Chapter 25: The Rouges

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"She's hot but she's a little too old for our clients."

"She's not for sale, she's bait."

"Well....then I'd like a piece of that bait."

Harvey groaned. "Oh real original, go finger yourself, you can't touch her."

"Maybe when I'm finished with her you can have her Rat...actually na, not even then."

"Fuck you Harvey." I heard Rat say.

"Right back at ya." Harvey said. After a beat I heard shuffling and then a door slam as both Harvey and Rat left the room.

My eyes sprung open as I sat up instantly regretting it. My back was aching, and felt numb in certain places. I felt pain sear up my spine to the back of my head. I could tell a bruise was forming, and my head was throbbing. I blinked multiple times before my eyes adjusted to the dark room and I looked down to see that my hands and legs were loosely tied, these didn't seem to hard to get out of.

I was in a cold damp room with chains on either side of the wall and a chair a few feet Infront of me. There was a window high up in the left corner that let a small amount of sunlight stream in, it was a sunrise.

The room smelt like dirt and piss.

I could feel damp mud underneath me, it was seeping through my pants. There was mold growing on the floor and rotten apple cores littering the ground. I tried to move but my back and legs protested as my body burned with pain.

Suddenly the huge wooden door in the middle of the room, groaned and opened and Harvey stepped in. He entered and threw me a tattered blanket.

"Good. Your awake." He said leaning against the wall. He made a big show of untying my hands and feet as I shoved him away snatching the blanket and wrapped myself in it.

"Harvey why the fuck did you kidnap me? Are you a crazy? Or just really stupid." I said slightly shivering. I could hear footsteps through the roof, I was probably in some kind of cellar.

"I'm not crazy, and I wouldn't call it kidnapping you did agree to come with me."

"TO YOUR CAR!" I huffed. He crouched down and smirked at me.

"Your such a slut Laura. You go from Milo to Derek to Josh, and then I saw Ray and James enter your house with Isaiah, Sam and Joel. Did you have a threesome? I'm sure you give great head if you've got all of Dead Road at your feet."

I gasped at his words. How could he say that? I've known him since kindergarten. More importantly how did he know James and the others were at my house?

"How can you say that? How can you even think that you bastard!" I yelled lunging for him. I managed to get in a few punches before Harvey elbowed me in the stomach and threw me against the stone wall. My already bruised back slammed into the moist exterior.

I whimpered as I tried to stand up.

"Why the fuck am I here!" I yelled at him rubbing my arms.

"Don't ever try to hit me again otherwise you'll get a lot worse than a bruised back." He said menacingly.

I recoiled as I stared at him in horror.

"What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?" I asked desperately.

"Oh I don't hate you...I don't particularly like you, but your the only person outside of Dead Road Josh cares about. This is an opportunity we couldn't miss. You were unprotected and naive." He laughed as he went on.

"It was too easy to get close to you. But trust me, I would prefer it if you come out of this alive, but if you don't...well..." He shrugs.

"A casualty is a casualty, a small sacrifice for the bigger picture." He said. He smirked as he saw my horrified expression.

"Don't worry your not the one we are after...well actually that's not entirely true. I don't know what number you did on Damon but he's dying to see you again." My face paled as I leaned on the wall or support. I shook with fear as I refrained from throwing up.

"N-n-no." I managed to say. Harvey only smirked.

"Yes, we Rouges take what we want when we want it, and I can say for sure that Damon wants you." He said moving back leaving the room. I slid down the wall as he left me in complete and utter darkness.

Harvey was with the Rouges.

He hated Josh.

He was the insider.

So many thoughts plagued my mind as I vibrated with sobs. If I saw Damon again, I might be the one to die. I couldn't handle seeing him or his slimey hands on me once more.

I shook my head, I had to be strong. I couldn't show anyone I was weak. I would pull through this, someone would notice I was gone eventually, and they would come looking for me. I just had to stay alive until that happened and devise a plan. I needed to escape in case they decided to kill me.

After multiple failed tries of gnawing at the rope Harvey tightened on my feet again I gave up and looked for weak points in the room.

The only thing I could think of was escaping through the window. But there were many problems. First it was too high and second if I broke it someone would surely hear. But if I could just untie my legs, then I could swing the rope into the cranny of the window and hoist myself up. But first I needed to untie myself.

I got to work pulling and probing at the rope praying that it would come lose, because if it didn't I wouldn't be living very long to see another sunrise.

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