Chapter 1| Pay Up

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"Go Lexi!" I hear my friends yell and me as I set off a bomb killing my brother. No I'm not a killer, it's a video game. Game over, Lex wins flashes upon the tv screen. "HOW?!" Brian, my brother yells throwing his controller on the coffee table.

I high five all 4 guys sitting next to me as my brother leans back into the couch crossing his arms over his chest. He is giving the tv screen that is still announcing my win a death glare.

"Pay up" I say opening and closing my palm in front of his face. Brian huffs and pulls a 20 dollar bill out of his pocket and slapping it onto my hand. He stands up and starts to walk out of the basement. "Bye big bro" I tease and he huffs once again and I hear his footsteps going upstairs to his room each with each step he grumbles and huffs words of frustration. With all that huffing he would be a great big bad wolf.

He slams his door causing some of my friends to jump. I laugh and the big muscular guy who just jumped as if a huge earthquake was about to throw him to the ground.

"Geez Will why are you so jumpy?" I chuckle. "I'm not jumpy" he denies. "Whatever you say" I sing-song.

I stand up and go to the kitchen while all 4 guys follow me. While rummaging my kitchen for food. "Guys I don't have food" I tell them. "Want to order pizza?" I say wiggling my cell phone in my hand. They all turn to me and nod vigorously like little kids who were just offered a lifetime supply of ice cream and cake. I laugh at the thought until I dial the pizza place. Yes I know the number by heart. Yes, you may judge me, what? I have very hungry people as friends. And maybe a very often hungry stomach. Either way, it's not that weird.

I order pizza and as we wait for the delivery we go back to the basement and play some more COD (Call of Duty). I manage to beat everyone by a minimum of 700 points/kills, causing all of them to use their profanities to explain to me that I cheated, which I did not. My friends are just very sore losers. You've probably noticed that I am very un-girly. That's because I live with three guys and all of my friends are athletic guys who are very much considered jocks.

My mother died of cancer when I was only a baby. So that means I live with my dad who is a college football coach. An older brother Thomas who is in university becoming a professional soccer player ( he lives with us because the university is like half an hour away from my house) and another older brother Brian who is a senior in high school and he is trying to get into a good university for football. I have grown up playing video games, learning how to fight (which I only use for self defense). I also like skateboarding and I like to play sports.

I would not consider becoming an athlete, but I do enjoy being athletic. I'm not very girly at all. Which lead me to become friends with a bunch of sporty and muscular guys. I met them all when watching games and things like that and we would just talk about games and sports and stuff until we all met up and all hung out enough to consider ourselves best friends.

So yeah that's basically my life. I mean yeah they are a handful but it's better than being friends with some girly girls who just want to wear makeup and go shopping, basically throwing all their efforts into their looks. I mean yeah I get it, you care what you look like, a lot of people do. But what irritates me the most is when it's ALL they want to do. So I guess I'm what they call a 'tomboy'.

Note: I hope you guys enjoy this book as much as I do. I have had the idea for this book for a while now but I just needed to plan it all out. So everything is pretty much all planed I only have to write it down and publish it now.

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