Chapter 20: Little Miss Popular and Psychics

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When I got back to school it was a little past 1pm. 4th period would be starting soon so I headed to my locker to grab my binder.

My mind drifted back to HQ and April.

April huh?

She was no doubt gorgeous, and to top things off she had a history with Josh. I was trying so hard to stop my inner psycho from releasing. Especially when she called me a prostitute. Honestly you've got to be kidding me? I was in sweats! Sweats for fuck sakes!

That doesn't exactly scream 'bang me I'm open til 5'.

I groaned. How would I be able to compete with her? She's known him since he was a child. I didn't even know he liked space let alone he liked the Mars rover.

Rover. I burned with jealousy. Just how many times were they together. I mean I knew he wasn't exactly a saint, but I didn't think his past girls would become a problem so soon. We were barely together a month!

I sighed as I punched in my combo and wrenched open my locker. At least I had Ancient History with Milo and Lola. Come to think of it I hadn't talked to Milo since the fight with Andy.

I was such a shitty friend. I was so absorbed with my own problems I didn't even stop to think of either of them. I never even asked Lola how things were between them. If they were okay or not.

God I was so oblivious! I pulled at my hair as I slammed my locker and turned around to see Harvey hovering over me.

I jumped.

"Harvey what the fuck! You can't just sneak up on someone like that. I could have seriously injured you." He smirked as he looked down on me.

I narrowed my eyes. "Don't laugh at me I could have kicked your balls so hard that you wouldn't be able to reproduce." I said moving my hands to my hips.

"I believe you, I just didn't think I was scary is all." He said.

"Anyways, I was wondering since your up for tutoring me, I was wondering if Saturday's could work?" He asked. Oh yea, that's right I agreed to tutor him.

"Saturday' I can't promise I won't get into more detentions and it's always Saturday's could you chose another day?" I asked grimacing. It's not like I would get into trouble everyday, I just had a feeling that, with how hectic things were getting, it would be extremely hard to stay out of trouble.

His eyes crinkled as he laughed.

"Okay how about Tuesday's after school?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Annual dinner". I said, I wasn't going to bail on Milo and Lola, I was already doing a pretty shitty job of being a friend anyways.

"Oh, and starting next week my cello teacher is coming back from her break. I can't do Thursday's or Friday's after school. Those two days it's cello, cello and more cello for me." I said suddenly remembering.

Moira, my teacher has been with me since I was 7, she recently just got married and went on her 2 week honeymoon. That was fine by me though, I had 2 weeks of Thursday and Friday's absolutely free!

"Damn Laura aren't you just little miss popular." He said in disbelief. I snorted, yea right.

"Monday nights?" He asked. I racked my brain for any important dates, but I was in the clear.

"Monday's could work". I said nodding my head. A grin broke out on his face and he smiled.

"Monday's it is!" He said as the bell rang.

"Want to walk to 4th together?" He asked. I nodded my head as the hallways started swarming with students rushing to get to last period.

As we walked into 4th I searched for Milo and Lola. Harvey saluted me as he walked to his seat in the 5th row. 

I finally spotted them, sitting a little too close for comfort in the corner of the 3rd row. My eyebrows shot up and I walked up behind them and slammed my book on their desk.

They both jumped apart blushing like crazy.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" I asked in a perky high pitched voice. Lola threw me a dirty look while Milo just kept looking at the ground.

Milo Thatch acting shy? What the fuck was this a parallel universe? Someone call the police because I couldn't believe my fucking eyes, I had to be high or something.

"Milo care to explain?" I said staring him down.

"Tomorrows Thursday! 1 more day and then it's the weekend!" He said changing the subject. I smiled.

"So you sorted out your issues?" I asked. Lola turned to me.

"Yea I stopped being a self righteous bitch and got over myself, proud yet?" She said. I cringed.

"L! I said I was sorry!" She laughed as she watched my reaction.

"I know I just like bringing it up, it makes you really uncomfortable." I glared at her.

"I'm glad my pain amuses you". I said sitting down beside her.

"Na she didn't mean it like that." Milo said shrugging it off.

"So...are you too..." I trailed off not wanting to make it awkward if I was wrong. Lola blushed and Milo suddenly found the ceiling very interesting.

"AHA!" I screamed. Finally! It happened. It was about damn time.

"I knew this would happen one day, shit guys I should be a psychic I could make a career out of this." I said proudly. Milo snorted as Lola laughed.

Just then the door opened and Mr Line walked in shushing everyone. I pulled out my binder as he started his lesson on the 'Jewels of Ancient Egypt'.

I didn't know about Egypt, but I knew of two jewels rarer than any diamond, and they were both sitting right beside me.

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