He grimaced.

"I feel for you". I was curious though, why the sudden approach? Don't get me wrong Harvey was a funny guy but he was the quite keep to myself kinda guy.

"So did you need something? For one of your classes?" He laughed.

"Getting straight to the point eh? To be honest I didn't have a reason to approach you until two days ago." I looked at him waiting for him to go on.

"When I switched into Ancient history two days ago, I realized you were in my class. Your smart Laura and I could totally use you as a tutor."

I laughed. "I have very little patience Harvey, but if your willing to pay I'd seriously consider it." Harvey thought about it for a minute and then nodded.

"You got yourself a deal Laura". We smiled at each other and exchanged numbers. When we were finished he excused himself to go to the library. I swear to god, that boy never stops working.

I closed my eyes, and gave into the sunshine when yet another person blocked it.

"Harvey if you need anything else just text me, why are yo-", but when I opened my eyes it wasn't Harvey, it was Josh.

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