Is u jelly?

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Warning: Drama is gonna fill in the next chapters!!!!
Marinette woke up at 8:30 in the morning. She was running late and had 10 minutes to get ready. She hurriedly dressed up, put her hair in two pigtails. She grabbed her bag with Tikki and ran towards the school. She made it just right before the bell. She went to her seat quickly and turned to wave to Adrien but he ignored her.

She frowned. "Hey girl what's up with him?", Alya asked whispering pointing towards Adrien. "I don't know...", she relied. "Alright class today we have a project to start with. This project is a big part of your grade. This will be worked in pairs so I will let you choose your partners then one of your group will come and pick up your packet over the subject", Mrs.Bustier said Writting the due date on the chalk board. "The project is due in two weeks! Good luck everyone!".

Great just what I needed! A project, Marinette thought. She was about to ask Adrien to work with her but Adrien got up of his seat, and went to work with Kim. She sighed and slumped on her chair.

"Don't worry Mari... Maybe he'll come around", Alya stood up walking towards Ninos desk to work with him. "I'm not so sure...", Marinette murmured.

"Hey Marinette...", Nathaniel waved nervously. "Oh hi Nathaniel", Marinette replied still sluggishly. "Do you have a partner?".
"Well um... I was wondering if you'd... Like to work together?".

Marinette smiled and nodded, "sure I have no one else to work with". Nathaniel nodded and went to pick up the packet. "Here's the subject", he said sitting down close next to her.

Adrien was observing them from behind if the classroom next to Kim.

Things just got real! Not only is he flirting with MY girl, but he wants to steal her from me! He's gonna get it!, thought Adrien hitting his fist against his hand. "Adrien you got that?", Kim asked. "What? Oh uh sorry...", Adrien scratched the back of his head, "I uh sorry I got distracted".

"Lady problems?", Kim asked. "Yeah", Adrien chuckled a bit. "What happened?", Kim asked looking very interested. "Well I saw Nathaniel carry my girlfriend back to her house and kiss her like who does that?! He's gonna get it after class!", Adrien felt his blood boil with hate. "Well why don't we ask Max for advice he is smart after all!", Kim offered. Adrien nodded and both friends read over the packet.

The subject had to be over endangered animals, so Mrs. Bustier came around the desks to collect the name of the animals. "We are doing the Arctic Fox!", Marinette smiled, Nathaniel nodded. Mrs.Bustier nodded and smiled Writting down the name of their animal. "We did it!", Marinette smiled turning to Nathaniel. He held out his fist towards Marinette, "good job!", they both fist bumped. "I'm glad this is going well... You know what else?", Nathaniel asked. "What?", Marinette asked. "That I'm working with you", Nathaniel replied kissing her hand and cheek. Marinette tried to speak but only managed to let out a squeak. She was beat red, "Nathaniel I'm d-dating Adrien... P-please don't do that". Nathaniel nodded. "Of course... My lady".

The teacher walked over to their table and collected Kim and Adriens animal. It was an amur leopard.

Adrien watched them and his blood boiled, he had paper in his hand and crumbled it up in anger. That's what Ladybug/Marinette AKA my girlfriend and I ONLY do! That's it I can't take it anymore! The bell rang (an old school bell) and it was time for lunch. The students ran outside to eat their lunch and relax. Marinette ran to her and Adriens usual spot for lunch. It was under a cherry tree.

Adrien slowly walked over to their lunch spot and sat down. He sighed turning his back against Marinette. I bet she likes him... Thought Adrien. "H-hey Adrien...", Marinette replied softly putting a hand his shoulder. At the touch of Marinettes hand on Adrien, he got a wave of feelings. He slowly turned around and hugged Marinette.

Adrien fiddled with his fingers and spoke, "H-Hey Marinette... Do you like me or-". Marinette cut him off by planting a kiss on his lips, "silly prince! Your my Adrien... And I'm your Marinette... Never forget that". He smiled and so did Marinette.

"We made a promise not long ago Adrien, you gave me this infinity ring. A sign of our love. Eternal love. I love you Mr.Agreste", Marinette placed her head on his chest. He played with her hair and chuckled, "of course your mine... I love you too future Mrs.Agreste".

They ate their lunch with each other and their best friends. They laughed, shared jokes, traded food. The bell rang and they headed back to class. Marinette had gym and Adrien had Algebra. They went their separate ways and headed towards their classes. Adrien sat beside Alya and Nathaniel sat in front of them beside Ivan. "Alrighty class let's start with some math problems", said Mrs. Mougline (I made her up).

~A boring lesson later~

It was finally the end of the day and the friends walked out of the steps of the school. Alya and Nino walked home. Adrien and Marinette were left alone talking. "Hey Marinette should we work the project at my house?", Nathaniel asked grabbing Marinettes hand. "I uh-", Marinette was cut off by Nathaniel taking her to Marinettes house to tell her parents. "B-bye Adrien!", she managed to yell out.

Adrien stood there. His blood boiling in anger. He messed with the wrong cat.

Here is the chapter and I managed to finish it at night. Until next time Stay Miraculous!


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