On My Way

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The teens and kwamis left the castle as fast as they could and stopped behind a villagers house. "Do we need to pack anything?", asked Marinette. "I don't think so", replied the blond. Marinette nodded firmly but paused. "How will we get home? We don't even know how."

Adrien inhaled a frustrated sigh. "Your right... for the first time in forever we don't know what to do..."

"Did you just quote the movie Frozen?"

"What? It's a good movie! Don't be so cold." Adrien humphed and looked away fighting back a smile. The girl let a chuckle escape from her lips.

"Ha!" Adrien grinned in triumph. "I told you one day you would like my puns!"

"Since when?" Marinette asked.

The boy rolled his eyes in a smile. "Since now."

Plagg rolled his eyes. Tikki widened her eyes. "Marinette! Your arm completely disappeared!". Marinette looked at the place where her arm used to be. She got so shocked and scared her mouth hung open. Adrien looked over at her and tried to calm her.

"Marinette... Calm down, it's okay! We'll get home before you know it an-and you'll be complete!"

The bluenette nodded quickly. "Okay. I-I believe you... b-but what if we get home too late? And you start to disappear more as well?!"

Adrien embraced her and rested his chin on her head. "What if there was no what if's? We will get home in time. I have faith in us." Plagg groaned. "I hate to inturrupt but Adrien your arm is starting to disappear." The kids broke up the hug and glanced at Adrien's faded arm.

"Your right Plagg we're waisting time. Let's find a way to go back home." Marinette nodded in agreement and ran her hand down her face. Adrien gave a preplexed look. "What's wrong?"

"The only reason we came here was Hawk Moth."


The bluenette looked at the blond like it was an obvious answer. "I'm pretty sure he's the only one who can take us back." Adrien chuckled in embarrassment. "I knew that..." Tikki turned to her master. "Do you think he's still in his lair?"

"I'm not sure... but we can try and look for him there."

The gang went and looked for the trail again that originally led to find Hawk Moth. Marinette pointed to the trail. "I think it's this way!"

Adrien nodded and transformed. "You better get in your suit. You never know what trouble Hawk Moth might pull." The bluenette nodded and transformed. "Tikki are you okay?", asked the heroine.

Tikki spoke in Marinettes thoughts. Yes I'm fine. Ladybug gave a firm nod and signaled her partner to follow him. After a while they found the rest of the way and found Hawk Moth in his lair pacing.

"We need your help", Ladybug called out, interrupting Hawk Moths thinking. "We need what ever you used to get use here. We need to get back home."

Hawk Moth dared to not face them. "I don't have it."

Chat Noir gave his partner a preplexed look. "What do you mean you don't have it?"

The villain turned around. "Your alive? I thought you were dead..."

"No." Chat Noir sighed. "I'm not. But what my lady says is true... we need to go back home."

The man inhaled sharply. "I'm sorry I told you I don't have it. I guess I lost it when we all first came here." Ladybug groaned and ran her hand down her face.

"Great! Now we'll never get back home now!" Ladybug looked over at her other hand. It's starting to disappear...

"You have to help us! At least tell us where you dropped it!" Chat Noir begged. "Ladybug and I are starting to disappear from existence. And soon enough you'll start to disappear as well."

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