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Karlie's pov:

I wake up to pattering paws and loud barking. I sit up and I notice Shadow circling the bed as if I am his prey. I groan in annoyance "What is it?"

He jumps onto the bed and curls up next to me. That's when I notice Taylor's absense. I pull the sheets off of my body and trail throughout the house. I search in every room but still can't find her.

"Taylor!" I yell after opening the front door

I run around back searching for my girlfriend but have no success

"Dammit not again!" I rake my hands through my hair in frustration. I run back into the house and that's when I notice that some things are missing. I feel my heart breaking as I rush to our bedroom and start to gather things into a small backpack. I suddenly notice a picture frame face down on Taylor's nightstand. I don't hesitate to pick it up. I realize it used to hold the picture of me kissing her soft cheek when we went on our first and only date. She had a huge smile plastered on her face I remember as I imagine the Polaroid picture in my mind. I toss the frame onto the unmade bed and grab my bag to take into the kitchen where I can grab packaged food. And even some of Taylor's chocolate chip cookies. I go over a list in my head making sure I haven't missed anything. Then I remember, her shirt from last night. I run to the bedroom one last time to grab the white tshirt discarded on the floor. I then trail outside, with my wolves right behind me. I bend down to let Bear and Shadow sniff the shirt made out of cotton in my hands "Find Taylor" I command to them both and point to the forest of trees. They're like darts when they dash into the woods. I follow behind them with Taylor's shirt clutched to my chest, shamelessly letting my nose take in her sweet smell that still lingers on the soft cotton.


Taylor's pov:

The loud chirping of birds is what wakes me from my sleep. I glance around me to make sure there's no danger below before I drop out of this tree. I untie the secure rope around my waist that kept me from falling when I fell asleep. I pull it so it unravels from the large tree trunk. My bag is hooked on a branch and I quickly reach for it. I'm not too far from Karlie's and I don't want her to find me. My rope now lays in my backpack and I slowly descend down the tree, careful not to fall. Climbing up was difficult as I still have dry blood on my fingers. I'm very high up and the best injury I could get is a broken ankle. I release my grip on the very last branch and land on my feet. Before continuing my journey to God knows where, I grab an apple from my bag and munch on it as I walk. I can tell it's not even 8 o'clock by the height and dim brightness of the sun. But the woods are very much alive. I hear all kinds of chirping and the wind blowing the leaves on the trees, the squirrels scampering to their safety in the trees when they hear my footsteps. My hiking boots crunch the leaves and sticks below my feet loudly

I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know where I'm going. All I know, is that I'm running from my girlfriend. I'm running from the problem I caused. The war happens in a few weeks and I may not be there. Selfish I know. But Karlie said that once, and since she said it, I believe it. When I get bored of my own thoughts I stare at my half eaten apple. It's very red. Cara always gave Karlie the best ones cause that's just how much she loves her. But Cara doesn't fail to mention how much she loves me too. The sun peeks through a split in the tall trees making my apple shine. The redness glistens and I stop in my tracks. I turn it side to side. It's just like a ruby. I then look ahead. I look all around me. There's no sign of anything. I'm alone.


"Class stay together! I will not say it again! If I catch you running off I'm sending all of you back to your cabins!" Mr. Williams shouts loudly for all of us Juniors to hear

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