Chapter 23: Fresh Prince and Pompus Pricks

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Long chapter cuz I haven't updated in a while ;)

I didn't hear from Josh all of Saturday, and to top it off I got sick. I was burning up and my head was pounding. There was no way I could get out of bed let alone go to detention. So I called in saying I was severely ill and texted Derek I couldn't make it for our 'date'.

I felt bad for bailing on him but I would have ruined it anyways by moping all day.

I felt like Josh was on another planet. He wouldn't answer any of my texts or phone calls and frankly I was starting to get really sick of him icing me out all the time.

When I woke up Sunday morning it was anything but pleaseant. I woke up to a screaming fit, the same dream playing over and over again in my head.

Suddenly I felt my stomach churn and a burning sensation swarmed my body. I ran to the washroom and I kneeled in front of the toilet as my body violently shook releasing bile. I kept heaving and heaving until I saw I was puking up blood.

After sometime the vomiting subsided and I leaned against my bathtub for support.

"Why...why do I remember?" I said asking no one In particular. My head was throbbing and my throat was as dry as the Sahara desert. I slowly stood up rinsing my mouth out.

Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching my room, and although it hurt to move I slammed the washroom door shut and jumped into my bed hiding under the covers.

I heard my door open and Rachel's head peeped in.

"Laura...honey are you awake?" She asked entering the room. I mumbled a incoherent 'yes' as she walked closer to the bed. I freaked out and hid further under the covers.

"Ok. I'm letting you sleep in because it's Sunday. Me and Haley have a conference for her upcoming dance recital and we won't be back til late. There's some chicken breast in the fridge just warm it up for dinner. And please get some work done honey." Rachel said hastily.

"Wait...why does your room smell like rotten eggs?" Rachel asked walking towards the washroom.


"I...uh...I farted! It smells really bad in the washroom. You don't want to go in there, I had some bad tacos last night...yea didn't really settle well. I was having a really difficult time po-". But she held her hand up motioning for me to stop.

"Sweetie this is why I tell you to stay away from fast food! It's poison. Drink some warm milk with honey. It should help your upset stomach." She said frowning as she walked out of the room shutting the door.

I released a breath I didn't even realize I was holding as I threw the bed covers off. I waited until I heard the garage door open and close before heading to my washroom.

I needed a shower...bad.

By 2:00pm I had cleaned up all the vomit and brushed my teeth. After my nice long shower, I threw on a blue crop top and some sweats. I sprayed some fabreeze so my aunt wouldn't notice the stench in my washroom, and walked downstairs into the kitchen. I took my time making my warm milk as I absentmindedly grabbed some ice cream as well.

I plopped down on the couch and tried to forget about my uneventful morning. I hadn't thrown up blood in over 3 years. I wonder what the trigger was?

After my night with Derek I assumed I was getting better. I groaned as I pushed away any thoughts of sleep and
focused my attention onto the tv.

After what felt like an eternity I found something decent to watch. A re-run of Fresh Prince Of Bell-Air was playing and I smiled turning the volume up.

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