Won't Be Missing You

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He died. There is no metaphor to it. They're the most tragic words ever spoken. He died. There is no joke. They can be two little small words, but yet they're big and meaningful. Shakespeare wrote many stories while using those words with successful plays of tragedies. He died.
~Marinettes P.O.V~

It's been a day since Adrien, A.K.A my partner had died. I'd never been so shocked and depressed in my life. I re-gained Adrien's Miraculouse, trying to figure out what to do with it.

I laid in my bed with my handkerchief, giving my back to my room and looking at the wooden old wall. Holding his Miraculouse in my hand. I traced it with my fingers and didn't bother to wipe away my tears. I heard my mother come in, "sweetie". She called out. I heard her place something metallic on my little wooden table. "Honey you haven't eaten anything... I brought you some fruit".

"Um... no thanks mom... I'm- I'm okay", I sniffed. "Oh Mari... I'm so sorry", I heard my mom say while she sat beside me making the mattress squeak by the sudden weight. "Do you need anything?".

Do I need anything? Yeah. I need Adrien back in my life. "No." I lied. "Okay", she whispered as stood up. "I'll be back in a few." I heard my bedroom door close and my kwami flew out and I felt her sit on my head while smoothing my hair out.

"Mari...", Tikki spoke out to me, "I think I might have an idea how to bring Adrien back to life..."

I shook my head, sighed and sniffed while rubbing my puffy red watery eyes. "Tikki... As much as I would like to do that... You know that's impossible... This isn't some cliché movie or whatever... Besides Adrien is getting his funeral today." A few tears rolled down my cheek and I wiped them away. I've never felt so empty, my parents couldn't cheer me up, not even my best friend Alya.

My kwami shook her head, "I realized that Hawk Moth wanted both of these Miraculouses to bring back someone, so I'm thinking we could do the same". "But we can't use them for evil purposes", I said rolling on my back while looking at my ceiling. "We won't Mari, besides... I want to see how Plagg is doing...", Tikki looked shyly, "he's a friend that needs some support... Please".

"Okay... I guess ", I sniffed sitting up, "what do I do?". Tikki pointed at the silver ring and instructed me to put it on. I slipped it through my ring finger and felt powerful. I felt like I could do anything! At that second a small cat appeared. He looked upset. "Plagg!", Tikki squeaked. "Tikki!", the cat yelled out. "I missed ya", the ladybug smiled as she hugged the other kwami. "Same here".

"How are you holding up?", Tikki asked while holding Plagg's both paws with her little hands. He only sighed in response and looked down at the cheap wooden floor. "Adrien, honestly... was the best master I ever had."
"Really?", asked the Ladybug.
"Yep", replied Plagg.
"But... it wasn't only for the loads of Camembert he gave me... even though it was the best", the black cat muttered the last part. "He wasn't perfect... because he would keep talking about his 'sappy love life'", he added while making quotation marks with his little paws in the air. "But he was a kid with a good heart, always keeping his chin up. Even if everything seemed so unfair in the moment".

Tikki smiled warmly and embraced him again while she replied, "Oh Plagg in so sorry! It's something terrible you must be going through... But... I was telling Marinette about how we can bring Adrien back to life... it's just that she really misses him, and it tears my heart to see my master like that... and you too of course".

"Well", Plagg started to say, "I think I have an idea of what we can do..."
I perked up, "so it's true? We can do something?."
"Well, now that you have both of the miraculouses you have the God like strength... your powers are limitless...", Tikki explained. Plagg nodded, "do you know where he is?".
"Yes... they're preparing his funeral tonight... and... he's probably in an elegant room in his..." I stopped talking and cried more. I'm being so cliché right now but I can't help it! I miss him so much... I just want it to be like old times. When I was clumsy as usual... Alya would help me not be a klutz. He talked to me and I would look away blushing. I was home... But now I'm not.

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