Chapter 19: Jersey's and Kryptonite

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I should be doing my homework buuut here I am writing. Schools boring anyways ;)


I frowned as I watched Munchkin walk away. I wanted her to stay.

Fuck I sounded like a girl.

I groaned as I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. I turned to look at April.

"Let's go in, you said you found Renard?" She nodded and shut the door behind me.

"What the fuck Rover? She's a prissy bitch who probably doesn't know the first thing about taking care of herself. Face it Rover we are in a gang shit like self defense is fucking important. We drug deal, we raid banks, we assault people. We could even kill..." She whispered the last line. I shot out of my seat.

"I will NEVER kill. I will never do it April, maybe I have a chance t-"

"TO WHAT ROVER?" She screamed.

"TO START A LIFE? You can never have a normal life because you can never leave. Rothfort owns you, he has the entire gang thinking you fucking killed your mother! He has evidence on you, you can't leave so stop dreaming and wake up. it's not fair to drag her into this! You know that. Look what happened Wayne." She said her voice breaking.

My anger dissipated as I watched April fall to the floor.

Wayne was her boyfriend...he was killed a year ago. Death caused by "mysterious" circumstances. We all knew it was Rothfort. He even left red roses beside Wayne's body. Aprils favourite kind of flower. She was thinking of leaving the gang for good, Wayne had a plan and everything for them, but Rothfort caught wind of this and had Wayne killed.

For a while April wouldn't eat or drink. She would just sit in her room and stare at the wall. For months she despised herself for loving him. For thinking she could leave. It broke her and I know she never fully recovered.

She glanced up at me.

"If you love her, let her go. This is going to end up with her dead and you broken Rover, don't make the same mistakes I did." She said sincerely.

"The Rouges are after her, they have an insider in the school watching her. He had all his classes changed to match hers. I can't just break up with her and leave her defenseless. I won't." I said grunting. This wasn't some chick flick. This was real fucking life where people died if you weren't smart.

"She's not completely defenseless. That jersey she was wearing, it was your schools jersey, there was a guys name on it...Derek I think. No girl wears some random guys jersey unless she was close with him. Are you sure your girls loyal?" April asked.

I balled my hands into fists clenching and unclenching my hands. Derek? She was wearing his jersey? I didn't even fucking notice.

"He's not important, and my girl only looks at me. No one else could compare to me." I stated. She shook her head and sighed.

"Rover your going to kill her, get that in your fucking head." April said pushing my chest. But I'd had enough. I threw her against the wall and glared.

"April shut the fuck up."

"I could kick your ass right now if I wanted to, but I'm not because your blinded...Just like I was. You know how this story ends Josh, end it. End it before Rothfort does." I released my hand and let her drop to the floor storming out of the room. I needed smokes and I needed them now.

"Woah, woah Josh slow down." James said running into me.

"What's gotten up your ass?" He said blocking my way.

"Aura probably did him good, he's whipped". Sam said.

I lost it.

I threw the first punch tackling Sam to the ground as he kicked me in the stomach. I groaned but kept my stance as I punched him blow after blow until I was yanked off by Ray and James.

"Calm the FUCK down Josh." James yelled at me. I was ready to punch him too when Sura came up behind Sam. His eyes went from Sam to me then back to Sam.

"Your uppercuts improved". Sura said hands in his pockets.

"But if this is about that girl, I suggest you apologize. Rothfort doesn't like whores coming in the middle of our family and he'd be real shocked to see you acting this way."

I lunged for him but both Ray and James held me back slamming me against the wall.

"Josh calm the fuck down or your going to regret this. You hit Sura it's GAME OVER." Ray whispered. He put his hand on my shoulder and turned to Sura.

"This was for fun man, lighten up. If anything, you bother Rothfort with stupid shit like this and you'll be the one screwed."

Silence followed Rays words, as no one spoke. It felt like time was standing still.

Sura narrowed his eyes but said nothing and walked away. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as Ray and James let me go.

"He's wrong about one thing Josh. Your uppercut is still utter shit." Sam said. Ray snorted as he and James checked Sam's bruises.

"Sorry man, April was getting under my skin." I said gritting my teeth.

Sam looked at me and grimaced.

"She has her reasons. Don't forget that Josh. I know you like Laura, hell I like her too she's cute-but she doesn't belong in our world. James and Ray might disagree but it's the truth. April is just trying to warn you. No one wants a re-run of Wayne. If your just playing with her let it go, you can't bring her into our lives, and bringing her into HQ was bad enough but she came here on her own. She's either brave as shit or stupid as fuck. I can't decide because my head is ringing curtesy of your shitty uppercut, but main point is let her go Josh. I saw her jersey too. If this Derek guy likes her let her be. Otherwise your gonna ruin her man." James and Ray stayed silent as they heaved Sam up.

I hated myself for letting Damon touch her.

I hated myself for showing her HQ.

I hated myself for letting Rothfort get to her.

I hated myself for the Rouges going after her.

But what I hated the most, was that fact that I wanted to ruin her. If it meant that I had her, if it meant that she was mine, then I might just be her kryptonite.

And she would be mine.

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