Lake Date

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~Third person P.O.V~

It was sunny outside so Adrien decided to invite Marinette to a picnic near the lake. Marinette looked into her wardrobe and was throwing clothes to the ground to dig up the purrrrfect outfit. (Ha ha did you see, ha ha... No? Okay)

Tikki was behind Marinette trying to dodge the clothes she was throwing. "Eep!", Tikki yelped when Marinette threw another piece of clothed and landed on the kwami. Marinette turned around and saw the big mess in her room. Tikki floated towards Marinette still with the piece of clothing on her head. Marinette gasped. "Tikki your a genius!", Marinette grabbed the summer yellow dress and ran towards her bathroom.

"I'm okay too!", Tikki yelled. "Good to know!", Marinette yelled back poking out her head in the doorway and went back inside. Tikki giggled, and floated towards Marinettes desk to eat a sweet cookie. After 10 minutes of putting on her dress, her shoes, fixing her hair. All she did was brush it out, and put her hair into two pigtails. Marinette murmured to herself as she fixed the last touches of her outfit.

"You look pretty Marinette!", Tikki smiled. "Aw! Thanks Tikki!", replied Marinette hugging Tikki gently. "Now go get em' ladybug!", she cheered. "Isn't it go get em' tiger?", Marinette asked. "Just go!", Tikki pushed Marinette causing her to stumble a bit. "Wow Tikki your a little kwami with big strength!", Marinette and Tikki giggled together.
Meanwhile Adrien was near the lake setting a picnic for the love birds. He was inspecting the area and asked Plagg a question still inspecting the area, "hey Plagg is this good enough?". Plagg was about to eat his cheese but then made a discussed face, "ugh! Human love, cheese love is better!", he replied staring at his Camembert in awe. Adrien shrugged and murmured at himself fixing everything to be perfect.
Marinette arrived at the lake and sneaked up on Adrien. I'm gonna scare him!, she thought. Adrien being the flexible amazing Chat Noir sensed her presence.

Marinette was about to pounce on him but Adrien spun around and pressed his lips against her glossy lips. She formed a smile and tip-toad her feet to wrap her arms around his neck. Adrien wrapped his arms around Marinette and smiled too. They pulled away pressing their foreheads together.

"Why hello Mr. Agreste!", Marinette smiled. "Hello future Ms. Agreste", he chuckled and lifted her bridal style spinning her around. She laughed with a bright smile and they both fell on the grass.

The couple laughed uncontrollably as they sat on the picnic area eating their food and pastries Marinettes dad made them. "Adrien look!", Marinette said pointing at the lake running towards it, "They're swans!". Adrien ran up to the lake and replied, "I don't see any swans?".

Marinette pushed Adrien towards the lake water. Causing Adrien to make a splash, and be soaking wet. Marinette started to laugh non-stop. "Yeah b-but I see you! Hahahah!", Marinette managed to say between laughs.

"Oh yeah?", Adrien cocked an eyebrow with a grin. Marinette was so busy laughing Adrien reached out for Marinettes hand and yanked her into lake with him, "Eep!", she yelped. Adrien started to laugh uncontrollably, "bwahahahahahah! And I see a Marinette! Bwahahahahahah!", he replied between laughter grabbing his head and stomach.

She smiled with a grin and splashed water towards Adrien. He was shocked while being soaking wet. "Oh is this how we're gonna play?", Adrien grinned. They splashed water back and forth. Marinette pounced Adrien as if she was a lion and the couple stumbled to the water. They laughter died out with a kiss.

"I love you Adrien...".

"I love you too Marinette...".

"I love you too *kissing noises*", Alya snickered behind a bush making it rustle. "Hush Alya they'll
hear you!", Nino whispered.

Adrien and Marinette looked to the bush that was rustling. They exchanged worrying glances. "C'mon Nino or they'll discover us!", Alya whisper-yelled. "Too late", Marinette and Adrien grinned splashing some water onto them.

"Aw c'mon", Nino complained. "Hey you earned it", Adrien chuckled. "Sheesh!", hissed Alya rolling her eyes. "We we can turn this into a double date!", Marinette suggested. Alya nodded in agreement and so did the boys. "I guess it's too late for that...", replied Nino looking up at the sky. They heard a thunder. They quickly gathered the picnic things and set off running towards the castle. It started to rain.
So much for the double date, thought Marinette.

"Here Marinette y-you'll get c-c-col-ACHOO!", sneezed Adrien looking sluggish. "Oh no Adrien you have a cold!", Marinette whined and wrapped her arms around Adrien. The double couple ran towards the castle.

The group of friends quietly opened the door and stepped inside.

"We made it!", Alya pumped a fist into the air. Nino patted Adrien in pity, "not this dude". Adrien gave Nino a death glare, "I don't need your- ACHOO!", Adrien sneezed and looked even more sick, and sniffed while rubbing his hand against his nose.

"Ahem", said a voice behind them. They quickly spun around. "Oh h-hey Nathalie, w-what are you doing here?", Adrien asked in a nervous laugh. "You have school tomorrow Adrien and its midnight. Go to bed immediately", Nathalie pointed up the stairs getting out of they way. Adrien sighed and moved up the steps, hanging his head in defeat. Marinette, Alya, and Nino scooted hurriedly to follow Adrien, but Nathalie blocked their path.

"Man!", Nino kicked a puddle of muddy water. They kicked them out of the castle. And now they were standing in the pouring rain. "Well I better go or I'll never hear the end of it", Marinette sighed.
She tried to cover herself with her hands and ran. She got near an alley and two boys about Marinettes age were standing there chatting. Marinette covered herself with the jacket Adrien offered her. She avoided eye contact... Too late.

"Where do you think your going doll?", a boy said grabbing her wrist tightly. "Let go!", whined Marinette trying to break free. The boy was grabbing her wrist so tight it started to turn purple.

"Hey!", yelled a boy at the end of the alley, "leave her alone!".

"Aw look Tim I bet this kid has a crush on this babe here", the other boy said to Tim, while making smooching faces towards Marinette. "How cute", grinned Matt still grabbing Marinettes wrist. "Ugh", Marinette was disgusted, "I've had enough!". She did one of her Ladybug moves. She put her foot behind Tims left foot, pushed his foot to make him trip and kicked his back.

She use her elbow and hit Matt in the face. Matt fell to the ground and got up quickly. Matt punched Marinette in the stomach then the some glass at her. Marinette started to whine in pain.

The mystery boy who was telling them to leave Marinette alone was Nathaniel. He walked up to the light. You could see the fiery crackle in his eyes of furry. He ran up to them and punched, kicked, shoved both boys. "Let's get out of here!", yelped Tim. "We will find you!", Matt yelled wiping his bloody nose. Nathaniel put out his fist causing Matt to run, "mommy!!!!".

Marinette was bruised and cut. "Hey Marinette", Nathaniel waved. He helped her up and walked her home.
Nathaniel knocked on the door holding onto Marinette that was leaning on him for support to walk. Tom (Marinettes Dad) opened the door with baggy eyes and a night cap with striped pajamas. "My daughter!", he yelped picking her up bridal style.

"What happened to her?", Tom asked. Nathaniel told him the story and with that he placed a peck on Marinettes cheek and left humming a tune to himself.

Tom took Marinette upstairs and woke her up a little bit so she could change into her pajamas. With all that drama Marinette placed Tikki next to her pillow and sleept as soon as she layed her head on her pillow and covered in blankets.

Not far was a jealous kitty watching Nathaniel trying to steal his girl. Nathaniel messed with the wrong cat.

Yay guys the chapter was 1370 words long I think that was my longest chapter yet! Thank you EVERYONE for reading my story! And also for following and ugh guys I can't thank y'all enough!!! Y'all earned this LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG chapter! See y'all next time and Stay Miraculous!


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