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Karlie's pov:

I'm looking for a safe place to sleep tonight. And I honestly don't know if I'll ever find one. It's an hour until dark, and with no success of finding Taylor, I have to find somewhere safe to stay other than home. I'm almost scared I won't ever find my angel. She's definitely further than I thought, and I still have no trace of her in hand. I don't know what I'm going to do. All I can do is search but I'm already close to giving up and it's only been one day. Should I let her go? Should I let her run? Maybe I should. But who's going to protect her? Who's going to love her like me? Who's going to wrap her hands up? Who's going to take care of her scars that still decorate her stomach and back? I close my eyes making a tear run down my cheek. Maybe we're just not meant to be.

Bear releases a firm bark snapping me out of my deep thoughts

"What is it boy?" I take out my knife just in case

He scurries off and I follow. I notice he's brought me to a cave and I smile "Good boy" I scratch his head affectionately and rewardingly. I take out my flashlight and click it on. The cave doesn't run very deep. It's more like a den. I crawl into it as my wolves follow behind me. "You guys hungry?" I ask as if they'll respond

They just stare at me as they lay on each side of me

I have my back against the cave wall as I dig into my backpack to find them some more meat. Or maybe I should just do the dog food? I sigh. I don't know how much longer I'll be searching for Taylor. If it's not much longer than I'll give them the meat. But I'm afraid I'll end up regretting that. I guess I'll just give them the dog food. I bring out two foldable dog bowls and set them down in front of them. I give them each two handfuls of kibble with drinks from my water bottle. A sandwich is what I decide on eating. It'd go bad if I didn't eat it tonight anyways. After we're all done eating I bring out a blanket and lay it out. I lay in the middle with Bear on one side and Shadow on the other. My thoughts start to drift as I try to sleep. Is Taylor ok? Where is she? Is she wondering about me too? Is she alone? I just hope she's safe. "Where are you Taylor?" I whisper sadly.

Taylor's pov:

I'm alone now. Harry left an hour ago. We didn't talk a whole lot after the adopting a kids conversation. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just that I think he's a bit jealous over the fact that I'm with Karlie and not him. Jealous that I want a kid with Karlie and not him. But that's just something he'll have to live with. Besides, doesn't he like Cara? Anyways, I know I'm getting close to Ruby's but I am yet to spot her house. I admit I'm becoming a bit frightened as it gets darker. I don't feel as safe when no one is with me, especially Karlie. I look down at my feet as I start to think of my girlfriend. My god I bet she hates me now. Should I even go back? I shrug to myself then look back up. I smile when I see a familiar tree. It's a Weeping Willow tree. There's not many out here, but I only know one person who plants them and that's Ruby. She always told me about how she liked gardening but never let anyone else know. She was afraid they'd make fun of her. Just then, I notice a chimney in the distance but I can't make out a house through the willow trees since they hang so low. But I mean, it's surrounded by those kinds of trees so it has to be her place. I pick up my pace after I notice dark clouds rolling in from behind me. If Karlie is searching for me, I hope she's ok. I hope she's safe.

Karlie's pov:

I start to shiver at the cold wind that blows into this already cold cave. And not to mention, the rain blowing in also. Thunder crashes as I reach for my bag. I pull out a jacket and rush to bring it over my body. It's actually Taylor's. I originally brought it for her if I found her. I breathe in the scent that smells of Taylor. It's so sweet, yet strong at the same time. The jacket must've been wrapped up with that white t-shirt of hers. Shadow whimpers next to me at the sound of thunder and I frown "Shh. It's ok buddy" I begin to rub the soft, gray fur on his back "It's ok" I say softly

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