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Karlie's pov:

"Shit!" I continue running to her limp body and pick her up carefully. I rush inside as Shadow follows behind. After setting her down on the couch I'm quick to grab the first aid kit from the closet

"Boys make a fire!" I command my wolves and they immediately begin to roll wood into the fireplace using their heads

I immediately busy myself in stopping the bleeding of Taylor's arm after unwrapping the bloody cloth that was tied around it. She was very smart to do that. I wonder if she was ever taught survival skills. I examine her now clean cut to see how deep it is. It's so long. It reaches from her elbow to her wrist in length "What the hell happened to you Taylor?" I whisper with my brows furrowed as I run my eyes down her body trying to pinpoint anymore injuries I might've missed. But there only seems to be bruises and harmless scratches on her knees. I feel my eyes tear up "I'm sorry I didn't protect you like I should've. I shouldn't have left you alone knowing people are out to get you" I apologize even though in the back of my mind I know she can't hear me.

I hear a sudden whining sound and turn to face my furry pets. I smile softly as I see the wood piled up in the fireplace "Thanks boys" I light the pieces of wood on fire using a match. I give both Bear and Shadow a treat to show my appreciation. But I of course award Shadow with an extra treat to thank him for saving Taylor. At that, I kneel down in front of him "Thank you Shadow" I hug his thick fur and muscular body "Thank you for saving my angel" I smile wide

He licks my face and I chuckle softly. I then pull away to look at Taylor again. The fire is just now starting up and I begin to feel the heat. It shines on Taylor's face letting me notice that's she's quite pale. I frown and decide to get a washcloth and soak it in cold water. I fold it up and lay it across Taylor's forehead "I hope you wake up soon" I gently rub my thumb across her cheek before pulling it away. I lay a blanket over her body before looking at her one last time. She looks peaceful. But I know she'll be the exact opposite when she awakens. I head to bed but not before leaving a cup of water and a loaf of bread next to Taylor for when she wakes up.


I'm awoken by something licking my hand and my eyes flutter open to reveal Shadow "Hey buddy" I whisper

He starts to walk in circles as his tongue droops out of his mouth

"What?" I squint at him

He barks as if trying to tell me something

It suddenly clicks "Oh my god, Taylor!" I get up too fast and end up tripping on the comforter that's wrapped around my ankle "Seriously?" I unwrap my foot and jump to my feet. I follow the wolf to the living room to be greeted by a groaning Taylor. Her face shows it all. She's in pain.

"Taylor" I say and stand over her

"Karlie" she says and grips my arm

"Tell me what's hurting" I state with my face full of worry

"My back" she winces "and my head" she tells

"Ok don't move" I demand

"Really Karlie?" She looks at me with her eyes narrowed

I realize what I said "Oh. Sorry Tay" I give her a cheesy smile then search the closet for any pain pills and find a total of 2. I decide to use the last of them on her anyways

"Here take these" I help her sit up slowly as she winces

She gulps down the oval-shaped pills and I take the once water-filled cup from her hand

"Thank you" she looks at me then slowly lays back down as her face scrunches up in pain

"You're welcome" I set the cup down on the floor and take a seat on a small stool next to her

We sit in silence for a moment

I finally ask the questions that have been floating around in my mind "What happened? And why did you leave?"

She lets out a small sigh "I left because I just wanted to take a walk and clear my mind. That's what I always did when I was a teenager" she states

"Oh" I swallow "Then what happened?" I push

"Well I got lost. I was making circles for hours. I didn't know where the hell I was and then out of no where an arrow flew by my head. Then a fucking Indian chased after me. And what does clumsy Taylor do? Oh ya that's right she falls. Trips over a damn log" she scolds herself

I can't help but laugh softly at how cute she is

"What?" she turns her head to face me

"Nothing. You're just..nothing" I look down as I blush

"No tell me" she says

I shake my head "No"

"Please" she begs

I stay silent

"Come on Kar I'm in pain"

I let out a short laugh "That's a shitty excuse" I look up

"Ya well it's a true one. Anyways, so the Indian grabbed me and he straddled me. He pinned my arms to the ground" she states

"Did he ever say anything to you?" I ask

"Ya. He said I stole the chief's wife's dress and killed some of his tribe members"

"Oh. Did you?" The image of her in a ragged blue dress, the first night she was here, flashes through my mind

"I stole the dress as you know. But I didn't kill any of his tribe members. My dad did. That asshole probably blamed it on me so he could stay in the clear" she scoffs with a roll of her blue eyes

"Oh.. I sometimes forget your dad is a leader of his own clan. Where's your mom?" I ask out of curiosity

At that moment I knew I touched a sensitive spot after her face falls

"She died when I was 14. Back when everyone lived in the City, before the Separation. She was murdered" she says quietly and diverts her eyes away from mine

I feel my heart drop and my body freeze "I'm sorry" I say honestly

She sniffles and uses her good arm to wipe her nose "It's fine. It's in the past anyways it doesn't matter"

But it matters to me.

I stare at her "I'm sorry I got mad at you yesterday" I say sincerely

She shakes her head "No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you that kind of question randomly. I just felt as if maybe I could comfort you because I know how it feels..to lose a parent" she swallows

I don't know why but I suddenly grab Taylor's hand in the silence

She turns her head giving me her attention

"You said you wanted to know all about me" I say changing the subject

She stares at me before nodding silently

I smile "Then ask me anything you want angel."


I am so sorry if this chapter sucks. I am currently working on my length and depth with this story. But on the bright side, next chapter you'll get to learn some background stuff on Taylor and Karlie. Hope you're somewhat excited. Will update Friday or Saturday. I really hope you have a good day/night. Tootles! (I hate that word so much)
- Rachel :)

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