Chapter 27: I Was On My Own

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I know I haven't updated in a while, sorry! I have a lot of work and exams are coming up for me, anyways enjoy!! Please vote, comment, and share!💚


I scarcely remember the events happening the next few days, I was flittering back and forth between conscious and unconsciousness. The longer I was held captive the smaller my chances of being rescued were.

I touched my head with my bounded hands as I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the usual pitch black room. Well, at least I wasn't having any nightmares.

Probably because I'm in one right now. I thought.

Suddenly the door heaved open and Harvey walked in with a cigarette in between his lips.

"Change of plans, we're leaving." He said as he began to untie my legs so I could walk.

"Leaving where?" I asked urgently.

"Out of America." I sucked in a breath as my mind started reeling in the possible scenarios.

"I'm being serious Harvey."

"So am I Laura."

"Why are we leaving the country."

"You ask too many questions."

"And you don't give enough answers."

"Don't test my patience Laura, I can do a whole lot worse than a black eye." He said menacingly.

I held back a sob as I shut my mouth biting my lip. Harvey managed to untie my legs and haul me up roughly pulling me out the door. We went through a series of doorways as I quickly tried to memorize them.

"Don't bother trying to remember, you'll never see this place again." He said smirking. I whimpered as we finally exited the tunnel and I was met with blinding sunlight.

"Get in." He said pushing me into a black van.

"No." I said struggling against him. This was my chance to escape! I quickly gathered all the strength I had left and kicked him in the balls. He groaned falling to his knees hunching over. I untied my hands and ran like hell.

"You can't run from me Laura." I heard Harvey's muffled voice. My heart beating faster I pushed my legs further and further trying to get away.

Eventually I stopped running and came to a dead end.

My bottom lip started to quiver as I shook with sobs.

"No, No, NO." I screamed in panic. Slowly but surely I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't even need to turn to know who it was.

"I can either knock you out, or you can cooperate with me Laura, your choice." He said.

I felt like I was going to puke, I couldn't stand to be near him, I wanted to cry so bad but I knew showing Harvey my weak side wouldn't help me in any way.

I bit my lip as I looked down at the ground to keep from crying. I started counting the pebbles to calm myself down.

1 pebble


2 pebbles


3 pebbles

Breathe in.

4 pebbles

Breathe out.

5 pebbles

Clear my throat.

"Ok." I said after a beat. He pushed off of the wall he was leaning against and motioned for me to walk forwards first. I rushed past him practically running towards the car.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked defeated.

"Because I can." He whispered.

Less than satisfied with his answer I prepared to climb into the car until I felt pressure at the back of my head, and a throbbing pain searing down my back.

He knocked me out.

He's such a liar.


"Welcome Laura." I heard Harvey's faint voice call out.

"Welcome where?" I asked my vision a tad blurry.

"Welcome to Brazil..."




I sat up and surveyed the room I was in. It had all the windows and doors opened letting in a warm breeze. The room was stationed on the beach, I could smell the salt water I could see the ocean for miles.

I was actually in Brazil. My eyes grew wide as I snapped my head back to Harvey. He was sitting at the edge of my bed a little too close for comfort.

I shifted away. Was this a high class prostitute house or something. Was he finally going to sell me?

Fear enveloped my body as I shivered pulling my knees closer to me.

"How did you get me here?" I asked a breath away from crying.

"We have our ways. Just know Laura, Josh will never find you now." He said walking out of the room.

For the first time since I was 5 years old, I cried. I cried and I cried until my face was numb and my throat was dry, because I knew from that from this moment on, I was on my own.

Not even Josh could save me now.

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