Chapter 8: Car Rides and Kisses

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On the left of the mess hall there was a flight of stairs. As we walked up, Josh stopped in front of a door. He turned to me.

"Munchkin don't speak and don't make eye contact ok? Please listen to me this time, promise me", I was about to argue but I saw his pleading eyes. I caved.

"Ok I won't, I promise". I said confidently. He smiled and knocked on the door.

If I thought Effor from 711 was large then this man put him to shame. He looked about 6'3, long brown hair and pale complexion. He was wearing shades.

I held in a snort. Shades? Underground? Seriously? I looked down as an attempt to hide my smile.

"Rodrigo I need to see Rothfort. Sura said he was here." The man, Rodrigo looked at me then back to Josh. They were having some kind of conversation with their eyes. Neither one of them moved for a good minute until Rodrigo opened the door and let us in.

I guess Josh won.

I still had no idea why the fuck I was even here, but I held on to my questions as we slipped past Rodrigo.

We entered a dimly lit room three times the size of my bedroom. This room was fucking huge. On the walls paintings were hung of burning buildings and guns.

Surprise, surprise.

In the centre of the room was a long marble table with various files scattered around it. In the centre sat Rothfort. On the left of the room there was a huge bed. I shivered. God only knew what that was used for.

Rothfort stood up and walked towards Josh. He had a short beard with blonde hair. He had huge muscles and many scars on both his arms.

"Josh what are you doing here. It's your day off no?" He said. But then he noticed me and his entire exterior changed.

"Who is this? Why is she here Josh. You know our rule about outsiders. If they see the tunnels they die." He paused.

"Although with this one maybe we could have a little fun first". I felt sick as he stared at me with lust. I tightened my hold on Josh's hand. It was only then that Rothfort locked his eyes on our intertwined hands.

"Or...maybe just fun for you", Rothfort said. Josh stiffened. I could tell he was biting his tongue.

"I'm here because I need protection for Laura. The Rouges have their sights set on her."

What? The who? What the fuck?

"The Rouges? And why would they be after Laura".

"It''s because of me. They saw her with me and assumed...we had a relationship". Rothfort approached us and reached for my arm.

"So she's currently free. No attachments?" Rothfort asked.

"No she's with me but we just weren't together at the time", Josh said quickly, pushing Rothforts arm away. I looked at him. Together. As in together together? I wanted to protest but I kept quite.

"So they saw you together big deal? They won't rip her throat out. Not yet anyway". I paled as Rothfort looked at me.

"Rothfort they have an insider. This is the first time I've ever asked you for a favor. Please just keep the Rouges away." Rothfort sat back down in his chair and contemplated for a while. The room was dead silent as he made his desicion.

"Okay. We'll protect her. Under one condition." Somehow I knew this wouldn't end well. Josh looked skeptical but Rothfort proceeded anyways.

"I want an evening with her."

"NO". Josh growled. Rothfort stilled. He slowly rose from his seat and walked dangerously slow, his eyes turning black as choal.

"Did you just tell me no? Did you just raise your voice? Have I taught you nothing boy". He spat. I knew this was going all wrong, so I broke my promise.

"Ok I'll do it", both boys whipped their head in my direction. Rothfort looked pleased, and Josh looked like he wanted to rip my head off.

"It's just an evening. No big deal right? This is all for my safety anyways." And Josh's I added subconsciously. I didn't want Rothfort to hurt Josh.

Rothfort laughed. "That's it! That's the spirit. Josh have her here next Tuesday. 6pm sharp." He smiled at me. "Dress fancy".

As we exited the room Rodrigo looked at Josh in pity. I didn't understand why. Josh was the one who came here in the first place.

What scared me the most though, was that Josh was dead silent. He didn't speak to me or look at me. When we finally reached the trap door he pulled me up and we walked to the car. As soon as I got in he sped away.

"Did I or did I not say to keep your mouth shut. Did I or did I not make you promise to stay quite. DID I OR DID I NOT SAY TO KEEP QUITE LAURA." I gasped. He called me Laura.

"I..I was only trying to help. It's not like you were doing a bangup job anyways. Rothwhore or whatever his name is was angry at you. He looked like he was gonna kill you I had to do something-"

"NO I could have handled it. God your so stupid. Do you know what an evening with him means? I took you there knowing the risks but I didn't think that bastard would have a condition like that. I needed you to be protected but now." His hands tightened on the wheel, to the point where his knuckles were turning white.

"Even thinking of another guy touching you drives me insane." He growled and ran his hand through his hair. He did that when he was nervous.

I sat there dumbfounded. Another guy? Does that mean he's the only guy who can be with me? Slow down, we didn't even know each other.

"Domique who are the Rouges and why are they after me?" He sighed as he pulled over on the side of the road and turned to me.

"Munchkin, long story short. Their a rival gang. They have an insider in the school that fed information to their leader, Priam. He said you and I were together and he could use you as my weakness."

"Why would I be your weakness? I barely know you Domique". He looked at me, his grey eyes searching mine.

Ever so hesitantly he leaned in, reaching over to my seat.

Was he going to kiss me?

He brought his hand around my neck and gently pulled me forward.

"I won't do anything unless you want me to Laura. The choice is yours". I knew what he was asking. He was seeing if what we wanted was the same. I knew it was dangerous, I knew I should have pushed him away but as I stared at his lips I realized I didn't care.

I smiled. "Are you actually asking me for permission-"

He crashed his lips on mine cutting me off. He moved his hands from my neck to my waist as he pulled me closer. I immediately responded to his kiss and circled my arms around his neck. His kiss was slow and passionate, but I knew he was holding back, so I bit his lip entering my tounge into his mouth. He was surprised for a second then broke the kiss.

"You wanna play dirty huh munchkin? I didn't peg you for the following type anyways. Of course you'd try to take the lead."

I rolled my eyes and moved onto his lap. I flipped my hair as he watched me closely.

"I don't follow Domique, this is something you should already know. Now shut up and kiss me". He smiled as he pulled my head down, our lips once again connecting.

I was in such deep shit.

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