Mutant pt.2

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Marinette went looking for Adrien but couldn't find him. "Where is he?", Marinette muttered under her breath in worry. "He's probably outside with Kim or something let's transform!", Tikki begged. "But it's Adrien!", Marinette whined.

Tikki sighed and replied, "it's one life against millions Marinette!". Marinette replied a bit worried, "but it's that one life that counts Tikki! My love!". Tikki sighed again, "look Marinette I'm sure Adrien is fine...".
"Promise?", Marinette asked. "Promise".

Marinette hid behind some book cases and transformed, "Tikki spots on!". With a hop Ladybug came out to help Chat Noir with Mutant. "Your making too much noise!", Mutant whined. Chat Noir kept fighting her, "obsessed with silence much!?", Chat exclaimed. Mutant tried to shoot Chat Noir with her beams coming from her akumatized pendant.

Mutant shoved Chat Noir off her and he fell against a case of books. Mutant shrinked a little bit and floated out of the library. "Hey LB 'bout time you showed up!", Chat Noir panted. "Hey Chat sorry I'm late...", Ladybug apologized and picked him up. "Thanks My Lady", he kissed her hand. Ladybug pushed his nose and winked, "nice try Kitty cat".

"C'mon we have to catch Mutant!",  Ladybug took out her yo-yo to follow Mutant. Chat nodded, got out his staff, and ran beside Ladybug to find the akumatized victim.

They ran out and saw Mutant shooting people with her pendant, muting them. Lots of people ran for their lives, screaming. "UGH!!!", Mutant groaned and shrunk a little more. "Silence!!!!", she yelled and keeps shooting beams at the villagers. "Chat the akuma is in her pendant!", Ladybug turned to Chat Noir. "On it!", Chat agreed. He was ready to run towards mutant, but Ladybug grabbed Chats tail. "Hold up kitty", Ladybug let go of Chats tail causing him to stumble a bit. "We gotta have a plan!", Ladybug told her partner. "What do you propose?", asked Chat rubbing his cat tail. "First things first, let's follow her!", Ladybug replied swinging her yo-yo to a tree. They ran towards the castle. Mutant was at the very top tower of the castle and yelled out, "villagers and royal hosts! I am the mutant? And now with you all being such noisy pests you all shall be silent!".

The purple outline butterfly appeared over Mutants face again. "Don't forget our deal!", Hawk Moth said slightly angry. "Okay...", Mutant said a bit ticked off, "I have a plan...".

A few seconds later Chat Noir and Ladybug arrived at the scene and saw Mutant holding two people at the edge of the highest tower. "LADYBUG! CHAT NOIR! HELP US!", yelled Alya and Nino that were now tied to the towers roof. Mutant shrunk a little bit more. "Argh! Silence!", Mutant threatened to mute them.

Ladybug was filled with worry, "We're coming to get you!". Mutant evilly laughed, "try Ladybug... Try". Ladybug and Chat Noir bursted into the castle.

To be continued...

Guys I'm truly sorry I took long in making this chapter and to top it off it was short but I am JUST SO THANKFUL TO YOU ALL!!!!! I got 291 reads!!!! OH MY MIRACULOUS!!!!!! THATS ALMOST 300 READS!!! Y'all I'm just so happy you guys are reading my book! Being a writer is my dream this is a very significant thing to me! I love you all SO SO SO SOO MUCH! Stay Miraculous!

I'll make a long chapter next time and I'm thinking of bringing in some new characters idk tell me ur opinions! Bye now🐱🐞

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