Killer Air pt. 2

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One of the poisonous funnels the villan had on his hand Ladybug yanked, slipped out. And so did the other one. Both of the poisonous funnels combined and turned into a huge tornado, sucking up everything in its path.

The tornado was headed towards the boulder Alya and Nino were behind. "Oh come on!", Chat sighed frustratedly. He ran over to them while Ladybug was fighting the villain. Chat used his baton and scooped them up. Alya accidentally dropped her piece of paper and writting material. Unfortunately the tornado sucked it up and continued to destroy everything. "Aw man! It cost me almost a fortune to afford that!", Alya wined. The second Chat Noir set them down the tornado scooped them up too. Ladybug groaned, great.

She had enough of this disaster so she used her power. "Lucky Charm!". She received a white horse that had a lighting bolt on its hip. From the tornado she could heard Chat Noir say, "cool horse LB!". Ladybug chuckled and rolled her eyes, "my lucky charms get weirder and weirder... This better work".

Ladybug got on the horse and started to run around the tornado in the opposite direction. "This isn't working! We need to go faster!", Ladybug yelled over the big winds and dust. The horse seemed to understand so it went faster and faster! Finally all that super speed running worked and the tornado stopped. Everyone fell with a thud and there was a mess.

Ladybug grabbed the ring that was akumatized and smashed it revealing an akuma. "No more evil doing for you little akuma! Time to de-evilize!". She once again caught the akuma and cleansed it, releasing it.

Chat smiled and petted the horse, "I like this horse! I'll name it Flash". Ladybug mentally rolled her eyes and smiled. She threw her hand in the air and yelled out, "miraculouse Ladybug!". Little pink and red ladybugs went around the village, fixing everything and everyone. Sadly the horse, Flash was gone too. Chat sighed and looked at Ladybug, "He was a good horse". She smiled at him and held out her fist. "Pound it!".
Hawk Moth failed yet again with another akuma. "I think this is enough distraction... Now I must get the lady on our side...", HawkMoth smirked and started to evilly laugh.
Chat and Ladybug went their separate ways and turned into their civilian selfs. Chat turned to his normal self and went looking for Chloe. He went looking for her where the carriage crashed. Adrien finally arrived there and Chloe was crying. "M'Lady! What's wrong?". Chloe looked up at him at cried, "my dress is filled with dirt! And look at my hair! Adrikins take me to the castle! Then hire a expensive professional to take care of my hair!", Chloe humphed.

Adrien kissed her hand, "anything for your sweetheart". Chloe snatched her hand back and growled, "of course anything for me".
When Adrien and Chloe arrived at the castle she started to sigh dramatically, "I'm going into the hot tub!". Adrien mentally rolled his eyes. "Prince Adrien", said a calm female voice. "Ah, greetings Nathalie", Adrien responded. Nathalie bowed before continuing and spoke, "King Gabriel is to have a word with you in 2 minutes in the main hall". With that she walked away and left a stumped Prince.

"Father wants to speak to me...?". Plagg came out of Adriens pocket, "well what are you waiting for kid? You should go talk to him". Adrien nodded and started walking up the main stairs. Now that he thought about it the castle was similar to the Agreste mansion. As he walked up the stairs Plagg looked up at his master and sighed, "Adrien why are you with Chloe?". He looked at his kwami and replied, "because she's the love of my life Plagg, why else would I be with my princess?". Plagg looked disgusted and huffed, "I want my cheese, please". Adrien handed it to the cat and kept walking up the stairs.

He finally arrived to the room he was supposed to meet with his father and held his breath while opening the door. To his surprise Chloe was there. And so was the King Bourgeois. Adrien stepped in and shut the door behind him. He stepped forward and bowed, "Father.", "Adrien".

"Have a seat", King Gabriel said without emotion, "you too Miss-". "Princess", Chloe cut off the King fixing her lipstick, "Princess Bourgeois". The king nodded and looked over to King Bourgeois. "We have called you to converse very important matters",  Chloe's dad started, "we have decided that it is time to announce the marriage of the Agreste and Bourgeois".

At that instant moment a knock was heard. King Gabriel nodded at one of the guards as a signal to let him or her come in. The guard walked over and opened the door finding a blue haired maid. She came in and kept her head down, avoiding eye contact. She spoke with a bow, "you called me your Majesty?".

"Ah, Miss Dupain-Cheng. I have called you to tell your father a message. Tell him that I need 300 batches of pastries and fancy meals for a wedding", King Gabriel commanded.

Marinette looked up and was startled. She saw Adrien and Chloe. She gulped, "f-for w-who will the w-wedding be dedicated to? If I may know... To decorate t-the wedding cake you desire...". Marinette didn't want to un please King Gabriel so she did her hardest not to screw up and cry... If the wedding was meant for Adrien and Chloe.

King Gabriel looked at his guests and replied with a cold tone. "My son and Princess Bourgeois". Marinette widened her eyes and looked at Prince Adrien.

"Ah I just remembered! I have a request", princess Chloe spoke up with a devilish smile, "I would like you to shut down our school". King Gabriel looked at her, "and why is that?".

She shot a dirty look at Marinette and then smiled back at Adrien while placing a hand on his cheek, "because there is a lot of people that want to steal the love of my life at school". "As you wish my dear", King Bourgeois replied sweetly.

King Gabriel looked at Marinette and said, "make sure that the village is notified of these two wonderful news by the amateur writer. Alay Cesarie was it? No matter. I like her writting, so make sure to notify her immediately".

She was at the brink of tears and responded with her head hung low, "y-yes sir".

Adriens real voice spoke inside him, oh no... I'm done for...

A/N: I sowwy I haven't updated in like probably half of forever but um... You see I don't have wifi at my house and I'm moving to another home. Plus the wedding of my mother and future step father. Then I'm using Walmart wifi....... I don't think I will be back in a while until September or any chance I get to update. Also...

*SCREAMS* ALMOST 1,000 READS???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! *SCREAMS* OHHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOSSHHHHH!!!!! WHAT THE FRIZ!!???? Y'all I'm am so happy people are commenting and voting like this is life to meh! I'll see y'all next time I get more store wifi, Byeeeeee😜

Also stay Miraculous!

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