Mutant pt.1

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Nathaniel let go of Marinettes hand and apologized, "sorry Marinette... I know your dating Adrien...". Marinette stayed quiet. "Marinette I like you... And if I'm getting in your personal space...", Nathaniel started, "I'm sorry".

Marinette gave him a friendly little hug, "thanks for understanding Nathaniel. You respect my choice. Thank you fir understanding!". Marinette and Nathaniel entered the mini bakery.

"Hi mom! This is my friend Nathaniel, he's here to work on the project with me", Marinette said to Sabine. "Hello dear", Sabine replied. "Where's dad?", Marinette asked looking around the mini bakery. "Oh he's at the castle doing some special pastries for this afternoons castles event! It's V.I.P you could say!", Sabine replied fixing some boxes in a big walk-in pantry with plenty of pastry goods.

"Cool!", Nathaniel said. "Are we attending?", asked Marinette. "Well yes but your father and I will be working...", Sabine replied, "you can come if you'd like". Marinette nodded. She looked at Nathaniel and smiled, "let's work on the project!". Nathaniel nodded. "If you need us we'll be in the library", Marinette told her mom as she headed out the door with Nathaniel. "Alright sweetie take care!", Sabine replied.
Marinette and Nathaniel worked on their project. "Well first we have to write our essay", Marinette said pointing at the packet. "Then we have to draw a sketch or a model of our animal", Nathaniel replied pointing at the next step. "Lastly we have to explain; what's happening, why does this involve us", Marinette started. "Then what we do to help!", Nathaniel finished Marinettes sentence. "We got this in the bag!", Marinette and Nathaniel high-fived.

"Quiet in the library!", Ms. Ledbetter the librarian hissed. Marinette and Nathaniel nervously and quietly laughed, "sorry".
Adrien and Kim were also in the library. "I think we got this", Adrien and Kim fist bumped. "Bo-ya!", they said at the same time.

"I said quiet down!", Ms. Ledbetter hissed more angrily. "Sorry", Kim and Adrien apologized. "I'll go get some books to help", Adrien offered. "Me too", replied Kim. Both friends split paths and went to look for books. As Adrien passed down an isle of books he spotted Marinette looking at some books as well.

He grinned from ear to ear and snuck up on her. She almost shrieked but Adrien covered her mouth with his hand. She smacked his hand. "Adrien!", she pouted, "you scared me!". "Quiet in the library!!!" Ms, Ledbetter yelled, out of patience. "Sorry Miss and you too princess", he smiled nervously.

Adrien had his eyes wide open, did I just say 'princess'?! I'm so dead! He thought in his mind anxiously. Marinette started to think, Chat Noir calls me princess... So that must mean... Nah! Adrien is way more lagit than Chat Noir.

Me: *Slaps forehead*🙄

Marinette giggled and asked, "are you here to work on the project?". Adrien let a sigh in relief and replied, "yeah", with a little chuckle. "Hey maybe after this we can go to my house and maybe have some fun I guess", Marinette offered. "Sure I'd love to", Adrien replied. Marinette gave him a kiss on the cheek and went walking towards a table with the books. Adrien sighed and went walking back to the table Kim and Adrien sat. Kim sat down with five books that made a loud thud.

Ms. Ledbetter was filled with annoyance, "for the millionth time quiet in the library!". "Sorry miss...", Kim scratched the back of his neck. "Hey dude, so I found a few books and- hey where are your books?", Kim whispered inspecting him. "Oh darn! I'll be right back!", Adrien whisper-yelled.

"ADRIKINS!", yelled out Chloe lunging towards him. "H-Hey Chlo", Adrien tried to gently push her away.

Ms. Ledbetter has had it, "YOU BETTER STOP YELLING!!! I SAID QUIET IN THE LIBRARY!!!". The librarian ran out the library angry. She sat near a bench and growled,
"No one ever LISTENS!".
Hawk Moths little window opened from his mini layer and grinned at the negative wave of feelings.  "Ah... But I do listen... I listen to the cry of a new villain rise!", Hawk Moth gripped his fist with a wicked chuckle. He transformed a butterfly into a an akuma and watched it fly away into the air.
"Fly my little akuma and evilize her!".
The akuma flew towards the librarians pendant and an outline of a purple butterfly appeared over her face. "Mutant, you have the power to silence everyone... Including the ones who get in your way... Then give me Ladybug and Chat Noirs miraculouses!", Hawk Moth ordered. The librarian grinned and said in a deep evil tone, "Mutant accepts the job".
Marinette and Nathaniel kept studying. More like only Nathaniel... Since Chloe is flirting with Adrien Marinette couldn't concentrate. She let out a frustrated sigh. "It's okay Marinette if he really loves you then he should know to get Chloe off him", Nathaniel encouraged. Marinette smiled and nodded.

They heard screeching and lots of people tried to run out the doors but shelves were knocked down to block them. "I am the mutant and unless you all want to be alive I want Ladybug and Chat Noirs miraculouses!", said the Mutant.

"Hey that looks like the librarian!", Kim said. "Yeah... Hey Kim I need to go to the restroom!", Adrien lied. "Seriously now?!", Kim mentally face palmed. "Yeah... He he", he nervously laughed. Adrien ran towards the restroom and took out Plagg from his jacket. "Plagg claws out!". Within' a few seconds he became the wild flirtatious hero Chat Noir.

Marinette needed to transform. "Um hey Nathaniel I lost my um... My pen!", Marinette lied, "I must find it!". Nathaniel wanted to speak but then was struck by some kind of baby blue light. Nathaniel tried to stop speak but out came nothing. Just tiny small squeaks. "Well since your friend here would not help he has gone mute!", said Mutant while floating. She was about to shot a beam of light at Marinette but Chat Noir came just in time to save her.

"Hello princess", he wiggled his eyebrows. She rolled her eyes," I have a boyfriend", she stated. "I know", Chat Noir winked. He lunged at Mutant and fought with her. "Go!", Chat Noir yelled still fighting with Mutant.

"Go Nathaniel I have to find Adrien to make sure he's okay!", Marinette said. Nathaniel nodded and both went separate ways.

To be continued...

I'm aware that I didn't use Nathaniel in the best way do I cleaned up his act... My bad... I need some ideas for my chapters! Thank you for helping and Stay Miraculous!

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