Mutant pt.3

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Ladybug and Chat Noir bursted into the castle. "What's this madness?", asked King Gabriel. The mayor/ King turned to Ladybug and Chat Noir. "Indeed sir. What is the trouble?", asked the Mayor. "Well there is a villain at the highest tower", explained Ladybug.

"Why is the trouble always at the highest tower huh?!", Chat complained, "I guess because we're in this dimension". The mayor and King Gabriel looked at Chat Noir in confusion. Chat was about to say something but then put on a mischievous grin on. Oh no, thought Ladybug. "It's simply-", Chat started. "Chat don't-", "Catastrophic!", Chat began to snicker. King Gabriel looked a bit annoyed but started to think, "he reminds me of someone...", he muttered under his breath.

"Alright Ladybug... And Chat Noir. Our Paris kingdom rests in your hands", said the Mayor.
(P.S I don't know the Mayors name... IDK how to spell it, comment how I should spell it thanks!)

Ladybug and Chat nodded and started up the spiraling stairs. They were running towards the spot that Marinette and Adrien had their special date.

"Okay", Ladybug replied out of breath, "get prepared for a surprising attack of Mutant". Chat nodded and got out his baton. "Ready?", asked Chat. "Ready", replied Ladybug. The busted open the door, but didn't find Mutant. Only Alya and Nino tied up. "Chat untie them while I take a look around", Ladybug said walking towards the edge of the castle roof.

Chat climbed up the tower that was not too high up from the castle roof. "Chat Noir! Thank God your here!", Nino laughed awkwardly. "Yeah! Chat Noir made it just in time! Um can I bother you with an interview?",  Alya asked.

Chat was about to respond, "uh-". "Great!", Alya responded, "but first Nino and I would looove to get off this very high up tower". Chat got hit with realization, "oh yeah! Sorry 'bout that!". Chat went to the other side of the tower to untie them.

Lots of knots. Not good for Chat. "I'm too lazy to untie all these knots, plus Ladybug might need my help with Mutant", Chat told himself, "I'll just use cataclysm". Chat took out his hand and yelled out, "cataclysm!". He used his power in the rope and caught them one by one safely placing them on the roof. "Alrighty then guys, y'all should get out of here and get to safety!", Chat told them. Alya was about to say speak but Chat cut her off, "and yes you can have the interview".

Alya left with a satisfied smile and walked off with Nino by the hand. Chat Noir walked up to Ladybug and and saw what was going on. Mutant was on the ground holding lots of people. Especially a important person.

~Chat Noirs P.O.V~
I saw Mutant holding someone... It was my father! No... No no no no! I mean my father really never showed me any affection... But my father is the only person I have left from remembering my mom. Then again I have My Lady AKA sweet Marinette!

"Chat? Chat!",Ladybug waved a hand in front of my face  "Oh uh huh?", I replied a bit off. "Chat that's Gabriel Agreste my boyfriends father we have to save him!", Ladybug replied worried, "I- I mean- WE have to save Gabriel! He's the only family Adrien has...".

Wow. Marinette/ Ladybug is just so thoughtful... She really is te sweetest most adorable person on the planet. I wanted to lean in and kiss her but... She doesn't know I'm Adrien... I will tell her... Not just yet. We heard a beep, great my miraculous. I nodded at Ladybug, "let's get this over with". We jumped off the roof landing on some trees.

~Third person P.O.V~

Mutant gathered a lot of people in a circle. The villagers and Royal hosts were there too. They screamed for their lives. Mutant shrunk a little bit more. "Ugh SILENCE!!!", Mutant yelled. The people were so terrified, silence filled the air. Mutant grew bigger. She laughed evilly as she put them in a metal huge cage.

Chat was about to jump off the tree, but Ladybug held Chats tail to keep him from jumping off. "Hold up kitty, did you notice that every time someone makes noise Mutant shrinks? And if there is silence then she grows even bigger?", asked Ladybug letting go of Chats cats tail.

Chat nodded and rubbed his cat tail, "what do you propose Mari- I mean Ladybug?". "Okay first off, you know my identity but that doesn't mean you should tell people so please Chat... As a partner and friend I ask you to not call me Marinette when we battle", Ladybug asked friendly. "Then I should call you My Lady?".
"Oh!", Chat snapped his fingers at the thought of an idea, "bugaboo!".
"Love bug?".
Chat kept thinking but then an idea hit him. He turned to Ladybug and wiggled his eyebrows. He leaned in to Ladybug and touched her nose with his. "My lover?".
Ladybug was 50 shades of red. She was about to speak but no words came out.
"C-Chat... C'mon we have to same them", Ladybug managed to compose herself.

Chat a bit disappointed nodded, "of course bugaboo... So how are we going to stop Mutant?". Ladybug smiled. "Simple I'll use my lucky charm". My miraculous beeped a second time, "let's make it snappy", Chat said, "I have three minutes". Ladybug nodded and they took off.

Ladybug and Chat Noir arrived at the scene and they positioned to fight. "Chat scratch attack while I activate my lucky charm", Ladybug commanded. Chat nodded and replied, "I love a good cat fight". While Chat distracted Mutant with all his fighting moves Ladybug yelled into the air, "lucky charm!".

Ladybug received a bag with skinny like tree branches. "C'mon Ladybug think, think!", she told herself. She used her sight to spot things to use. "Aha!", Ladybug said out loud. She gripped the sticks in her hand and ran towards the people in the huge metal cage.

"Here every one", Ladybug handed them all sticks from outside the cage, "when I count to three I want you all to bang the sticks on the metal bars to make noise!". The villagers and Royal hosts nodded at Ladybugs command. "Ready? 1, 2, 3! Bang the sticks!", Ladybug yelled.

The people all made noise causing Mutant to grab her head, "argh no! Too much noise!". Mutant shrunk tiny like a mouse. Chats miraculous beeped once more, "I'll free them from the cage", he offered. Ladybug nodded and picked up Mutant.

Ladybug got the pendant that was on the ground. She broke it and took out her yo-yo to cleanse the nasty akuma. Ladybug gently and quickly placed the Mutant down and swung her yo-yo to catch the akuma.

"No more evil doing for you little akuma", Ladybug said as she swung her yo-yo. "Time to de-evilize!", Ladybug caught the akuma and turned it into a white butterfly. "Bye-bye little butterfly", she whispered letting it go into the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!", Ladybug yelled as she threw the bag of sticks into the air, fixing everything damaged. "Back to normal M'Lady", Chat said. Lady and Chat fist pumped at another once again accomplished mission, "pound it".
Hawk Moth was in his mini layer and anger filled him. "One day ladybug, I will be the one voice the whole world will hear and you all will be muted!". His little window closed and so did his villain job of the day.
Ladybugs miraculous beeped once. "I got to go Chat", she said running off, "see you later!".

Chats miraculous beeped again, "oh yeah me too!". He ran off but stopped, "she said 'later'... I'll go visit her later then!", Chat told himself running off.


HAVE NO IDEA!!!! UGH GUYS IM SO HAPPY! I always thought my story was boring and long... But like y'all this means to me a lot! Any who I wrote this long chapter for y'all because this is a special moment! Vote plz bc it motivates me a bit more to keep writing! Also Stay miraculous!🐞🐱❤️

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