Chapter 9: PMSing and Dictatorships

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My weekend was spent surprisingly...quite. A large contribution to that, was the fact that My weekends were Josh free. I was also suppose to have detention Saturday with Mr Chu, but he called in sick switching it to next Saturday, so me and Derek had this weekend free. Lucky us. At least in detention I could take my mind off of Josh. But I didn't have his number and no way of contacting him. I was starting to get worried.

I couldn't even concentrate on my work, I was obsessing so much about. Was he safe? Did Rothfort kill him? Did the so called Rouges get to him? Who's the insider placed in the school? Did I turn my oven off this morning? My mind was a jumbled mess of thoughts all surrounding Josh.

More importantly I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. What did it mean? Josh said to Rothfort that we were together. But I had yet to see any sign that that was actually true. The relationship lie might have been planned but that kiss sure as hell wasn't.

I thought of all these things as I entered school Monday morning. My first two periods flew by. And I realized Josh wasn't in my first period class. Why wasn't he here?

When lunch hit, I realized I had another problem plaguing me. Milo and Lola were currently ignoring each other. Both of them would race to me at the start of lunch and drag me off to a designated corner completely ignoring each other in the process. Frankly, it was giving me a headache and I was just about ready to explode. So I did.

It was in Ancient history, last period. It was weird I still hadn't seen Josh all day. I was thinking there were only 75 more minutes until I could go home. Go home and sleep my worrys away. That is before I woke up screaming, but I figured nightmares were better than my reality at this point.

"Laur could you tell said person who is behind us to stop kicking my chair, it's irritating me."

"Aura could you tell Lola that I can hear her, and using third person incentives isn't gonna stop me from knowing she's talking about me. And I'm resting my feet on her chair. I have that right. This is America".

"No this is a fucking dictatorship Milo, so get your feet off my fucking chair".

"If this was a dictatorship then why the fuck arnt you at the White House dictating the fucking country".

" Because I came to this school to find LITTLE FUCKERS like you, who can't follow through on thier words with actions", she spat raising her voice.

Milo grew louder with his response as well. By this point most of the class was watching. "Follow through? LOLA YOU WOULNDT EVEN TALK TO ME".


"Commitment? You don't even know what those word means Lola. You don't care about anyone but yourself". Milo said lowering his voice to a whisper.

"Maybe I wouldn't be this way of you hadn't sai-". I snapped.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, BOTH OF YOU". I screamed grabbing everyone's attention.

"If you have fucking relationship issues then deal with them. Either talk it out and end up making out with each other, or don't talk at all. But DONT drive your best friend insane by pushing her in the middle of your little love fest. I'm tired of you two acting like 5th graders. Milo do you need me to fucking punch you again? And Lola, get over yourself you self righteous bitch. GOD" I fumed.

Just as I finished my rant Mr Line walked in unaware of the tension in the room and I moved to sit at the front of the class where the only empty seats were left. He looked around the class and frowned.

"Why is everyone so quite?" Mr Line asked.

"Because Laura had a huge PMS moment and cussed off her friends". Andy said. My eye twitched and I lost it.

I stood up and walked over to Lola's desk grabbing her water bottle. I unscrewed the cap and turned to Andy.

"Fuck you Andy. Why don't you go PMS on your own time, since you have a pussy yourself". Then I poured all the water on his head and watched it dribble down to his pants. I laughed, it looked like he peed himself.

"What the fuck you bitch", Andy screamed as he lunged for me, reaching for my throat. But he never got the chance, Milo came up from behind me and punched him. Milo tackled him to the ground just as everyone started yelling, "fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"MILO, ANDY STOP, EVERYONE SIT DOWN" Mr Line struggled to get the class under control as I stood their frozen. I was such a bitch.

I snapped out of my daze and knelt down attempting to separate the boys, Lola stood on the other side trying to pull Andy away. Milo landed punch after punch until I grabbed Milo's hand and yanked it back.

"Milo, stop. Please". I pleaded, but Andy took that as his opportunity to punch Milo in the gut. He then looked at me and lunged.

The last thing I remembered was Andy's fist connecting with my face and being submerged into darkness.


Darkness. No nightmares, just darkness. Was this a dream?

"Hey sweet cheeks wake up. Sweet cheeks come on, open your eyes".

I slowly opened my eyes as I tried to identify the voice. Sweet cheeks? Sweet cheeks, and not Munchkin? This wasn't Josh. I wiggled my fingers as I rubbed my eyes and everything came back to me.

Lola, Milo. Are they okay?

I shot up, and attempted to jump off the bed I was on. Probably in the nurses office, but as soon as my feet hit the ground they gave out. Why couldn't I walk?

"Woah there sweet cheeks hold your horses." Derek said running to me, pulling me against him for support.

"You were knocked out for a good 10 minutes. You really had me worried. It's gonna take a few minutes for the circulation to expand to you legs, lay back down."

"I can't move!" I groaned. Derek smiled.

"Don't worry I got your back". I looked at him confused as he put his right arm around my waist and the left under my legs, he heaved and lifted me up bridal style.

"Woah, Derek, you could have just given me a little push you know?" He laughed his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Now why would I do that sweet cheeks? I'd miss a chance to get close to you". I slapped his shoulder and laughed.

"Very funny Harrison". He looked down at me all traces of playfulness gone. He stared at me so intensely I couldn't even breathe. He slowly started leaning in, and I panicked. What was I suppose to do?

"Laura what the fuck?" Both Derek and I snapped our heads towards the door, and there stood Josh panting and very pissed off.

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