Our Last Chance

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The big special day was over and weeks passed by. No akumas, no problems or disorder. Ladybug didn't think that was the only weird thing, her partner was ALSO being weird! He would day dream, talk about a girl he's in love with. But Ladybug just couldn't figure it out!

Ladybug and Chat Noir were yet again on another patrol but this time the weather had other things in mind. Light rain rolled in along with some thunder. Great, Ladybug thought while standing still on a barns roof, letting the rain droplets roll down her face. She felt pretty depressed because of her love for Adrien.

It pained her to know that he was now with another woman. Jeeze Marinette! Get a hold of yourself! Adrien is not important right now, this Paris castle place or whatever, needs your attention. Like Tikki said, it's one life against millions! I can't risk it. Ladybug scolded herself.

"Hey Ladybug", Chat Noir waved his attention to her. She looked over at him, "hm?". "Theres someone over there trying to get our attention". Chat pointed over to a person waving at them at a distance, under the roof of a stable. "Let's go see what this is about", Ladybug confirmed.

The heroes leaped across villagers roof tops and jumped off of tree branches. "Oh hi Princess Bourgeois", Chat waved with a smirk. What's up with him? Ladybug questioned herself. "actually it's purrincess Agreste", Chloe crackled at the cat pun she made. "Yeah, hi Chloe, what did you need?", Ladybug asked with a slight annoyance in her voice.

Chloe spoke in secrecy and finally said as she put her hand beside her mouth like she was about to gossip. "I think I know where Hawk Moths evil lair is". Both heroes gasped and Chat asked, "really? How do you know prin- I mean Chloe?". Princess? Ladybug wondered, he was about to call her princess... Maybe it was to show respect or... Maybe it was ment to be flirty, like the time I was Marinette... Argh! Get a grip girl! Your in love with Adrien! And your certainly not in love with your partner!

Ladybug shook those distracting thoughts out of her head. "Alright Chloe, we can go tomorrow and check that out". Chat Noir and Chloe looked at her, "what? Why?". "It's too dangerous at the moment, besides we're standing in the rain with no plan!", she pointed out.

"Plus you must of forgotten where he is anyway". Chloe smiled big, "nope! I wrote it down! Come with me and I'll tell you were to go". Chat nodded while Ladybug forced a smile, "perfect."

The group of three went on a trail beside the castle to go get whatever Chloe was going to bring. "Chat", Ladybug whispered to him, "I really don't think this a good idea". He looked at her, "okay your right this isn't a good idea... It's a great idea!". She rolled her eyes and they continued to walk behind Chloe.

They finally arrived at the main gate and Chloe opened shut it locking them out. "I'll be right back!". She left both heroes standing in the rain for her and Ladybug finally sighed breaking the silence. "So... If we find Hawk Moth... What will be our plan?". Chat Noir just shrugged and stood there, clearly something on his mind.

"Hey Chat?", Ladybug called in a hush tone. "Hm?", the cat looked up. She hesitated but continued, "do you want to talk about it?". "Talk about what?".
"Well... You know... Whatever is on your mind... I know I haven't been so supportive lately and you have so... I have ears to listen to you after all", Ladybug smiled.

"Oh well thanks hehe... But it's really nothing... I'm just hoping Chloe is right about the whereabouts of Hawk Moth. Then we can finally go back home and everything will be back to normal!". Ladybug murmured under her breath, "yeah... Hopefully".

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