News To Be Told

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~Marinettes P.O.V~
I nodded at the commands King Gabriel told me. I quickly left the big room and ran down the marbled stairs. I ran into a hallway leading to the Royal kitchen to give my dad the order for the wedding. It made me sick. After I told my dad about the 300 pastries and dish orders I went over to Alya's house. My best friends house wasn't far from the castle. Since Alya's mom is the Royal Chef as well along with my dad. He's more like the Royal baker but you get the point. I knocked on Alya's house door anxiously.

C'mon Alya! I thought, please be home! I knocked once again with no luck. I sighed in defeat and turned to walk away. Suddenly I heard a door open. I turned and spotted a little girl open the door with light brown eyes like Alya's but with shoulder length black hair. "Are you a unicorn from Rispa like my sister?", asked the little girl.

I smiled big and bent to her level. She reminded me of Manon, and that time Alya pretend to be a unicorn for her. "Well hi there! I'm Marinette", I introduced, "I'm a big friend of Alya, your big sister". "Hi I'm Carlotta but for short you can call me Carly", replied the little girl with a small grin. "Well Carly, I was wondering were Alya was. Could you tell me?". She nodded and spoke, "she said something about her friend Nina or Mino".

I of course chuckled, "Nino. I should've know, well nice meeting you Carly! I'll hopefully see you around!". I waved goodbye and started towards Nino's house. I knocked and a teenage girl opened the door, "yo Nino! Some chic is looking for you!". The teenager left and Nino came mumbling loud enough, "that must be- oh! Mari, dude what's up?". I waved, "Heyo Nino, I was wondering if Alya was here. I stopped by to her house but she wasn't there".

"Oh yeah she's here", Nino replied. He let me in into his house and led me too a living room, Alya was there playing with Nino's little brother. "Hey Mari, what brings you here?", Alya asked finally noticing me. "Hi Alya, I um have some news from the king that you have to publish", I replied. Alya nodded and got some writing material out from her pouch. "Fire away Mari!", Alya smiled.

"W-Well the first news is t-that... Adrien and Chloe are getting m-married...", I felt my heart sink, and my eyes water. I didn't want to act like a cliché crying girl so I tried to compose myself. I felt a pat on my back from Nino and a hug from Alya. "Thank you guys... I needed that", I sniffed. "Don't worry girl we'll find a way to stop that wedding!", she smiled mischievously. I laughed and told her the second news, "also they are shutting down the school... Seems like Chloe will stop at nothing to keep Adrien by her side". Nino nodded, "she's like some kind of clingy stuck up queen bee".

Alya nodded in agreement. Nino's little brother spoke up, "Chloe is a snobby princess". The three of us laughed and I spoke between laughters, "little kids never lie".
~Third Person P.O.V~

Chloe was in her princess suite fixing her makeup. "Well now that I have Adrien all to myself I will finally be princess Agreste! Then that gives me the chance to banish Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Ha! What a joke!", Chloe crackled.

Suddenly her window of her room swung open causing Chloe to be startled. "H-Hello? Anyone there?", she called, "hm... Must be my imagination...". At that instant a swarm of akumas came in her room and took her away screaming. "Ah!! No!! I'm to beautiful to die!!", Chloe yelped.
The akumas took the girl at the castles roof. The akumas set her down and flew all around behind a tall skinny man. (Lol when I wrote that it reminded me of Slender man😁) Chloe was frightened and backed up to the edge of the roof. "If you don't leave me alone Daddy will throw you into the torture chamber!", Chloe threatened.

The man chuckled, "stop this child's play princess. I'm HawkMoth and I'm here to make you a deal". Chloe pondered, "what kind of deal?". "Simple your highness. I know the real reason you're with Prince Adrien... You want the throne and his money", HawkMoth started. The blond girl looked at him slyly, "keep going...". "I can help you get what you want if you help me lour Ladybug and Chat Noir", the man continued.

"Alright", Chloe agreed, "where do I lour them?". "Easy", Hawk Moth stated, "lour them to my lair, its under the castle I'll tell you how to get there". Chloe nodded at the directions from HawkMoth. "When will I have to lour them?", she asked. "I'll send one of my akumas to fly around your window. That should be a signal. Got it?", the villain asked.

The blond looked him in the eye and spoke, "got it."

A/N: currently using Mall wifi.................................................... I was just snooping around here on Wattpad and guess what I found????????!!??? 1K OMGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! I'm so happy and proud of y'all for liking my wittle stowy!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ To be honest this lifted my spirits guys😭 Turns out after my crush told me he liked me he wouldn't talk to me anymore... Idk why... He seemed so distant and stuff... But this DEFINITELY lifted up my spirits😊 I love y'all and stay miraculous!!!

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