Chapter 2: Grey Eyes With A Side Of Pie

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"Laura Hilroy please come to the office, Laura Hilroy please come to the office, thank you".

As if my Monday wasn't going bad enough.

I had woken up late this morning and as a result I didn't even get to eat breakfast.

On top of that when I tried starting my car the engine gave, so I had to make the 45 minute walk to get to school.

If exercise didn't scare you shitless enough, as soon as I stepped outside, it started pouring, and I don't mean light drops of rain, I mean like monsoon weather. To which I braved WITHOUT an umbrella.

So it's safe to say my morning began with an unprecedented amount of back luck.

Once I finally had reached St. Bernard's, around the end of first period, I rushed straight to the washroom to try to dry myself off.

It didn't really work, I still looked like a damp raccoon when I entered second period, and to top it off i'd received my 13th tarty, how delightful.

And now I was being called to the principals office?

GREAT, just great.

Why couldn't they call me down during third period math? Why during my favorite period, English?

I sighed as I gathered my somewhat dry things.

"Hilroy you smell like a fucking wet dog, looks like the bitch is finally looking the part", Andy said as I stood up to go to the office. I scowled as I grabbed my bag.

"Why don't you shove your 'oh so good insults' up your ass where the rest of your head is". I said as I passed his desk.

"You bit-", but he was cut off my Mrs Chen our English teacher.

"Not in my room Mr Nolan, that's a detention for you, and you too miss Hilroy. I don't appreciate fights in my classroom, come back after class to get your slip, now off you go, shoo." She motioned with her hand.

For the most part Mrs Chen wasn't all that bad, I didn't start the fight but I did fuel to the fire. I wish I could say I wouldn't do it again but the look on Andy's face was worth it, I chuckled to myself as I left the classroom making sure to slam the door shut.

I quickly speed-walked over to the Main Office eager to get this over with. I approached the receptionists desk smirking to see her filing her nails.

"Hm... Ms. Hilroy Mr Sujet's expecting you in his office" Joanna said.

She smiled and gave me a wink. After 3 years of seeing me come in and out of the office she grew accustom to my constant presence , and Infact even welcomed it.

"If you didn't do anything too bad, I'll give you the last slice of cherry pie in the staff fridge". I smiled.

"Joanna you're the best, you know that? But I think we both know there's some cake in there too".

"Flattery is something I'm immune to, my dear you know that".

"All too well I'm afraid", I heard her laugh as I opened the door to the principals office. There Mr. Sujet sat on his mahogany desk, across from two plump chairs for parents and visitors-or in this case troubled students.

But something was off, Mr Sujet wasn't the only person in the room, a boy sat in the chair nearest the door. His shaggy brown hair hung just above his eyes.

Oh shit, his eyes, they were grey, like stormy grey mixed with a dark green, they were huge and enchanting. Mr Sujet cleared his throat and my attention snapped back to him.

"Have a seat Laura, it's not like you haven't been here before". The boy looked up and examined me from his chair, I felt heat rise to my neck all the way to my cheeks as I avoided his gaze and sat down.

"Why am I here Mr Sujet, I didn't do anything wrong. Atleast not that I'm aware of, or in the past week I've been an angel, there's hasn't been one Incident I swear".

"We both know your as much of an angel as I am young"- did I mention Mr Sujet is 54.

"Point taken".

"Look I won't hold the vandalism against you, unless you do something for your...fellow student body". My eyebrows rose to my hairline.

"What did she vandalize?" A deep husky voice asked. I turned to look at the grey eyed boy.

"You don't need to know", I said staring him down.

"She wrote 'Andy is a piece of horse sh¡t' on every classroom door on the first floor."

Grey eyed beauty laughed.

"Anyways Laura I need you to tutor Mr Josh Domique here, in Algebra".

The room was silent for a good five minutes, Josh and Sujet were both waiting for my reaction, but I was at a loss.

Did he not see my Algebra mark? Was a 65 good in his standards? Why on earth would he want me to tutor someone? I'm not exactly the best influence, to begin with.

I burst out laughing.

"Mr Sujet you've got to be kidding me I-", I couldn't even finish my sentence, my stomach hurt so bad from laughing. Did he get me mixed up with someone else? I hated algebra and I couldn't stand it let alone teach it to someone.

"Laura I'm being serious", Mr Sujet said clearly irritated.

"I hate Algebra and my marks arnt exactly tutor material". Mr Sujet stared at me.

"I was under the impression that your marks were very high in Algebra". I snorted.

"Well think again, I'm barely at a 70, you got your information from a bad source".
Mr Sujet just sat there dumbfounded. Grey eyed beauty on the other hand, wouldn't stop staring at me and quite frankly it was making me uncomfortable. Uncomfortable to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Well if that's I'll be leaving", I said as I picked up my belongings and rushed out of the office and releasing a breath that I didn't even realize I was holding, I sighed, and headed back to class. Trying to put as much distance between Mr Sujets office and I.

Between me and Josh Domique's haunting stare.

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