Chapter 10: Josh's Kill List

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She was so hot. God Laura was driving me crazy. The way she laughed, the way she smiled, the way her nose scrunched up when she was mad or angry. The way she kissed me.


Josh stop thinking about her. I knew the minute he started hanging around Laura it was bad news. I was in the locker room one day for gym, when I saw it. I saw that fuckers tattoo. And he saw mine. We were both branded.

I didn't expect anyone in this school to know anything about gangs beside the shit they heard on Tv. But he was real and he was here. My blood boiled as I remembered the day he threatened Laura. It was right after I stormed out of Mr Chu's class that day.


"Your MINE Laura, no one else's and I sure as hell don't share". I grabbed my bag and slammed the door shut as I headed for the school exit. I might aswell skip the rest of the day since I was ditching first. I threw my bag in my car and jumped in the drivers seat, racing out of the parking lot.

I was fumeing. Who did she think she was ignoring me like that. Who did she think she was kicking me that day at 711. God she was so infuriating. She didn't cower in my presence or stand down. If she had something to say she said it, without giving a damn about the consequences. Every time she would get mad her nose would scrunch up and she'd furrow her eyebrows. It was hot.

She was hot. The little things she did drove me insane. And when she put me in my place god I wanted to-

STOP. I slammed the brakes and pulled over. I ran my hands through my hair frustrated. She would be the death of me, and the worst part.

I wanted her to be.

I calmed down after a few minutes of cussing my heart out.


I was ready to go back. I exhaled as I made a uturn and headed back for school. I parked in the lot and stood outside the school staring at the doors for a few seconds.

"Having fun Dead Road scum". I turned around and scowled.

"Harvey what the fuck do you want". I growled, pushing past him entering the school.

"I want your little girlfriend". I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

"What did you say".

"Oh I think you heard me just fine Josh. I think The Rouges would be very excited to know their number one rivals finally have a weak link. Or should I say weakling. i.e Laura Hilroy. She's pretty I'll give you that. Oh how much fun I'd have with her," he smiled.

"I get giddy just thinking about it". I growled as I grabbed his shirt ready to punch the living daylights out of him.

"Uh-uh. Not so fast. You punch me you get suspended and then who would look after your poor Laura. Now that the Rouges know you have someone you love, this changes...well this changes everything." I was filled with rage, but I held it in as I let go of his shirt.

"Good move. I'll see you around Josh, I'd watch your girl very carefully if I were you. We wouldn't want any accidents happening now would we? Oh and one more thing, you tell Laura I'm in the Rouges, I tell Laura how you really got initiated into Dead Roads, I'll spill it Domique. So watch yourself".

He brushed his shirt off removing imaginary dust, as he walked passed me disappearing down the hall.


I ran out of the school trying to process what just happened, and headed for the only place I felt safe.


***end of flashback***

After I decided the best way to keep Laura safe, was to get protection from Rothfort. I took her to headquarters. Look how great that turned out.

It was already Monday, which meant Laura and Rothforts evening was tomorrow. I didn't know what to do. Or how to prepare her. I just knew that if he touched her, The Rouges wouldn't be the only gang after her.

I looked at the time and realized I missed most of the day. Oh well, I'd catch up tomorrow, I had more pressing matters to attend to. Number one being; why didn't I have my munchkins number? Harvey had it. Derek had it. Why didn't I have it?

I could see the way Derek looked at her. He liked her.

A lot.

But she was mine, and I would do anything to keep her. I threw my shirt off and headed for the washroom.

My apartment was pretty big. It had a master bedroom and bathroom, with a granite countertop kitchen. I loved to cook. It had two lounge rooms each with a flatscreen TV. My apartment was 15 minutes away from the school, the only reason I chose to go to Seulli High.

The only good thing that came out of being in a gang was the money. Wads and wads of cash was stashed at HQ. But only me Rodrigo and Rothfort knew the combination, that came with great power and great danger aswell.

As I showered I thought of my munchkin. She was so small and fierce, but so stubborn. She never listened to anything I said and never followed my lead.

Within 10 minutes I was out of the showering throwing on a pair of jeans and a tee. I was drying my hair when my phone rang and I turned to see it was Trent.

I answered and put it in speaker.

"Trent what's u-" but I dropped my phone and reached for my keys as soon as I heard what Trent had to say.

"Josh get here now. Andy hit Laura".

Those 7 words ruined me. I felt like my head was going to explode and I drove like crazy to get to the school. I made a 15 minute drive into 5 no problem.

I hastily parked in the front of the school and ran inside like my life depended on it. I stopped in the hallway and searched for the nurses office, if she was hurt bad, she'd be there.

God if there was blood, I wouldn't let Andy live. I was so angry as I finally saw the nurses office up ahead. I heard voices as I approached.

"Now why would I do that sweet cheeks? I'd miss a chance to get close to you". What the fuck? No one was getting close to my munchkin except me.

"Very funny Harrison". I yanked the door open only to see Derek leaning in towards Laura trying to kiss her.

I lost it.

"Laura what the fuck?" I growled panting as I watched their heads snap to me.

Andy would have to wait. First I was gonna kill Derek, for trying to make a move on my girl.

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