Chapter 21: Creepy Is My Middle Name

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short chapterrrr :/

Thursday and Friday blurred together as I jolted awake Saturday morning.

Fuck my head hurt.

I groaned.

Why was my head killing me? I pulled at my hair as I tried to throw the covers off me. What the hell? They were stuck. I turned to look at my side and almost fainted.

Josh was laying beside me shirtless. I fanned myself as my eyes fell to his muscular back. He slept so peacefully you'd think he wasn't the same asshole he was at school.

"Munchkin it's really creepy to stare at someone when they sleep you know?" Josh said snapping his eyes open.

I jumped in surprise as he grabbed my arm to keep me from rolling off the bed. He yanked me back on the bed sliding me under him. Both his arms were on either side of my head and his legs were entrapping mine.

He leaned his head towards me, his lips inches away from mine.

"Did you have fun last night?" He asked. My eyes grew wide. What happened last night? I couldn't remember anything.

"Your not a very strong drinker are you Munckin. Do you even remember what happened last night?" I shook my head as his eyes traveled from my eyes to my lips. I wanted to kiss him so bad in that moment.

He dipped his head as I braced myself but instead he nibbled on my ear.

"I think you've had enough action to last a lifetime". He whispered. I pushed him away from me and sat up.

"What? We didn't do anything right...I mean nothing happened or anything we didn't...we didn't....oh my god we..." I looked over at him and saw him crack a grin. I glared at him.

"Trust me Munckin if we had sex last night, you most definitely would have remembered". He said reaching for his discarded shirt on the ground.

I blushed and looked down just as the doorbell rang. My head snapped back up alerted, who was coming to Josh's apartment at, I turned to look at the bedsid clock, 8 in the morning?

"Stay here Munchkin and don't come out". He said sternly, leaving the room shutting the door behind him.

I scrambled out of bed and pressed my ear to the door.

"Renard...what the fuck are you doing here?" Josh asked with a low growl.

"What? I can't visit my favorite relative?" I gasped, wasn't April saying she found someone named Renard back at HQ?

"I'm your only relative so get to the fucking point." Josh said as I heard movement on the other side of the door.

"I heard that someone has finally stolen the great 'Rovers' heart." Renard said. I gritted my teeth. That's what April called him. I didn't even know Josh had any relatives.

I'm sure April knew. I thought to myself bitterly.

"You don't get to call me Rover, and why are you really here?" Josh spat.

"Ok you caught me, I'm not here for details on your love life. But it was only a matter of time before you and April got together. She always loved you...I'm really here because I have a message from Damon."

"Stay away from April." Josh said his voice rising.

I was trying to keep my accelerated heart from bursting out of my chest. He came here on behalf of Damon? I was drenched in fear as I slid onto the floor.

"Your working for him? I thought you said sex trafficking was too simplistic for you. Why the sudden change of heart? You actually using some of his girls, your a creepy old man, lost your touch?" Josh said with a tight voice.

Damon was going to traffic me....

Renard laughed.

"Very funny, well creepy is my middle name." He said dryly.

I snorted.

"I'm not into cheap sex. I can have anyone I want. But I did hear from Damon there was a certain girl he wanted. Said she was feisty and killed it in red. Can't remember her name for the life of me...Linda....Lola...Laura! That's it Damon said she was a real special one."

I sucked in a breath as I held in a sob.

"I don't know who she is or what that has to do with me so if your done you can leave." Renard clicked his tongue.

"That wasn't the message Josh. The message was for you to get your men out of our territory."


"Damon has businesses not territory's." Josh said coldly.

"Not anymore, he's with the Rouges. And I am I guess that makes us enemies eh?"

"Get out." Josh said as I heard rumbling and the front door slam shut.

I opened the door and walked to Josh who was frozen standing in the kitchen.

"Josh...are you ok?" I asked gently putting my hand on his arm.

He flinched away from my touch as he grabbed his car keys and yanked me out the door.

"Josh what are yo-," but I was roughly shoved into the backseat of his car as he stomped over to the passenger seat and drove.

"Josh what the fuck? You can't just manhandle me like that. What's going on where are we going?" I asked, but he didn't answer.

He only accelerated in speed. My face paled as I started feeling light headed.

"Josh slow down I.... I can't be in fast-" but I cut myself off before I revealed too much.

In a matter of minutes he pulled up in front of my house and unlocked the back door.

"Out." He said never taking his eyes off the wheel. I didn't bother arguing he looked like he was going to chop my head off of I disagreed.

His moody behavior was frankly pissing me off and I had so many questions about Renard but I knew he wouldn't answer them.

I just huffed and slammed the door shut walking to the front door.

I turned back to look at him, but Josh was already speeding away.

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